Stop flattering yourself. You're simply receiving the benefit of Greed hijacking a thread, while he argues over the pettiest of things, just so he can be arguing with somebody . . . anybody. It's what he does.
You and two of your friends die and go to Heaven.
At the gates, St. Peter says, "Welcome to Heaven, guys. You all lived pretty good lives, so we're going to let you all in. We only have one rule in Heaven: don't step on any ducks.
Friend 1 thinks, "That must be a pretty easy rule to follow." Then the three of you walk through the gates and see that Heaven is wall to wall ducks. Friend 1 barely has time to appreciate that fact before he takes one step right onto a duck. That duck lets out a tremendous quack, which gets the rest of them quacking, and pretty soon Heaven is full of the sound of quacking ducks.
St. Peter appears with what has to be the ugliest woman in all of Heaven. He says, "Well, that didn't take long," as he chains the hideous woman to friend 1 FOR ALL ETERNITY.
Friend 2 thinks, "Wow, it sucks to be friend 1," as he takes a step... right into a duck. That duck quacks, they all start quacking, etc.
St. Peter appears with a woman who is, quite improbably, even uglier than the first. He says, "Well, you guys aren't too quick on the uptake," as he chains this new woman to friend 2 FOR ALL ETERNITY.
Having ample warning, you learn to watch your step. Weeks go by, and you don't step on any ducks. One day, St. Peter appears with a woman who is absolutely GORGEOUS. She's certainly the most attractive woman you've seen on Heaven or Earth. Without a word, St. Peter chains the two of you together and vanishes. You say, "Wow, what did I do to deserve this?"
The woman replies, "I don't know about you, but I stepped on a duck."