The Herp

Y.A.G Si Ye Nots

Platinum Buffalo
Mar 7, 2010
Home Wrecker
A few nights ago, I took a girl to a concert. It was my first night out with her. After, we made it back to her place. After she began servicing me, she stopped, looked me in the eyes, and said "I have to tell you something."

At this point, a million things started racing through my mind - Was she born a dude? Does she have a deadly allergy to jizz in her mouth? Did she just want to tell me that I have the nicest crank she has ever seen? Whatever it was, it better be pretty damn important to stop mid corkscrew-technique to tell me.

After what seemed like an eternity of an introduction and explanation, she told me: "I have herpes." Fvvvvvvvvvvck.

She went on to explain that she doesn't take medicine for it now because she isn't sexually active, but if I wanted her to, she would start . . . blah, blah, blah. She said that doctors have told her that while on Valtrex, it limits the ability for it to be passed onto a partner for all except for about a 35 hour period in a month (no idea if this is true). She claimed that she dated a guy for over a year, had regular unprotected sex while she was taking medicine for it, and he never received it. Even without medicine, she said there is only something visible (a handful of red bumps) one or two times a year for about a week each.

Now, what's my point of the story? Off the top of my head, this is at least the third girl who has volunteered this info. The first one was a stripper in DC, who I wasn't going to crush either way. The second one was a girl whose grandfather had a place about a mile down the beach from me. She, along with her best friend, would visit the grandfather twice a year for a week at a time. The first couple of visits, she was clean. Then, on one visit while starting to hook up, she told me that she had caught it . . . so it was all hands and mouth from there. The girl a few nights ago was the third one.

I feel guilty being disgusted by it. I know that anywhere from 17% - 25% of U.S. adults have it. And it was extremely awkward having my hands all over her T&A all night while avoiding the rest of her like the plague. But at the same time, I think it's really cool that all three were kind enough to tell me such an embarrassing thing. Since you really can't tell unless somebody is having a break-out (or is it a flare-up?), I can only imagine that more than those three have had it, so being up front to me about it is pretty cool.
Why worry about it? Like shark attacks, it will never happen to you.

BTW, did you happen to catch the story and pics on the Instagram model that got attacked by a nurse shark while swimming with them? Her boyfriend was taking shots of her for IG when one clamped on.
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BTW, did you happen to catch the story and pics on the Instagram model that got attacked by a nurse shark while swimming with them? Her boyfriend was taking shots of her for IG when one clamped on.

First, this face ain't no type of model, Instagram or not:


'06 gets worse brushburns on his knees when giving BJs than this girl got from a shark kiss:


Yeah, she looks to be in major trouble after that attack:


In all seriousness, sharks don't like us. We aren't appetizing to them. That is why there are only 6 deaths from sharks per year. That is why people like this girl swim with tons of sharks every day in the water and only 80-some people get kissed like she did. If you look at the majority of those bites, they will look exactly like this one.

They just don't like us. They either bite to see what we are out of curiosity or mistake us for food, at which point, they let us go when they realize we aren't their preferred meal.

Does that mean I am going to swim in open waters with a dozen great whites? Of course not. But sharks are a very, very overrated predator of humans.
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I know all that, just thought it was timely jab given the thread the other day. Could have done us a favor and bit her on the face. Would probably look better after reconstruction.
Not once, not twice, but three different times...

Sounds like a trend. I'm guessing since it happens so often with you, it's a sure sign that the girls are disappointed in your package, and that's the go to excuse these days for not wasting their time with you.
Classy girls! I guess i just assumed he could do a little better than that
To his credit in the OP he said he didn’t know something...but murox hung a curve there for me so I had to swing.
You know you can get genital herpes from a blowjob, right?

The chances of getting type 2 herpes (genital herpes) from a BJ is about as likely as you getting beat by girls in a sport you spend hours practicing each day . . . oh, wait, forget that analogy.

Yes, you can, but the chances are extremely slim for numerous reasons. If a girl (or '06) has a cold sore (example of type 1 herpes) when giving a blow job, that doesn't magically make it type 2 herpes if it is transferred to the genitals. She has to have type 2 in the mouth, which is very rare, and transfer it that way.

To his credit in the OP he said he didn’t know something...but murox hung a curve there for me so I had to swing.

Nice cover. You and the minions who liked your post were about to get blasted for that.

I’m sure rifLSAT has had plenty other brushes with the herp before now.

Pathetic effort and even worse execution.
The chances of getting type 2 herpes (genital herpes) from a BJ is about as likely as you getting beat by girls in a sport you spend hours practicing each day . . . oh, wait, forget that analogy.

Yes, you can, but the chances are extremely slim for numerous reasons. If a girl (or '06) has a cold sore (example of type 1 herpes) when giving a blow job, that doesn't magically make it type 2 herpes if it is transferred to the genitals. She has to have type 2 in the mouth, which is very rare, and transfer it that way.

Nice cover. You and the minions who liked your post were about to get blasted for that.

Pathetic effort and even worse execution.

I thought rifLSAT was pretty funny. You're obviously not rifMCAT, because you have no idea what you're talking about here. While HSV 2 may be rare orally, HSV 1 is not, and it can be transmitted to your genitals.
I thought rifLSAT was pretty funny. You're obviously not rifMCAT, because you have no idea what you're talking about here. While HSV 2 may be rare orally, HSV 1 is not, and it can be transmitted to your genitals.

Jesus Christ, now it is your turn.

Please read my fvcking post again. I clearly said it is unlikely to get TYPE 2 from a BJ. I reiterated it by saying that it is rare to have type 2 in the mouth.

Hell, your own post was about getting GENITAL herpes from getting a BJ. That's why I specified how rare that is and repeated it more than once.

I never claimed that it is rare for type 1 to be in the mouth (that's why it is commonly referred to as "oral herpes"). Your claim that I am wrong because type 1 can be transmitted to your genitals is entirely different from your original argument ("genital herpes from a blowjob") and was nothing that I discussed.

There is nothing more annoying than people claiming somebody is wrong based on something they didn't even say.

Edit: FVCK! In fact I even pointed out that simply having type 1 and giving a blowjob doesn't magically make it type 2 if transmitted to the genitals. I made that point because your argument dealt only with genital herpes.

Jesus, it has to be the wvu education at this point.
Jesus Christ, now it is your turn.

Please read my fvcking post again. I clearly said it is unlikely to get TYPE 2 from a BJ. I reiterated it by saying that it is rare to have type 2 in the mouth.

Hell, your own post was about getting GENITAL herpes from getting a BJ. That's why I specified how rare that is and repeated it more than once.

I never claimed that it is rare for type 1 to be in the mouth (that's why it is commonly referred to as "oral herpes"). Your claim that I am wrong because type 1 can be transmitted to your genitals is entirely different from your original argument ("genital herpes from a blowjob") and was nothing that I discussed.

There is nothing more annoying than people claiming somebody is wrong based on something they didn't even say.

Edit: FVCK! In fact I even pointed out that simply having type 1 and giving a blowjob doesn't magically make it type 2 if transmitted to the genitals. I made that point because your argument dealt only with genital herpes.

Jesus, it has to be the wvu education at this point.

I understand you're frustrated. You don't seem to comprehend that genital herpes can be either type 1 or 2. Going back to my original post, watch out for blowjobs 'cause you can get the herp that way just as easily. I'm not sure what you're even arguing at this point.
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To clarify, no one even mentioned the type until you brought it up. I simply said you can get herpes from a blowjob. You being who you are, you had to argue that statement of fact. If you read your original post, you clearly seemed to believe that only type 2 herpes could be transmitted to the genitals, which is wrong. I couldn't care less, actually. I've managed to make it to this point without getting it, which is a miracle.
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I simply said you can get herpes from a blowjob.

Wrong! You said "You know you can get genital herpes from a blowjob, right?"

Genital herpes is the common name used for type 2 herpes. As I said, it is extremely rare to get type 2 (also commonly referred to as "genital herpes") from a blowjob.

It is far more likely to get type 1 herpes from blowjobs than getting type 2 from blowjobs (as the receiver).

Both of those statements are exactly what I said in my previous post to you. What you don't understand is that type 2 is commonly referred to as "genital herpes" while type 1 is commonly referred to as "oral herpes." So your use of "genital herpes" which caused this issue is sloppy at best, ignorant on the topic at worst.
. Genital herpes can be either HSV 1 or 2.

And that has never been in dispute. This isn't a case of being wrong. It is a case of you not knowing that type 2 is routinely referred to as "genital herpes," so when you made that comment initially, it was misleading. Then, of course, you later claimed to make a statement which was different than what you actually said which muddied your argument even more.
SHe said rifle I have something to tell you. What baby? Keep going, not now. Ok, sweetie.

SHe said rifle I have something to tell you. What baby? Keep going, not now. Ok, sweetie.

Damn, you even got the right shade. The last two girls I've socialized with over the last week were mixed or black. They are two of the three girls below. One of those two is the infected one. The third is an accomplished actress whom I recently Skyped with but didn't get naked . . . yet.

Girl #1:




Girl #2:




Girl #3:



Damn, you even got the right shade. The last two girls I've socialized with over the last week were mixed or black. They are two of the three girls below. One of those two is the infected one. The third is an accomplished actress whom I recently Skyped with but didn't get naked . . . yet.

Girl #1:




Girl #2:




Girl #3:




My guess is #1 is the infected girl who's going to make your dick fall off if you keep fvcking with her.