Cool. What/who do you like/agree with?
Looks like Cruz, Carson, Paul are all for a Flat Tax......Which every analysis I've read, says can't work. Each claim to want to abolish the IRS.......What might we do with those 80,000 jobs?
Trump, Bush, Rubio, Kasich, and Christie favor an adjusted graduated tax system....Similar to today but with of course lower rates. I haven't gotten to read a lot of analysis but what I have read, favors Christie's plan. Kasich probably has the most experience and I'd like to see/hear more about his plan.
All are proponents of Corporate Tax cuts..........Trump mentioned something about making the Corporate Tax merit based.
Before we start making promises about tax cuts (Which of course get votes) , I'd like to hear more about what they plan to cut first.
It's a lot to digest......Once the field thins, I'll certainly look a lot closer.
Foreign Policy and Immigration.....Certainly two more big issues.
I lean , get control of our borders and give those who are here a path to citizenship. Just can't see us deporting 10-11 million people.
Foreign Policy may be the most important issue......Doesn't necessarily have to be the candidates strongest suit but he better have great advisors lined up........I'm as worried as I have been in a long time that we are in the middle of a true sh!t storm in the Middle East. Somebody mentioned the other day, if ISIS truly wants a caliphate in the Middle East, don't they have to attack/invade Saudi Arabia?
How's that??? That's a lot to think about and a lot on these candidates plates.