Thanks OBama. Jimmy Carter Part 2

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
The United States military does not currently have the ability to fight two major wars simultaneously, according to a new report, a significant reduction from the capacity enjoyed by defense officials for decades.

The Heritage Foundation's "2015 Index of U.S. Military Strength" concludes that the armed forces "would be ill-equipped to handle two, near-simultaneous major regional contingencies (MRC)." The two-MRC goal was largely attained during the Cold War, when U.S. forces engaged in a conflict every 15 to 20 years while maintaining ground forces in other regions to ensure stability and deter aggressors.



That strategy enables the U.S. military to defeat one adversary in a conflict while preventing another aggressor-seeking to take advantage of the United States' preoccupation with the first conflict-from defeating it in a separate theater.

But this strategy is no longer feasible, according to the report.

"The consistent decline in funding and the consequent shrinking of the force are putting it under significant pressure," the report said. "Essential maintenance is being deferred; fewer units (mostly the Navy's platforms and the Special Operations Forces community) are being cycled through operational deployments more often and for longer periods; and old equipment is being extended while programmed replacements are problematic."

"The cumulative effect of such factors has resulted in a U.S. military that is marginally able to meet the demands of defending America's vital national interests."

If current automatic budget cuts remain in place, nearly $1 trillion will be slashed from the Defense Department's funding in the next decade. Almost all of the service branches are already in "marginal" condition, according to the report.
It has always been a goal, nearly a mandate, for the US to be able to fight two major wars at one time.

This military is THIN right now. THIN.
I'm not an Obama fan at all, but maybe if we quit trying to be the world's police and getting involved in issues we don't belong in, we wouldn't be in this position?
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:

Originally posted by Jule Huffman is my real father:

Budget sequestration was signed into law by President Barack Obama.
Do you want me to start posting quotes from Republicans bragging about it, or would you prefer to not deflect only to end up looking foolish?
It was passed by Harry Reid's Senate and signed into law by President Barack Obama.

I mean, it was.
Well hell, time to start the copypasta, I guess.

Appearing on KHTE's "The Alice Stewart Show" Friday, Sen. John Boozman (R-AR) argued that sequestration is "actually working" and compared the agencies who are complaining about the spending reductions to spoiled children:
BOOZMAN: I really think the FAA and many of the other agencies are trying to figure out how they can make things as painful as possible to the public. And it reminds me of a spoiled brat kid. You take away some of his stuff and, you know, he starts screaming. They don't want want any cuts period. […]
I think that you have to have some kind of a spending cap in place. You know, you can knock sequestration or not knock it, but it's worked in the sense that hit has forced reduction in spending. And I've been here 11 years and this is the first time I've seen it in this manner, in the sense that it is something that's actually working.

Rep. Billy Long (R-Mo.) said this week that most people that he's spoken with in his district support the sequester and want to see more of these forced, across-the-board cuts to federal spending.
"The people that I've talked to seem to be doing well. In fact, when I got out in restaurants here in town, people come up to me. They want to see more sequestration, not less[/B]," he said, according to KOLR 10 television.

House Judiciary Chair Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) said sequestration is "a legitimate effort" to implement budget cuts in a Wednesday address to the Ripon Society:
[There are] a whole array of other issues including the profligate waste in all sectors of the government as the administration attempts to vilify sequestration, a legitimate effort to cut 2.5 percent of the entire federal budget or about 7-8 percent of domestic and defense discretionary spending.[/B]

p. Jim Jordan (R-OH) on Sunday said that House Republicans would refuse any deal to raise the debt ceiling and re-open the government if it included backtracking on the austerity fiscal policy known as sequestration.
"I don't think you're going to see House Republicans - I mean, we are best when we stay united on basic principles of less government, less spending, of keeping taxes low," he added. "You are going to see us united that we're not going to increase spending. The sequester has been one of the good things."
Since your into links. I found this one interesting.

"News reports continue to emphasize the devastating effects of sequestration on national security, but the numbers show otherwise. Defense accounts absorbed a modest 5.6 percent cut in 2013 and, through the use of its war budget as a loophole, almost entirely avoided cuts in 2014"

"The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 has already reduced the level of cuts slated for 2015, and with this week's release of President Obama's 2015 budget proposal, there is reason to believe the Pentagon will continue to avoid the lion's share of sequestration in the future. The president has asked for an additional $26 billion in 2015 for military spending as part of his budget request, relative to previously projected spending levels. He's also asking for an additional $115 billion in military spending for fiscal years 2016 through 2019. Finally, the Pentagon is likely to continue to use the war budget as a loophole to supplement its regular funding. In fact, recent news reports indicate that the Pentagon will continue to ask for a "war" budget even after troops have left Afghanistan."

"War funding" isnt a part of Sequestration
Well that is different than what the GOP likes to yell. I also have a ton of links where they realized they shouldn't have included defense. Which just proves the GOP leadership is a giant clusterfvck, as seen by this week's DHS funding negotiations between the House and Senate. They very well might not know their ass from a hole in the ground. Of course, Congress in general are same dipshits who refuse to cut stuff the Dept of Defense doesn't even want, yet shortchanges the actual troops.
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:
Tom Coburn hopes for MORE sequestration:

Chuck Grassley: "Sequestration is working!"

I have like eight zillion google pages of this stuff. I can go on. The point is, the GOP was PROUD of this deal. Best thing since sliced bread. I think they thought it would hang Obama, but then forgot the military budget was included. Whoops.
I agree with Coburn. Several financial condition we currently have are probably as great of a threat as any country
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:
Not really. Just stay out of the sandbox.

Russia isn't going to do shit. This Ukrainian mess is the most misunderstood national security issue of my lifetime.

Just keep an eye on John Chinaman.
Well, that sounds good. But the problem is what if? That's the way military plans work. Nobody ever thought the Japs could bomb Pearl Harbor either. Nobody thought planes would fly into buildings in New York.

We couldn't fight one major war right now, let alone two.
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:
Not really. Just stay out of the sandbox.
The problem with staying out of the sandbox is that eventually it gets so full of shit, you have the animals taking dumps outside the sandbox on other people's property. That is when you have to clean up a whole mess of shit, including the original sandbox.

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