The elephant in the room...Marshall basketball

3 jobs??? In my book, I call that a go-getter. And, if I'm not mistaken, I think it's the Loony, Lefty, Liberals
that want everybody to be on the public justify their welfare programs.

Don't forget I sell WorldVentures Club Membership as a side hustle, which I pretty much collect residual income from now since I signed up enough people.

So to recap for Raleigh

1 Full-time 9-5 Job
1 Part time night job 3 nights a week at a hotel
1 Part time weekend night warehouse job
And I sell WorldVentures Club Membership and thinking about adding HerbalLife to my side hustles.

Raleigh, what do you do in your life?
first I said, most people my age in NY work Multiple jobs or have a main job a few side hustles. Second I said hot Piece of Mexican ass. I wouldn't disrespect her by calling her Puerto Rican.

But what else of my live do you want to know about since my life lives rent free in your head

But you disrespect her by calling her a "Piece of ass"........Mexican, Puerto Rican or otherwise.
Love that "same opportunity " concept. The blacks in my educational past certainly had the same opportunity. The ones that took advantage have become ever bit as successful as me. The others just squandered their opportunities and became worthless welfare did a good number of the white losers. Looking back, the biggest, obvious difference seems to be good parenting.
Love that "same opportunity " concept. The blacks in my educational past certainly had the same opportunity. The ones that took advantage have become ever bit as successful as me. The others just squandered their opportunities and became worthless welfare did a good number of the white losers. Looking back, the biggest, obvious difference seems to be good parenting.

You are oblivious to reality if you believe everyone has the same opportunity.
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For once I agree with you. That was my point. Nobody handed me anything.

No, you're not agreeing with me. But since everybody has the same opportunity, then you sleeping in a cold room was simply a result of bad choices made by your dad.
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So all white parents are good parents, and all black parents are bad parents??

I know someone right now who is serving 20 years in Federal Prison for Drug trafficking and robberies and whose parents are Nurse Practioner and a Doctor

I know another person who is going for his PhD and both of his parents are known Crackheads around my town and have been on crack for as long as I can remember. Its not all about parenting
No, you're not agreeing with me. But since everybody has the same opportunity, then you sleeping in a cold room was simply a result of bad choices made by your dad.
look buttmunch he was twice the man you will ever be.Worked hard til he died and never took a penny from anyone. His economic position changed drastically after we all grew older due to promotions he got from making good decisions. Typical liberal idiot.Don't comment on a situation you know nothing about.
Yet, he had you sleeping in a cold room as a child. Did you even have food on the table every night??
I have learned in this thread that kids from Beverly Hills, North Shore LI, The Main Line in Suburban Philly all have the same oppurtunities as kids from Compton, Bed-Stuy Brooklyn, and North Philly.

The same quality of education, the same school facilities, and same school programs, the same quality of Teachers and Administrators
The black kids and the white kids that didn't make it had the same teachers, same books, same instructions, and heard the same lectures that I did. Please explain how their opportunities were different from mine
Sleeping in a cold room and food on the table are "parenting" issues...NOT opportunity differences
The black kids and the white kids that didn't make it had the same teachers, same books, same instructions, and heard the same lectures that I did. Please explain how their opportunities were different from mine

1 are a very small sample size. Everyone can say the same thing. It not just about you, last time I check social issues don't run through you
Sleeping in a cold room and food on the table are "parenting" issues...NOT opportunity differences

So, everyone has the same favorable conditions to attain the same living conditions as everyone else. No.
Don't forget I sell WorldVentures Club Membership as a side hustle, which I pretty much collect residual income from now since I signed up enough people.

So to recap for Raleigh

1 Full-time 9-5 Job
1 Part time night job 3 nights a week at a hotel
1 Part time weekend night warehouse job
And I sell WorldVentures Club Membership and thinking about adding HerbalLife to my side hustles.

Raleigh, what do you do in your life?

Have gone from an employee to business owner all before my 31st birthday. I have been my own boss for over 13 years now. Enjoy my life.

Be careful there Fever. A lot of these are "White Corporations" you are making rich. Maybe the brothas and sistas that are buying into these should be boycotting these pyramid schemes.
Or maybe these Pyramid schemes actually work and actually make people money, plus I don't mind the trips and vacations or transforming my body either
But you disrespect her by calling her a "Piece of ass"........Mexican, Puerto Rican or otherwise.

He didn't actually call her Mexican when this was originally offered up by him. He was insistent on her being Puerto Rican. Sounded more exotic to him during a discussion when Rifle was busting his balls about Fever's previous claims of a "new" (later admitting-- used) all cash Cadillac purchase.
Or maybe these Pyramid schemes actually work and actually make people money, plus I don't mind the trips and vacations or transforming my body either

Uhhhhhhh....all pyramid schemes work in the beginning. Thus the term....."Pyramid".

You must like making the "white corporations" rich. LMAO.
Please post where I called her a Puerto Rican, provide the proof or better yet, Ask Rifle to check his archives
Uhhhhhhh....all pyramid schemes work in the beginning. Thus the term....."Pyramid".

You must like making the "white corporations" rich. LMAO.

WorldVentures has worked out well for me the last 2 years where I don't have to sign a single person up and still collect checks in residual income every month
Just for the record, Fev, I also slept in an upstairs bedroom without heat, other than what little bit rose up from downstairs. Windows were always frosted over by morning, but we never made it into a non-opportunity issue. And, yes there were other families that had the same and some had worse conditions. It was never an issue and it was never used as a crutch.
Come on, Fev...I have a lot of respect for you due to you being very knowledgeable about "most things Marshall",
but your statement about all white parents being good parents and all black parents being bad parents is, by far, the most stupid-ass statement I've ever read on this board. Nobody had made a prior statement to that effect, so where did it come from
And, I know nothing of the schools on Long Island nor anywhere else in NY. I can only attest to the fact that all students at my school had the same opportunity of getting the same education. Those students, both blacks and whites, took varying advantages of the educational opportunities afforded them.some blacks and some whites became successful and productive adults. Others, both blacks and whites, squandered their opportunities and became bums. The overriding factor seems to be good or bad parents (role models).
Funny stuff about WorldVentures. Jeremy... Glad to hear that The Fev falls within the 20%...a minority that works FOR him at this time
Come on, Fev...I have a lot of respect for you due to you being very knowledgeable about "most things Marshall",
but your statement about all white parents being good parents and all black parents being bad parents is, by far, the most stupid-ass statement I've ever read on this board. Nobody had made a prior statement to that effect, so where did it come from

I guess you didn't sense the sarcasm in that statement
I sensed a much higher degree of inappropriateness of this comment in the context of our discussion than your feeble attempt at sarcasm.
Just for the record, Fev, I also slept in an upstairs bedroom without heat, other than what little bit rose up from downstairs. Windows were always frosted over by morning, but we never made it into a non-opportunity issue. And, yes there were other families that had the same and some had worse conditions. It was never an issue and it was never used as a crutch.

Now we have 2 sets of conservative parents who made their children sleep in cold bedrooms. If its a parenting issue, what did you do to deserve that punishment? If it wasn't a punishment, why were your parents making you sleep in a cold bedroom? We're they simply mean? Didn't realize the bedroom was cold?
Funny how this started out being an open-minded discussion about white kids playing basketball and ended up being about black and white kids sleeping in cold bedrooms... Hilarious

And, no Extra, it was not a punishment and my parents weren't mean. It was just a somewhat, way of growing up in rural WV in a period of hard times and low employment for unskilled parents. But, I had the SAME opportunities in life and particularly in getting an education as any kid in my area and school district.
In closing, to Fev and Extra ; I could tell you so many things about my childhood that you would both be using the N-word to describe me.
Funny how this started out being an open-minded discussion about white kids playing basketball and ended up being about black and white kids sleeping in cold bedrooms... Hilarious

And, no Extra, it was not a punishment and my parents weren't mean. It was just a somewhat, way of growing up in rural WV in a period of hard times and low employment for unskilled parents. But, I had the SAME opportunities in life and particularly in getting an education as any kid in my area and school district.

No. You did not have the SAME opportunities. No matter how many times you repeat that notion, it is simply not true.
In closing, to Fev and Extra ; I could tell you so many things about my childhood that you would both be using the N-word to describe me.

Trust me, I know what it means to struggle, I was born and raised in Chicago and didn't have a steady home till I was 13 when we moved to Brooklyn then finally Long Island. I don't need to call you anything either.

Growing up in a single family poor immigrant home is not easy at all.
Nobody said the road was the same. Two roads can lead to the same destination

When you state that everyone has the same opportunity, you are saying everyone's road is the Same. No one has the same time and set of circumstances as any other person.

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