Should Doc make an attempt for WC?


Silver Buffalo
Jul 27, 2014
Not trying to make a "let's stick it to WVU" thread, or absolutely anything along those lines. With that said, should the coaching staff try and woo William Crest? He was a very highly regarded and recruited QB out of high school, and any more ammunition or arms on the roster should always be welcome.
If I read correctly, he was a RS Sophomore. That means that after transferring he would only get to play 1 year. I would guess he goes FCS
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with as many holes as we had this season i think we could easily find a spot for an FBS scholarship QB turned RB, turned WR, turned DB. even if he was a backup somewhere.

how do we not have room? seems we have let go 4 guys for every 1 guy we bring in for some time now...
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Program needs wholesale changes , national title game has been played and still nothing from either Holliday or Hamrick on what if any changes to the staff would / will be made or not made..guess they are both hoping everyone gets to involved in hoops and forgets about football until later in the year.

Unless I am mistaken ( might be) was something not said on here that Hamrick had stated nothing would be finalized or resolved until after the season was completely over for all ( ours was over before it began) schools inclusive of Bama and Clemson.