Slob Chuggins is about to be fired


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Jan 25, 2010
Evidently the upstanding citizen known as E. Gordon Gee isn't too happy with Slob's choice of words lol.

Gee himself is an admitted racist and religious bigot. He is also a liar. He will be sent to the sociology department for some woke nonsense and be declared rehabilitated by July. Probably donate $10K or so to some ridiculous charity.

Isn't it a sad commentary on our society that people are upset at his "prejudice" toward the second word in the slur, and not the first?
Going to be a tough few days for him. Hopefully he can weather the storm. But it’s going to be tough….unfortunately these days most enjoy running around touting the downfalls of others instead of improving themselves. A lot of glass houses out in the world today.
That’s nothing compared to a Rich Rodriguez practice session….. and everyone up in that ”place” loved him. Nothing will happen.
I love listening to all these USPAM fans take up for the slob! Every one I read, I ask the question, what they would be saying if A) it was a Marshall Coach. B) Any other coach would have something like that about them.
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WVU won't fire him. He's got too many boosters behind him.

I'd agree if he actually did something with the teams he's coached over the last few years.
They have taken a step backwards, given the expectations from fans and the caliber of coaching from Huggins.
It'll be harder for him to recruit in some areas, because now a rival head coach can paint the entire school as bigoted as both the president and basketball head coach have said, publicly, offensive things.

My question is, how could be so stupid to say that, regardless of how he personally thought, on a public radio show?
My question is, how could be so stupid to say that, regardless of how he personally thought, on a public radio show?
He’s an alcoholic. People will say and do all kind of inappropriate things when they are drunk.

To think that once they had two alcoholic coaches at the same time is pretty sad for them.
He'll probably drop out of public view for a while, miss a few stops on the WVU Coaches tour circuit, and quietly "hunker down" in his home out at Cheat Lake or perhaps at a gated community outside of town.

In the meantime, Gee will take over, becoming more active and visible, flitting around the State celebrating yet another WVU takeover of some hospital in southern, central, northern, eastern, West Virginia, extolling the grandiose "Flagship" up there in Morganhole and telling any and all dumb enough to listen just how very, very lucky the State and its 1.8 million or so citizens are that we have WVU gloriously leading the way to a bright and magnificent future. All the while Gee is mum about the numerous analytical studies still coming out indicating that in just about ALL of the quality of life factors in assessing where in the US people reside, West Virginia, guided by its wonderful and infallible "Flag Ship" University, comes in at Number 50, or "DEAD LAST"!!
I'm never offended by people saying stupid things, because if I had a microphone on me through the day I would probably be homeless and without a wife.🤣. But he needs fired for this, how can anyone let this stand? F WVU. And Huggie🤣🤣
What he said was stupid. Everyone can agree with that. And I know in this forum he is hated more. But step back for a minute and realize that he should not be fired over this. Its words. It's stupidity. We have all said stupid stuff in our lives at one point.

If DD said something like this (yeah ok I know he wouldn't so save that argument) then he shouldn't be fired either. I am so sick of the 5% of cancel culture snowflakes having the final say in what happens to someone in life. That is the bigger picture here.
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Kind of wild the highest paid state employee repeatedly drops f*g bombs on public media and gets 3 games.
I'm impressed by WVUs gall.
"Win for the state"
If there's any state in the union that needs a "win", it's WV.
Good for them.
Everything bad for WVU is good for WV, and v-v. WVU is one of the main reasons WV is last in everything. Since WVU uses sports to make people with no actual relationship to it think of it as "us" and not question its total lack of service to the state, every WVU loss in every sport is a win for the people of WV.
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I'd agree if he actually did something with the teams he's coached over the last few years.
They have taken a step backwards, given the expectations from fans and the caliber of coaching from Huggins.
It'll be harder for him to recruit in some areas, because now a rival head coach can paint the entire school as bigoted as both the president and basketball head coach have said, publicly, offensive things.

My question is, how could be so stupid to say that, regardless of how he personally thought, on a public radio show?
Agree but Huggs has never been too bright when it comes to the media. He may have been drunk when he said it as well.
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Ya think?

He is an alcoholic. He has not not been drunk for decades.

Never forget:

When the officer gets back into his cruiser he says something that indicates this is not the first time Huggins has been stopped for a D-U-I but it sounds as though in the past, officers did not press charges.

Huggins: "Sir?"

Officer: "You know we had you before. You know that? We took you home."

Huggins: "No sir."

Officer: "We took you home, remember that?"

Huggins: "No sir."
I am a Marshall fan. Don't really like WVU at all. Don't like Huggins really.

That being said, I would NOT have fired him. They stood behind their guy. Good for them.
Now let’s see……..who you think Bobby should go to get his sensitivities adjusted? Poll?

Adding this juicy morsel, from Bobby’s statement after the punishment was handed down:
"I am looking forward to working with WVU’s LGBTQ+ Center and other state organizations to learn more about the issues facing the community. As a leader, I am eager to use my platform to take what I learn and share it with a broader audience."

Hah! Can’t wait: Bob Huggins - LGBTQ%#*^ and drag Queen ambassador, into eternity……

p.s. it would be so rich if a trans woman (wanting to be a man) tried out for the team & Gee forced Huggy to add “him” to the roster!

Final thought: 1st road game with Bob back on the bench, and 300 dildos bounce all over the court - oh my!
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I am a Marshall fan. Don't really like WVU at all. Don't like Huggins really.

That being said, I would NOT have fired him. They stood behind their guy. Good for them.

It would be awesome if he got drunk and just went on a long rant about how much he hates wvu because he is all they will ever have in terms of success in a real sport. He just admits his god complex and tells everyone how much he hates the modernization of basketball because he can't coach it, then flips everyone the bird, probably publicly urinates on the colosseum, then takes his plane ticket with bags packed, and leaves.
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He’s an alcoholic. People will say and do all kind of inappropriate things when they are drunk.

To think that once they had two alcoholic coaches at the same time is pretty sad for them.
Yep, Ole Huggy has long since loved his libations. But word is his REAL downfall started when Dana H. introduced him to Jello Shooters!!!
Everything bad for WVU is good for WV, and v-v. WVU is one of the main reasons WV is last in everything. Since WVU uses sports to make people with no actual relationship to it think of it as "us" and not question its total lack of service to the state, every WVU loss in every sport is a win for the people of WV.
This comment is just as dumb as Huggins. But that doesn't surprise from coming from you. Your butthurt about WVU is stronger than your love for Marshall. You are exactly the kind of fan I can't stand. You are probably a balding fat slob that still lives in your moms basement thinking about the good times you had at the Union in 1996.

This has nothing to do with WVU or liking or hating them, it has to do with our state not giving in to cancel culture, which is a MUCH bigger issue than foam finger Sam's opinion about WVU sports.
You're really trying too hard.
Sit down Boomer before you hurt yourself.

I'd prefer the douchebag head coach to be sober. Huggins is a drunk.
What is this boomer stuff? Just because you still live in moms basement doesn’t make the rest of us Boomers. Being born in the ‘70s isn’t a boomer. Try harder.

You had a dumb take in another thread. I’m having some fun with you now.
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If that was Neal Brown he'd be gone. As well as Huff or DD or anyone currently employed by a university not named Bob Huggins.
This has nothing to do with "not giving in to cancel culture" and everything to do with boosters and potential loss of donated money. Man has allies who would not allow that exit for him.
Having him anywhere near this state is not a win.
Why? Because you dont like him? Being a drunk or a slob is one thing. Or having beef with how he treats Marshall. Those are all understandable things you dont like about it.

But in this case the issue is way bigger and we should support him not being fired for THIS reason. It sets another dangerous precedent.

If you want to fire him for being a bum, fine. But not for this.
If that was Neal Brown he'd be gone. As well as Huff or DD or anyone currently employed by a university not named Bob Huggins.
This has nothing to do with "not giving in to cancel culture" and everything to do with boosters and potential loss of donated money. Man has allies who would not allow that exit for him.
I agree those others would be gone. Thankfully it was Huggins so they can stand up to cancel culture. They should stand up for the others too if it were them, so lets set the precedent here with Huggins not being fired for words.

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