Saw a post on a political website which probably outlined how things will be. Down in the Carolinas the same company owns the paper in Raleigh, Durham, Charlotte, Columbia, Myrtle Beach, Rock Hill, and Hilton Head. And, leaving aside the actual local news and sports, the papers contain the same material. The UNC story in the Raleigh paper is the same as the UNC story in the Charlotte paper. The USC story is the same in Columbia and Charlotte and Myrtle Beach and so on. Same for the state news.
So in a year or so all the H-D is going to produce is coverage of Marshall and the local HSs, and Huntington/Cabell/Wayne politics, and otherwise it is just going to be a remix of the Gazette. The owner of the Clarksburg paper is in this deal too, and that will probably be the same as well.
So the state of serious media coverage of Marshall, sports and academics, come 2019, is going to be the H-D, WSAZ, WCHS/WVAH, the Kindred radio stations, and this website. Metronews, a Morgantown based outfit, makes a nominal effort with one part-time guy and really it would be better if they did not even try; and WOWK, at least under its previous management, is 100% anti-Marshall. Contrast that to just a few years ago when not only did you have the H-D, but two competing Charleston papers, several smaller papers in southern WV healthy enough to do some coverage, all three TV stations, and multiple radio shows in both Huntington and Charleston, all with different perspectives on things. It is important to have different perspectives on issues, including sports.