So what are they even trying to charge Trump with?

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
I am not attorney but, I probably could have went to Georgetown or Harvard if I would have really wanted to.

This deal makes no sense at all. Trump pays a woman to not talk about their filing. Ok, that happens with companies, CEO's, famous people, etc.

First of all the statue of limitations has passed.

Second, he didn't use campaign funds but the DA is trying to say that is a felony(also statute of limitations has passed) because he should have used campaign funds. But, that goes agains campaign finance laws set forth by congress. That is a fedreal matter and the feds have said they are not going to do anything and nothing there. This guy is a state DA and is trying to turn a misdeameanor that is not really one into a federal felony but try it in a state court? Plus, overturn federal campaign rules and laws?

Makes no sense to me. This thing should be tossed out.
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I'm not sure if there's a single person out there (outside of some fags) that hasn't paid off women to have sex with them. I've personally spent wads of cash on women over the years, albeit in the form of drinks, expensive dinners, shows, you name it. No sex if you don't spend some money on them. Might be able to get a casual blow job though.
Paying the hush money was probably legal. The way he accounted for it it was probably illegal, but that’s a misdemeanor. There would have to be some aspect of it that isn’t publicly known for this case to be a felony. Or some very creative legal gymnastics.
Paying the hush money was probably legal. The way he accounted for it it was probably illegal, but that’s a misdemeanor. There would have to be some aspect of it that isn’t publicly known for this case to be a felony. Or some very creative legal gymnastics.
Alvin Bragg dropped the ball on charging Trump with tax evasion and bank fraud. Crimes which Trump most certainly committed. The reason Bragg did that was because all these big developers do that shit, and he was about to make some real enemies if that was the path he went down as a prosecutor. This case is a make-up call, and I would go as far as to say it's bullshit.

It is worth noting that Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about getting his knob polished, which is just as low as what Bragg is doing.

I am much more interested in the Georgia case. We all heard the tape. You rubes can spin it any way you want to, but telling the GA SecState to "find" votes that were not there is not cool at all, and very specifically a felony in the state of Georgia. It's definitely a low-point in modern American political history, and Trump absolutely should be prosecuted for it, lest we become tolerant of such shenanigans, at which point we can just flush our entire system of government down the shitter.
Paying the hush money was probably legal. The way he accounted for it it was probably illegal, but that’s a misdemeanor. There would have to be some aspect of it that isn’t publicly known for this case to be a felony. Or some very creative legal gymnastics.
The deal is if it was a misdemeanor and it was even illegal the time has run out on it.

The way it was explained last night on some tv show was that the DA is saying he should have used campaign reporting but that would have gone against campaign laws. The feds didn't even go after it.
Alvin Bragg dropped the ball on charging Trump with tax evasion and bank fraud. Crimes which Trump most certainly committed. The reason Bragg did that was because all these big developers do that shit, and he was about to make some real enemies if that was the path he went down as a prosecutor. This case is a make-up call, and I would go as far as to say it's bullshit.

It is worth noting that Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about getting his knob polished, which is just as low as what Bragg is doing.

I am much more interested in the Georgia case. We all heard the tape. You rubes can spin it any way you want to, but telling the GA SecState to "find" votes that were not there is not cool at all, and very specifically a felony in the state of Georgia. It's definitely a low-point in modern American political history, and Trump absolutely should be prosecuted for it, lest we become tolerant of such shenanigans, at which point we can just flush our entire system of government down the shitter.

Ok let's prosecture Trump. Now let's go after Mush. For one he and anyone associated with him needs their security clearances revoked immediatatly for talking with the chinese and doing business with them. That will be the start.

Georgia won't prosecuter Trump, Kemp will pardon him first. Kemp wants to run for Senate and he won't piss the Trump base off.

Bragg, who is named after a Confederate General and should change his name, is stirring up a shit pot for nothing.
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I'm not recalling Biden soliciting election fraud when calling the GA SecState.

There are four states in which the governor does not have the power to pardon. I'll buy you a beer if you can guess one of them....
Time to expand executive authority!
I'm not recalling Biden soliciting election fraud when calling the GA SecState.

There are four states in which the governor does not have the power to pardon. I'll buy you a beer if you can guess one of them....
Georgia has a red legislature. Kemp might not have that power directly but he can certainly influence it.
Georgia has a red legislature. Kemp might not have that power directly but he can certainly influence it.
Pardons in GA, from what I’m reading, are only given 5 years after a sentence is complete. They don’t do the “pardon so you get released from prison” type of pardon.
Pardons in GA, from what I’m reading, are only given 5 years after a sentence is complete. They don’t do the “pardon so you get released from prison” type of pardon.
THey can never go after him either. Too many state officers would lose their seats if they did.
Kemp might not have that power directly but he can certainly influence it.
He appoints the Board of Pardons and Parole.

But you have to look at the flip side: Kemp handily won reelection without Trump backing him...he beat the dogshit out of David Perdue, whom Trump backed in the primary. Flat-out embarrassed him, 74-22. He gives zero shits about Trump backers, for good reason. Now, consider that smarter people in the GOP want Trump gone...and the political benefit of being the man to let that happen. No sir, if Trump was given the death penalty, Kemp would personally stick the needle in.
Well he tried to get a state to fabricate votes to overturn an election so there’s that.
But your side didn't care when dead people were voting in GA and people who were not even in the district but still on the books were voting. Oh wait, they were on your side.
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I am not attorney but, I probably could have went to Georgetown or Harvard if I would have really wanted to.

This deal makes no sense at all. Trump pays a woman to not talk about their filing. Ok, that happens with companies, CEO's, famous people, etc.

First of all the statue of limitations has passed.

Second, he didn't use campaign funds but the DA is trying to say that is a felony(also statute of limitations has passed) because he should have used campaign funds. But, that goes agains campaign finance laws set forth by congress. That is a fedreal matter and the feds have said they are not going to do anything and nothing there. This guy is a state DA and is trying to turn a misdeameanor that is not really one into a federal felony but try it in a state court? Plus, overturn federal campaign rules and laws?

Makes no sense to me. This thing should be tossed out.
Ask John Edwards.
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Ask John Edwards.
angry questioning GIF by South Park
For what? The feds already looked at it.
Translation: we are proceeding carefully, or whatever the hell Garland usually says.

Lots of people on liberal Twitter not happy with Garland. I'm of the mind that if you are going to stir up a shitstorm, it better be for something good...paying off a porn star is not on my list of good.
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as if anybody here's surprised you follow liberal twitter.
I also follow conservatives on Twitter. Cruz, MTG, that little slut from Colorado*, Gym Jordan, and some others.

But I mostly follow weather stuff. The politics is just for shits and giggles.

* She's got a nice rack, but she ain't got nothing on Sinema...I'd tongue her bunghole.
Paying the hush money was probably legal. The way he accounted for it it was probably illegal, but that’s a misdemeanor. There would have to be some aspect of it that isn’t publicly known for this case to be a felony. Or some very creative legal gymnastics.
Thank you Counselor!
I also follow conservatives on Twitter. Cruz, MTG, that little slut from Colorado*, Gym Jordan, and some others.

But I mostly follow weather stuff. The politics is just for shits and giggles.

* She's got a nice rack, but she ain't got nothing on Sinema...I'd tongue her bunghole.
Here you are
jizz in my pants GIF

Looking at this.

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I also follow conservatives on Twitter. Cruz, MTG, that little slut from Colorado*, Gym Jordan, and some others.

But I mostly follow weather stuff. The politics is just for shits and giggles.

* She's got a nice rack, but she ain't got nothing on Sinema...I'd tongue her bunghole.
I would like to bang Sinema
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A NDA is nothing for ultra wealthy people to sign or participate in. I'm surprised Rifle hasn't chimed in to disclose the NDAs he has signed. She even admitted lying about it for the money. Now we are indicting a person, a former President at that, for handling a personal matter with personal funds. Funny if not so sad.

Clown show! I just wonder if the ideologues will ever have their WTF moment and realize the guy they hate gave them what they wanted and the current installed President is destroying the country at light speed.

At some point do you ever admit you were indoctrinated or otherwise bamboozled?

Nah I guess the preference is go down with the sinking ship verses admitting you swallowed a lot of bull shit (and in Greeds case penis)
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