The EIB Network is over

Kate Branson

Silver Buffalo
Dec 16, 2020
Just like The Price is Right and Jeopardy, the Rush Limbaugh Show is no good with these fill ins. We're stuck with Mark Kaye or whoever it is.

Sounds like he's got diarrhea all the time. Talks real fast like he has to hurry and get done so he can go unleash the runs. Makes me envious in a way, but it's not an enjoyable listening experience.

Rush Limbaugh was enjoyable because he had the right voice. Radio is all about the audio quality of the voice. So is anything on TV that has people talking. Voice quality is extremely difficult to find. Rush had it. These new idiots do not.

The content is irrelevant. It's all about the physical quality of what you're consuming. We're stuck consuming diarrhea with this.

Want to hear a great voice? There may only be one left. Tom Zalaski, WRFV TV, Green Bay, Wisconsin. It says he went to Marshall though. He has the right voice for TV and radio. These kids on there need to go sell popcorn or balloons.

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