you were in the bible? hmph, mary wasn't a virgin after all . . .Mary rode an ass named greed to Bethlehem
you were in the bible? hmph, mary wasn't a virgin after all . . .Mary rode an ass named greed to Bethlehem
Let me guess. You saw a 60 minute documentary on A&E and now consider yourself an expert on this. I will guess you are referring to ancient accounts like Enuma Elish and The Epic of Gilgamesh. A popular theory, proposed by liberal "scholars," said that the Hebrews "borrowed" from the Babylonians, but no conclusive proof has ever been offered. The differences, including religious, ethical, and sheer quantity of details, make it unlikely that the Biblical account was dependent on any extant source from the Sumerian or Babylonian traditions.The fact that there are accounts of the flood and creation that exist outside of the biblical revelation only show that there are common heritages that date back to the Tower of Babel. It was here that God confounded the languages and humans were dispersed. The further the Summerian and Babylonian accounts were distanced from the original accounts the further they veered from the true account.Oh, entertain us, moron.
Some of the most basic of Biblical stories and beliefs were stolen from earlier religions. The Great Flood? Yeah, not only was the story stolen, but even the details (man being warned by a god about it, told to build a boat, the dimensions, etc.) were as well. Garden of Eden? Hell, even the names are almost identical from an earlier religion. The devil, angels/demons? Yep, stolen. The Ten Commandments? Yep, the idea AND many of the same commandments were stolen. The concept of heaven and hell? Stolen. Holy trinity? The same. The story of a virgin mother having a baby? Stolen.