Serious question for the Republicans.......

The republican party has done more damage to the United States in the last 30 years than al queda and isis could dream of.

Sure...good thing the Democrats put a chicken in every pot and helped the minorities out of their situation and led Appalachia to a new beginning. Oh wait...that pipe dream never worked.

I don't vote for Democrats but I won't equated them with an enemy of the USA.
The republican party has done more damage to the United States in the last 30 years than al queda and isis could dream of.

^^^This is the kind of ignorance "moderates" end up aligning with in many cases.^^^

Remember this, "moderates", the next time you feel like whining about a "tea-bagger" alienating you.
^^^This is the kind of ignorance "moderates" end up aligning with in many cases.^^^

Remember this, "moderates", the next time you feel like whining about a "tea-bagger" alienating you.

Oh so the Republicans have been great for this country the last 30 years
What was your point? That you simply repeat, as fact, what a liberal media outlets writes, while also trying to suggest they are not influential and "entertainment" only? You talk out of both sides of your ass. You are contradicting yourself.

MODERATES RUN THE GOP. Lets remember...... Romney (who was as moderate as a republican can get) WON the moderate/ independent vote during the last Pres. election and still got crushed. Face it. Tea baggers don't run the party. There is nothing truly "conservative" about the GOP leadership in Washington DC (which is why conservatives didn't turn out and vote for Romney). Moderates may talk about obstruction........but Obummer has gotten everything he has really wanted thanks to moderates running the party. If the GOP spent more time focused on winning and less time giving up positions based on mythical moderate strategies that actually lose elections (like Romney and McCain) by caving on most issues; they may actually win.

Blaming Tea baggers is a lazy excuse for being loser moderates. Lets remember what created the "Tea Party"............FISCAL Conservatives. Fought Fed Reserve bailouts, Fought Tax Increases, Fought Debt Increases (which keep happening--thank you moderates). Fought increased Govt wasteful spending. Tea party was not created due to social issues which moderates now use as an excuse for their wishy-washy performance. The media has happily painted that myth (which gullible "moderate" types, such as yourself seem to suck up and regurgitate). It further confuses those that pay little attention to much other than what the "entertaining" media tells them.

Blah, Blah, Blah.......You sure are a sensitive Tea Bagger.

You say a whole lot, without saying anything........Captain Obvious!

Without Moderates the GOP will NEVER win a National Election. Fortunately the leaders within the party know that. (Mostly)

Like anything in life, if all you read or watch is one side of the story, sure that makes it influential. I'm not afraid to watch or read them all and decide for myself.
Truly a serious question......

Are Cruz, Jindal, and Huckabee actually speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference? Also rumored that Carson RSVP'd too.

Conference is organized by Kevin Swanson.....Have you read some of his stuff?

Can this possibly be a good thing for the Republican Party? If this is true, what's next? Speak at a KU Klux Klan Rally??
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Truly a serious question......

Are Cruz, Jindal, and Huckabee actually speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference? Also rumored that Carson RSVP'd too.

Conference is organized by Kevin Swanson.....Have you read some of his stuff?

Can this possibly be a good thing for the Republican Party? If this is true, what's next? Speak at a KU Klux Klan Rally??

That is already done, Have you seen what has been going on at Trump's rallys??

Also Bobby Jindal and Mike Huckabee both need to drop out of the race
Truly a serious question......

Are Cruz, Jindal, and Huckabee actually speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference? Also rumored that Carson RSVP'd too.

Conference is organized by Kevin Swanson.....Have you read some of his stuff?

So a politician is going to go perform a stump speech at an organization that some people have a disagreement with???????? NEWSFLASH.....Moderates with their panties in a wad, and feeling alienated......again.....ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

How many times have we seen Dems campaigning in a church from it's pulpit on Sunday morning? Or known them to sit in congregations and been members of churches affiliated with ministers like Rev Wright?? What's next....the black panthers membership??? (hint: politicians all do the same thing to get votes...get over it) Generally, I am not too worried about candidates speaking at various places that I don't fully agree with. Its there get votes from all groups.

I am actually a fiscal conservative, socially liberal republican. If that makes me a tea bagger in your eyes so be it. Wondering what that makes "moderates" such as yourself? You haven't been around here long enough to see that I've actually taken heat from some of the social con types on here too. That still didn't make me question why (at least for now) the importance of being a part of the Repub party vs. Dem. So keep flailing away with your "blah, blah, blahs", and media produced "circus" cliché's. (You still haven't offered up a point to your original assertions in this thread)

"Moderate" policies (whatever that is exactly) and platforms lose elections as shown by the last 2 presidential efforts. Moderates are molded and manipulated by the media easier than my 6 year old daughters play dough. Moderates have little form or substance that endures the hint of slightest challenge to their "belief". Its why the Dems and media love to use them as pawns in all of the political fodder against other conservatives in the Repub party. Unfortunately the GOP "leadership" uses them to, in order to keep their (already 'moderate") role in place.

How many times have we seen Dems campaigning in a church from it's pulpit on Sunday morning? Or known them to sit in congregations and been members of churches affiliated with ministers like Rev Wright?? What's next....the black panthers membership??? (hint: politicians all do the same thing to get votes...get over it) Generally, I am not too worried about candidates speaking at various places that I don't fully agree with. Its there get votes from all groups.

Comments like that don't make you Socially Liberal, they make you Socially ignorant.......Cruz and the others don't need to attend this event to get these wingnuts' votes.
So a politician is going to go perform a stump speech at an organization that some people have a disagreement with???????? NEWSFLASH.....Moderates with their panties in a wad, and feeling alienated......again.....ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

How many times have we seen Dems campaigning in a church from it's pulpit on Sunday morning? Or known them to sit in congregations and been members of churches affiliated with ministers like Rev Wright?? What's next....the black panthers membership??? (hint: politicians all do the same thing to get votes...get over it) Generally, I am not too worried about candidates speaking at various places that I don't fully agree with. Its there get votes from all groups.

I am actually a fiscal conservative, socially liberal republican. If that makes me a tea bagger in your eyes so be it. Wondering what that makes "moderates" such as yourself? You haven't been around here long enough to see that I've actually taken heat from some of the social con types on here too. That still didn't make me question why (at least for now) the importance of being a part of the Repub party vs. Dem. So keep flailing away with your "blah, blah, blahs", and media produced "circus" cliché's. (You still haven't offered up a point to your original assertions in this thread)

"Moderate" policies (whatever that is exactly) and platforms lose elections as shown by the last 2 presidential efforts. Moderates are molded and manipulated by the media easier than my 6 year old daughters play dough. Moderates have little form or substance that endures the hint of slightest challenge to their "belief". Its why the Dems and media love to use them as pawns in all of the political fodder against other conservatives in the Repub party. Unfortunately the GOP "leadership" uses them to, in order to keep their (already 'moderate") role in place.


Honestly what is wrong with what Rev. Wright said??? He preached a lot of truths about our foreign policy over the decades
(You still haven't offered up a point to your original assertions in this thread)

And what exactly were my assertions?

That Tea Baggers are alienating a significant portion of their own party? Or that a small minority of Tea Bag members are responsible for gridlock in the House?
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How many times have we seen Dems campaigning in a church from it's pulpit on Sunday morning? Or known them to sit in congregations and been members of churches affiliated with ministers like Rev Wright?? What's next....the black panthers membership??? (hint: politicians all do the same thing to get votes...get over it) Generally, I am not too worried about candidates speaking at various places that I don't fully agree with. Its there get votes from all groups.

Comments like that don't make you Socially Liberal, they make you Socially ignorant.......Cruz and the others don't need to attend this event to get these wingnuts' votes.

You keep cutting out my other comments within my post that gave this paragraph above full context within the discussion. You are proving as intelligently dishonest as Greed or Fever. These aren't the social issues (religious) that mean a hill of shit when it comes to actually governing after getting elected......(is the point)....... Hillary, Obama, Democrats et al, don't need to go speak to their wingnuts in some of these places either to get votes........but they still do it. THEY ALL DO IT.

You keep trying to find excuses to dislike republican candidates across the board. If you spent half as much energy disliking Dem candidates (while claiming to be a "republican"), more election wins would be easy and you would get more of what you (supposedly) want from a candidate.

My socially liberal stances deal more with gay marriage/rights, certain racial issues, abortion etc. What are you going to assume next?? Frankly, I would consider myself more of a libertarian....but since they don't seem to exist as a political party, not much left to evaluate. I am used to not getting everything I want in a politician. Complaining about where they buy their socks and shoes or who they pray to really doesn't impact me greatly in my decision process. No matter what fearful rhetoric the media tries to expand, no modern day president is going to eliminate abortion or take away who marries who at this point. Its a non issue.
My whole thing is this,

Don't say "In God we trust" in this nation but still allow or even stand for Gay Marriage
You keep cutting out my other comments within my post that gave this paragraph above full context within the discussion. You are proving as intelligently dishonest as Greed or Fever. These aren't the social issues (religious) that mean a hill of shit when it comes to actually governing after getting elected......(is the point)....... Hillary, Obama, Democrats et al, don't need to go speak to their wingnuts in some of these places either to get votes........but they still do it. THEY ALL DO IT.

You keep trying to find excuses to dislike republican candidates across the board. If you spent half as much energy disliking Dem candidates (while claiming to be a "republican"), more election wins would be easy and you would get more of what you (supposedly) want from a candidate.

My socially liberal stances deal more with gay marriage/rights, certain racial issues, abortion etc. What are you going to assume next?? Frankly, I would consider myself more of a libertarian....but since they don't seem to exist as a political party, not much left to evaluate. I am used to not getting everything I want in a politician. Complaining about where they buy their socks and shoes or who they pray to really doesn't impact me greatly in my decision process. No matter what fearful rhetoric the media tries to expand, no modern day president is going to eliminate abortion or take away who marries who at this point. Its a non issue.

It means something to me that a candidate for President would choose to speak at a conference organized by a "Pastor" who supports the death penalty for being Gay. I just don't get why they would choose to speak at this conference.

And isn't this whole ordeal about deciding who to vote for???? So yes, I'm using everything I can gather about the candidates to determine who I'll vote for next year.

I don't need to do that in regards to a Democrat candidate.....They already did that for me. As I've said in other threads, that's the best they could do? Neither Bernie the Socialist or Queen Clinton are getting my vote. Now, if they are running against Trump or Carson, I might have to reassess or hope for a 3rd Party Candidate.

We're in the same boat in regards to social issues and probably closer than you think economically. I just hold these SOBs to a higher standard.....Why shouldn't I???

Hell.....Lets actually discuss something that's important.....How about the candidates Tax Plans or Foreign Policy???
" Neither Bernie the Socialist or Queen Clinton are getting my vote."

If you think Bernie is a garden variety "socialist", maybe you need to do some reassessing.
It means something to me that a candidate for President would choose to speak at a conference organized by a "Pastor" who supports the death penalty for being Gay. I just don't get why they would choose to speak at this conference.

Until they actually appear at this conference, and I can read what they actually say in their speech at this conference, I will withhold my overall judgment. Part of "leading" requires going into places where not everyone shares your ideas and/or beliefs 100%, and speaking about what you may/may not believe in. Suggesting one should stay away is a bit cowardice IMO.

Does anyone actually believe Huckabee wants a death sentence for a gay man?? I may not agree 100% with Huckabee's religious convictions or support his candidacy, but I also know I've never seen or read where he has suggested this happen. I am sure Carson never refused operating on a GAY patient because of their "gayness". I just don't blindly assume "prejudice" of anyone until I read their words and philosophy. That's what the media and liberals generally do. Its lazy and ignorant.

Hell.....Lets actually discuss something that's important.....How about the candidates Tax Plans or Foreign Policy???

Cool. What/who do you like/agree with?
Cool. What/who do you like/agree with?

Looks like Cruz, Carson, Paul are all for a Flat Tax......Which every analysis I've read, says can't work. Each claim to want to abolish the IRS.......What might we do with those 80,000 jobs?

Trump, Bush, Rubio, Kasich, and Christie favor an adjusted graduated tax system....Similar to today but with of course lower rates. I haven't gotten to read a lot of analysis but what I have read, favors Christie's plan. Kasich probably has the most experience and I'd like to see/hear more about his plan.

All are proponents of Corporate Tax cuts..........Trump mentioned something about making the Corporate Tax merit based.

Before we start making promises about tax cuts (Which of course get votes) , I'd like to hear more about what they plan to cut first.

It's a lot to digest......Once the field thins, I'll certainly look a lot closer.

Foreign Policy and Immigration.....Certainly two more big issues.

I lean , get control of our borders and give those who are here a path to citizenship. Just can't see us deporting 10-11 million people.

Foreign Policy may be the most important issue......Doesn't necessarily have to be the candidates strongest suit but he better have great advisors lined up........I'm as worried as I have been in a long time that we are in the middle of a true sh!t storm in the Middle East. Somebody mentioned the other day, if ISIS truly wants a caliphate in the Middle East, don't they have to attack/invade Saudi Arabia?

How's that??? That's a lot to think about and a lot on these candidates plates.
Trump, Bush, Rubio, Kasich, and Christie favor an adjusted graduated tax system....Similar to today but with of course lower rates.

This seems more of the same to me. I believe for real tax reform to work, a more simplified version of filing is going to need to be created. Flat tax appears to do this. Definitely levels the playing field across all taxpayers while also lowering overall rates. Until everyone actually pays Fed Income Taxes (only the rich really do that now) and has skin in the game (no matter your income level) an honest discussion about taxes really wont occur between anyone in DC.

I do agree with Trump on eliminating the "Carried Interest" allowance for investment firms and hedge funds.

Abolishing the IRS simply isn't going to happen..(even if a Cruz would win). Its an imbedded largely inoperable cancerous tumor. (the same as obummercare). IRS definitely needs restructuring and reduced power. Unfortunately wiping out the Nazis again would be easier done.

I think all the GOP candidates comprehend the severity that continues to increase when it comes to Foreign Policy. For all of the wrong Bush may have done.......the Dems/Obummer/Hillary have created a much larger humanitarian crisis and increased risk of potential terrorist disaster by walking out over there. The human and financial costs of walking out the way we did will dwarf the original cost of War in Iraq long term. Short sighted European socialists who also demanded our exit from the middle east during and post Bush era will be crying for our return to leadership and assistance once again as they are beginning to be overrun by refugees crossing their borders. The Russians will also help to escalate the European calls for backup as they position for greater leverage of the regions oil reserves/supply.

Border security is essential. Whether its "beautiful walls" or fences, something has to be done at the border. Some level of deportation also has to be done to eliminate the worst behaving illegal immigrants that are here. A new way of registering and tracking immigrants in this country needs to be developed. Again, not getting a whole lot of quantifiable specifics from the candidates yet. Too many candidates on the stage and too few good questions from moderators more interested in mocking certain candidates that are there. I do give credit to Trump for bringing the topic to the forefront of the discussion. I may not agree with all his suggestions, but without this, a rubber stamp of amnesty to all who came in illegally would have almost immediately occurred.
I could also go on endlessly about reducing regulations on various industries in this country. I know some of the candidates are mentioning this, but it also seems to intentionally get lost in the circus, clown car rhetoric.

The people in this country who demand better paying jobs seem to also demand regulations that drive higher operating costs of businesses to the point of not operating here or shutting down altogether.
Yeah, it's going to be baby steps. That's why the Rubio/Christie etc plans are probably more workable. Fewer simplified tax brackets with more participants. Hard to believe 45% pay no Federal Tax. Going to need to see the actual cuts in discretionary spending. Carried interest has to be taxed at the proper rate.

Bush opened Pandora's box by going into Iraq. We had no business being there but once it was done, we needed to finish it.

Border security is a must. By path to citizenship, I mean for the immigrants who are here for the right reasons. Those with criminal records or break the law while working towards citizenship gotta go. My young daughter had a good idea for border security. She asked, "Why can't we just take all of the people on welfare and have them patrol the borders?" Probably be able to line them up shoulder to shoulder working 3 eight hour shifts.

Hoping for smaller number of participants in upcoming debates and more specifics. Hell I've actually enjoyed the "Kid's Table" Debates. Something to be said for having candidates that have no shot at winning telling it like it is. Although, based on today's polls, Kasich used some of that philosophy and got a pretty good jump.
Yeah, it's going to be baby steps. That's why the Rubio/Christie etc plans are probably more workable. Fewer simplified tax brackets with more participants. Hard to believe 45% pay no Federal Tax. Going to need to see the actual cuts in discretionary spending. Carried interest has to be taxed at the proper rate.

I've actually liked Rubio from very early on. Great communicator. Personally I wish he would have had a little more experience in the private sector or as someone in a more executive level leadership position....but I believe he still "gets it". His philosophy and vision for accomplishing certain things seems sound when he is allowed to articulate it.

Due to his upbringing he clearly understands the challenges of fixing immigration too.

Who knows?????? A lot of time left. Hard to tell how it shakes out in the end. I am just glad I have more than one old "you've paid your dues- your turn" man to consider when evaluating the GOP candidates this time around.
Here's my plan for dealing with illegals since we won't be able to deport them. Give them legal status. Don't let them vote. We do it with felons we can do it with the illegals. With all
That said we have got to do a better job with legal immigration.
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Here's my plan for dealing with illegals since we won't be able to deport them. Give them legal status. Don't let them vote. We do it with felons we can do it with the illegals. With all
That said we have got to do a better job with legal immigration.

I'd probably agree to prohibiting them from voting for say, 5 years. But if you're paying taxes here, working here, living here, then you should be able to vote.
I've actually liked Rubio from very early on. Great communicator. Personally I wish he would have had a little more experience in the private sector or as someone in a more executive level leadership position....but I believe he still "gets it". His philosophy and vision for accomplishing certain things seems sound when he is allowed to articulate it.

Due to his upbringing he clearly understands the challenges of fixing immigration too.

Who knows?????? A lot of time left. Hard to tell how it shakes out in the end. I am just glad I have more than one old "you've paid your dues- your turn" man to consider when evaluating the GOP candidates this time around.

If I had to vote today.....I think it would be Rubio.....As you said, long way to go but I like where he's at and agree with many of his stances. Experience is certainly a concern. I'd like to hear more from Kasich and Christie but apparently I'm one of the few. (3% in the latest poll)

My question today........What do people see in Carson? Is it just the nicer version of Trump/Anti-establishment? WSJ Poll today has him at 29% nationally.......50% of Republicans have as either their 1st or 2nd choice. I don't get it.......What does he support? What does he bring to the table? At least Trump has pushed some important issues to the fore-front......Trade, Immigration, debt, etc........Carson????
I'm open to immigrants earning the right to vote once they become citizens......I'm also open to felons (on a case by case basis) being able to earn back their right to vote.
I guess I could support a 10 year ban on on voting as long as they have no run ins with the law

I've been there......I guess I mis-worded that question. It's more , what does he plan to implement?

It's a good website for people not interested in getting any deeper in his opinions......Just click on his "read more" link......Not much there.

I just don't get it.......

Much prefer Rubio's site:

Or maybe that's the point......Carson just skims the surface.....Rubio goes much deeper but people stopped reading after sentence two........
Christie taking a nice jump in the polls post debate.

MSNBC did good piece last night on a speech Christie did recently regarding addiction.....The Huffington Post posted it to their Facebook page. It's already gotten 2.5 million views.........It is a powerful speech.
Maybe someone needs to tell Chris Christie he needs to get back to NJ and get on his job. They really hate that man up here and its not because he is a republican. You want to look at a corrupt politician who is in bed with the what is left of the Mob........Here you go
You want to look at a corrupt politician who is in bed with the what is left of the Mob........Here you go

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