The good old days

Why don't YOU ask HIM about proof for HIS claim instead of asking me for mine?

I'll answer that for you. It's because you don't like my posts, and that's the totality of it. You've mentioned before that I'm the worst poster ever on this board.

Since you want proof of statements, then stop with the hypocrisy and prove this claim about me...."you're a lying piece of garbage and one of the worst human beings to ever post on this board."

That's a long-winded and mildly salty way of saying "I have no proof to back up my claims about Raoul".

I'll provide evidence that you're a lying piece of garbage after you provide proof that Raoul is currently an addict. It's the "I asked you first" rule.
That's a long-winded and mildly salty way of saying "I have no proof to back up my claims about Raoul".

Well, ask raoul if he take meds for his mental illness. He's already stated he does. After he answer "yes" to the question, then ask him what would happen if he quit taking those meds. If he answers "nothing", then ask him why he's still taking them. Those 2 honestly answered questions will prove he's an addict.

Then you can honor your following statement....

I'll provide evidence that you're a lying piece of garbage after you provide proof that Raoul is currently an addict.
Why don't YOU ask HIM about proof for HIS claim instead of asking me for mine?

I'll answer that for you. It's because you don't like my posts, and that's the totality of it. You've mentioned before that I'm the worst poster ever on this board.

Since you want proof of statements, then stop with the hypocrisy and prove this claim about me...."you're a lying piece of garbage and one of the worst human beings to ever post on this board."
FWIW, I don't believe you're the worst poster. The worst human? Yeah, perhaps. But not the worst poster. One of the top 5 worst posters? Yeah, definitely.
Well, ask raoul if he take meds for his mental illness. He's already stated he does. After he answer "yes" to the question, then ask him what would happen if he quit taking those meds. If he answers "nothing", then ask him why he's still taking them. Those 2 honestly answered questions will prove he's an addict.

Then you can honor your following statement....

Having me asking him questions does not constitute you providing proof.

I'm not going to do your job for you.
Having me asking him questions does not constitute you providing proof.

I'm not going to do your job for you.

That's a real lazy way of saying you don't want to have to honor your statement that you'd prove I'm a lying piece of garbage.
Damn, all this back & forth is nuts. I'll do the forum a favor and ask all the questions, and get back to you later this afternoon with the answers.


Are you insane, and do you take pills to curve your behavior?
If you stopped taking pills, would that drive you to shoot up a church?
Are you an addict?


Are you a lying piece of shit?
Are you the worst poster on the board?


Are you gay, or do you have gay tendencies after you drink?

I think that covers it all. Need answers by 4 today.
on your 1999 emachine computer

This is an underappreciated slam.

Anyway...I went to the zoo and saw a baguette in one of the cages. The zookeeper said it was bread in captivity.

*Trying to see if a simple joke thread can go three pages.
Anyway...I went to the zoo and saw a baguette in one of the cages. The zookeeper said it was bread in captivity.

*Trying to see if a simple joke thread can go three pages.
Stop flattering yourself. You're simply receiving the benefit of Greed hijacking a thread, while he argues over the pettiest of things, just so he can be arguing with somebody . . . anybody. It's what he does.
Stop flattering yourself. You're simply receiving the benefit of Greed hijacking a thread, while he argues over the pettiest of things, just so he can be arguing with somebody . . . anybody. It's what he does.

You and two of your friends die and go to Heaven.

At the gates, St. Peter says, "Welcome to Heaven, guys. You all lived pretty good lives, so we're going to let you all in. We only have one rule in Heaven: don't step on any ducks.

Friend 1 thinks, "That must be a pretty easy rule to follow." Then the three of you walk through the gates and see that Heaven is wall to wall ducks. Friend 1 barely has time to appreciate that fact before he takes one step right onto a duck. That duck lets out a tremendous quack, which gets the rest of them quacking, and pretty soon Heaven is full of the sound of quacking ducks.

St. Peter appears with what has to be the ugliest woman in all of Heaven. He says, "Well, that didn't take long," as he chains the hideous woman to friend 1 FOR ALL ETERNITY.

Friend 2 thinks, "Wow, it sucks to be friend 1," as he takes a step... right into a duck. That duck quacks, they all start quacking, etc.

St. Peter appears with a woman who is, quite improbably, even uglier than the first. He says, "Well, you guys aren't too quick on the uptake," as he chains this new woman to friend 2 FOR ALL ETERNITY.

Having ample warning, you learn to watch your step. Weeks go by, and you don't step on any ducks. One day, St. Peter appears with a woman who is absolutely GORGEOUS. She's certainly the most attractive woman you've seen on Heaven or Earth. Without a word, St. Peter chains the two of you together and vanishes. You say, "Wow, what did I do to deserve this?"

The woman replies, "I don't know about you, but I stepped on a duck."
Stop flattering yourself. You're simply receiving the benefit of Greed hijacking a thread, while he argues over the pettiest of things, just so he can be arguing with somebody . . . anybody. It's what he does.

That is implied with the last sentence of the post.

No^^^^^that's not petty.

If 3/4ths of this board was progressive, you guys wouldn't last a week here.
Are you insane, and do you take pills to curve your behavior?

Far from it. I had a depression disorder. My main symptom was a case of "Don't give a fvck about anything", mixed in with occasional thoughts that life was useless. I should say "have", as technically I have it, but I find this particular treatment successful for me, regardless of what the great scientist L Ron Hubbard has taught EG. I take the lowest dose available.

If you stopped taking pills, would that drive you to shoot up a church?

Absolutely not. The thought of mass killing makes absolutely zero sense to me. Besides religious extremism and other radical political philosophies, I don't even know how in the fvck someone thinks to do such things.

Are you an addict?

That's silly. If I had a good reason to no longer take a SSRI I would (say, if my cardiologist said it was bad for my heart)*. I have been without a prescription for a week before, and had some mild "brain zaps", which basically feel like your brain is sloshing around in your skull a little, with a mild "zap" quality to it. It went away in three days. I was not "dope sick", shaking, seeing pink elephants, or any such shit. I got up, went to work, and did my thing as I always do. I'd equate it to a mild hangover sort of thing.

On a side note, this medicine makes me able to fvck for an hour without blowing my load. If your wife would like my number, tell her to PM me.

*Depression is a risk factor for heart disease. Some studies have shown SSRI's to slightly decrease the risk of heart attack in patients with heart disease. Studies have show zero increase in risk of heart attack. I had a discussion about this with my first cardiologist.
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Anyway...I went to the zoo and saw a baguette in one of the cages. The zookeeper said it was bread in captivity.

*Trying to see if a simple joke thread can go three pages.

This joke reminds me of something that happened this past weekend (not really, but I need some kind of intro for my joke...)

My neighbors and I were texting about who all was already hanging lights on the outside of our homes for Christmas. I admitted that I had gotten a head start and mine were all done.

One of my neighbors text, "oh, so I missed seeing you on a ladder?" (they know I don't like heights).

I replied, "yes, you did...actually, I grew up with a stepladder. I never knew my real one."

#dadjokes #youstartedit #whydoesFANturnGayAfterAfewBeers?
Far from it. I had a depression disorder. My main symptom was a case of "Don't give a fvck about anything", mixed in with occasional thoughts that life was useless. I should say "have", as technically I have it, but I find this particular treatment successful for me, regardless of what the great scientist L Ron Hubbard has taught EG. I take the lowest dose available.

Absolutely not. The thought of mass killing makes absolutely zero sense to me. Besides religious extremism and other radical political philosophies, I don't even know how in the fvck someone thinks to do such things.

That's silly. If I had a good reason to no longer take a SSRI I would (say, if my cardiologist said it was bad for my heart)*. I have been without a prescription for a week before, and had some mild "brain zaps", which basically feel like your brain is sloshing around in your skull a little, with a mild "zap" quality to it. It went away in three days. I was not "dope sick", shaking, seeing pink elephants, or any such shit. I got up, went to work, and did my thing as I always do. I'd equate it to a mild hangover sort of thing.

On a side note, this medicine makes me able to fvck for an hour without blowing my load. If your wife would like my number, tell her to PM me.

*Depression is a risk factor for heart disease. Some studies have shown SSRI's to slightly decrease the risk of heart attack in patients with heart disease. Studies have show zero increase in risk of heart attack. I had a discussion about this with my first cardiologist.

Wait... so you're not an addict?

Someone said you were... they couldn't have been lying, could they?

No^^^^^that's not petty.

If 3/4ths of this board was progressive, you guys wouldn't last a week here.
If 3/4ths of this board was progressive this thread would be exactly the same. Most people, regardless of politics, would agree that you’re a POS for shaming someone for taking medication to treat mental health issues.
Wait... so you're not an addict?

Someone said you were... they couldn't have been lying, could they?


He's an addict with a mental disease. He admitted he had withdrawal symptoms. He's been taking the meds for years. What more do you want for proof, d.t.'s?
If 3/4ths of this board was progressive this thread would be exactly the same. Most people, regardless of politics, would agree that you’re a POS for shaming someone for taking medication to treat mental health issues.

Where were you when they tell me I can't be a scientologist and a Christian at the same time? When they claim I'm a homosexual and a tranny? When they claim I pray to xenu? Or maybe even POS? But here you are drawing arbitrary lines. bravo
Where were you when they tell me I can't be a scientologist and a Christian at the same time? When they claim I'm a homosexual and a tranny? When they claim I pray to xenu? Or maybe even POS? But here you are drawing arbitrary lines. bravo
I didn't know about the tranny part.
He's an addict with a mental disease. He admitted he had withdrawal symptoms. He's been taking the meds for years. What more do you want for proof, d.t.'s?

You drink caffeine? I had worse withdrawals when I stopped slamming a Polar Pop of Diet Coke at 8 in the morning.

Face it, you are an asshole that belongs to a cult that makes a significant amount of money convincing people with mild despression to get on the cans and then dump more money down a never ending toilet of bullshit. Because of this, you are a rube that denies medical answers to what your cult provides. An asshole swindled out of your money by even bigger assholes. God bless America, where you are free to piss your cash away to a cult.

And that's the real reason you act like a cocksucker to me...I am here to remind you that when you felt depressed and looked for help, you got swindled. No one could be as miserable as you without some underlying issues. To save face you spout your bullshit about being a Christian Scientologist.
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Where were you when they tell me I can't be a scientologist and a Christian at the same time? When they claim I'm a homosexual and a tranny? When they claim I pray to xenu? Or maybe even POS? But here you are drawing arbitrary lines. bravo

I've never called you a fag or a tranny. But you are nuttier than squirrel shit if you think Scientology and Christianity jibe.
But you are nuttier than squirrel shit if you think Scientology and Christianity jibe.

No one said they jibe. I stated that you can be a Christian and a scientologist at the same time because scientology is not a BELIEF system. You just don't have the mental ability to understand that.
No one said they jibe. I stated that you can be a Christian and a scientologist at the same time because scientology is not a BELIEF system. You just don't have the mental ability to understand that.

You're just a goddamn rube from Wayne County that fell for their bullshit...but I'm the one lacking mental ability.

You are one dumb SOB.