The chickens are starting to come home to roost...


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 31, 2020
This is for you @Raoul Duke MU

Who could have ever seen this coming???😉

Certainly no one associated with the Uranium One deal...
From the article...

"Countries like Russia, China are playing the long game. They're acquiring resources all over the world."

Hmmm, where have we heard this before??? Maybe from a certain idiot, moron, partisan hack, etc.???

Hey @Chevy1 Where have you been?

I have long said about the Russian Collusion diversion China was in for the long play

The high cost of constructing nukes is a big deterrent. We don't necessarily plan and play for the long-term in the US...☹️

China plays the long game. We think 20 years is a "forever" war.

Meanwhile in Beijing the Chinese are plotting their next move in their long-range plan to supplant the US as the strongest economy and military in the world.

Big picture and big perspective. The Chinese see the long play and you see mean tweets.

China doesn't want a nuclear war. They have been playing the long game both economically and militarily.

Biden -
While VP or running for VP and later POTUS -
More "flexibility" with Medvedev
Uranium One deal
Actually bragging about Ukrainian influence
The "Big Guy"
Chinese energy deals for Biden

Uranium One??? Keystone Pipeline??? More flexibility after the election??? Net increase in

3. Hillary's Uranium One deal.

Did you conveniently forget about this?

From the article...

"Countries like Russia, China are playing the long game. They're acquiring resources all over the world."

Hmmm, where have we heard this before??? Maybe from a certain idiot, moron, partisan hack, etc.???

Hey @Chevy1 Where have you been?
The libs are more concerned about “Not my president”, “Resist”, trying to figure out if they have a penis or vagina, teaching kids to be gay, tanking our economy, and the fact that it’s about to be the warm time of year so we will call it a climate crisis. They don’t really care about real issues.
Plenty of friendlies with uranium (Australia, Canada), plus we have our own reserves, as the article mentions.

What timing to come here and read this, last night I was down the rabbit hole on the post-war uranium mining boom in Utah.

I just read Uranium One already sold a lot of their shit here, and only do like 5% of our output. So pretty much most things Trumpers get all conspiracy theory on.
Plenty of friendlies with uranium (Australia, Canada), plus we have our own reserves, as the article mentions.

What timing to come here and read this, last night I was down the rabbit hole on the post-war uranium mining boom in Utah.

I just read Uranium One already sold a lot of their shit here, and only do like 5% of our output. So pretty much most things Trumpers get all conspiracy theory on.
would we ever be allowed to mine it? With all the treehuggers in govt?
Plenty of friendlies with uranium (Australia, Canada),

Hmmm, am I confused or are you? Or are you just running cover for Hillary (again) in order to bash "Trumpsters"?

You keep saying we need to produce things here because it is national security, and also that the economy is as well, but you are ok with Ivan controlling 20% of US uranium production? Let's just look back at a few of your recent comments...

Why are we suddenly trying to bring production back to the US???

Because it is smart...that's national security.

We as a nation are very foolish, putting profits ahead of national security.

National security is not just having the ability to blow up shit.

If you believe industry is national security (and I do),

economy is national security.

National security has long been sold out for profit.

Plenty of friendlies with uranium (Australia, Canada),

I'd rather have the Uranium here, wouldn't you?
would we ever be allowed to mine it? With all the treehuggers in govt?
When push comes to shove, yes.
Ivan controlling 20% of US uranium production
Yet I just told you it's actually 5% of production. Which you probably already know, and are just being a dick, or trying to look cool with your quotes (at least you finally figured out how to do multiple quotes in one post, hurrah.) It was never 20% of all our uranium reserves (which would alarm the hell out of me), and as more permits have been issued (and following them selling some of their assets here) the number keeps dropping. And I am pretty sure we can seize their shit, just slip that into a round of sanctions and sell it to another company...tis the season for dirty pool against the Ruskies.
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When push comes to shove, yes.

Yet I just told you it's actually 5% of production. Which you probably already know, and are just being a dick, or trying to look cool with your quotes (at least you finally figured out how to do multiple quotes in one post, hurrah.) It was never 20% of all our uranium reserves (which would alarm the hell out of me), and as more permits have been issued (and following them selling some of their assets here) the number keeps dropping. And I am pretty sure we can seize their shit, just slip that into a round of sanctions and sell it to another company...tis the season for dirty pool against the Ruskies.
You think so? you think they would really mine it? I am not so sure.
My cynical reasoning: the government picks winners and losers, and nuclear power is positioned to be a winner as we fade out fossil fuels.. We are talking BIG MONEY and mega-corporations that are involved in that industry.
I live near a nuke plant. Like very near. They could expand it to two reactors but everytime is mentioned the enivormental whackos go nuts. Why? Because they would have to raise the lake level some for cooling. That disrupts the eco system. Yes, by raising the lake levela few inches or a foot. They threaten the lawsuits and 25 years of environmental studies. Never has happened. I just don't see it.
For @Raoul Duke MU

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You give them far more credit than I believe you should...
Shit man, it's an actual conservative/libertarian talking point. And a liberal one, they are still bitching about automobile travel getting the nod over train travel. Either both are wrong, or it's true. Or partially true, I'll give you that.

And I believe it is going to be VERY TRUE when it comes to energy. More below....
They threaten the lawsuits and 25 years of environmental studies. Never has happened. I just don't see it.
I foresee this whole switch away from fossils fuels being the equivalent of a new Manhattan Project. And the government did not give a fvck who they displaced or angered for that. Yes, I know it is not 1940, in a regulatory sense. But climate change is being spoke of with the same sense of urgency as beating the Japs and Nazis. I think within 10 years we will see major things getting done, regardless of party in power.
Shit man, it's an actual conservative/libertarian talking point. And a liberal one, they are still bitching about automobile travel getting the nod over train travel. Either both are wrong, or it's true. Or partially true, I'll give you that.

And I believe it is going to be VERY TRUE when it comes to energy. More below....

I foresee this whole switch away from fossils fuels being the equivalent of a new Manhattan Project. And the government did not give a fvck who they displaced or angered for that. Yes, I know it is not 1940, in a regulatory sense. But climate change is being spoke of with the same sense of urgency as beating the Japs and Nazis. I think within 10 years we will see major things getting done, regardless of party in power.
Maybe but there is also reality. Markets ans rhe consumers will have a big say. We focus on that ans our enemies do otherwise and we will ne in a big hurt. China is slowly taking us over economically ans logistically.

Thr green energy whackos don't look at it realistically. We are going to have to buy lithium and cobalt from bad actors just like oil. But wha they see in their mind is a clean car because they don't see oil and gas. It is just as bad in the long run.

It us going to create wars and bad people just the same, maybe worse. Ukriane is an example.
Shit man, it's an actual conservative/libertarian talking point. And a liberal one, they are still bitching about automobile travel getting the nod over train travel. Either both are wrong, or it's true. Or partially true, I'll give you that.

I agree with that but I'm just picking on the semantics of it. Government can pick who gets the monies, not necessarily the winners if you get my drift...

On a related note, what is your take on the meme about the uranium casks? I actually know nothing about it but was intrigued enough to post it.
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I agree with that but I'm just picking on the semantics of it. Government can pick who gets the monies, not necessarily the winners if you get my drift...

On a related note, what is your take on the meme about the uranium casks? I actually know nothing about it but was intrigued enough to post it.
I take it on face value, probably because I am not afraid of nuclear energy.
Maybe but there is also reality. Markets ans rhe consumers will have a big say. We focus on that ans our enemies do otherwise and we will ne in a big hurt. China is slowly taking us over economically ans logistically.
Upgrading the grid would be a HUGE boost for our economy.

This should all go hand in hand with isolating China. Let them have a market of shitholes.

I'm telling you, this Russia thing is a huge opportunity.
We are going to have to buy lithium and cobalt from bad actors just like oil. But wha they see in their mind is a clean car because they don't see oil and gas. It is just as bad in the long run.
Sometimes, yes.

And it will not be as bad for climate issues. You believe what you wish, but it IS real. Either way, we'll be dead before it's too shitty.
Is 2 million tons an accurate number?
I have no idea. Obviously you have zero vs a bunch in actual energy production. Then there is the issue of how much energy is used in mining and refining nuclear (refining takes a LOT of energy, there's a reason Oak Ridge was chosen) vs mining coal, and where that energy comes from....the latter being no issue if fossil fuels are 100% eliminated.

I don't really care about numbers here, to me it's just a no brainer in general.
Upgrading the grid would be a HUGE boost for our economy.

This should all go hand in hand with isolating China. Let them have a market of shitholes.

I'm telling you, this Russia thing is a huge opportunity.

Sometimes, yes.

And it will not be as bad for climate issues. You believe what you wish, but it IS real. Either way, we'll be dead before it's too shitty.
Tawain taking over Tawain and the world supply chain is logistics is very real too. Buying lithium and cobalt from them solves what?

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