The whole trial deal in New York is a crock of shit.

I see there's things your mother never told you....

My mother abandoned us. She never told us anything, to be honest.

That said, we have reconciled. She lives in New York and planning to get out.

And to play squirtgunarm2's game, there are, not "there's"....😉
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When you go register to vote (placed on the voter rolls, as hillbillies might say), where do you do that? Is it at the federal building, or the county courthouse? Or maybe that federal DMV lol. Who maintains voter registrations? What do you mean for federal elections, did you fill out a separate registration for federal races? You think two sets of voter registration books are kept for federal vs state/local elections? My God, you really are a moron.

I am a proponent of the Constitution. Perhaps you can dig up Bob Byrd's corpse, dig out his pocket copy, and check out Article 1, Section 4.

By imbeciles, including one who thinks there are two separate sets of voter registrations for federal and state/local elections.

Yeah... I really think there are two sets of voter rolls... You truly are deranged from your TDS to the degree that but Trump and calling people names are your only defenses...

It's really kind of sad that you so adamantly think that you are the only intelligent being here...

The point being is local fraud affects national elections. We consistently see that in urban areas but evidently you are ok with that since they vote your way.
The point being is local fraud affects national elections.
The point is, if your local rolls are a mess, vote accordingly for the county clerk (or whoever handles it where you live) and state SOS. It's not a federal matter.

Now, I can tell you why local registrations are often a mess, with dead people and people who have moved still on there: it's a manpower issue. You've got these little courthouse staffs having to deal with a lot of other important shit plus elections. They only really worry about elections for, you know, election time. We could hire some dedicated people to go through that, but that's just more patronage jobs (being real here). Perhaps we should just check ID's and then go with the purple finger, like we did with the Iraqis.
Cat's mother drank a lot...why else would she sleep with me?

Maybe this???

  • Haha
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Cat's mother drank a lot...why else would she sleep with me?

To see what it's like to make love with nothing at all.

She did drink a lot. I'm starting to think there is some validity to you sleeping with her.

It truly is a good movie.
Of course you loved it. I heard you gave it a standing ovation when Forrest explained to a black woman that his name came from a relative, one who started the KKK.

You also love that he was given credit for stopping the Watergate break-in (it was actually done by a black security guard), that he helped break segregation, and that he taught Elvis his moves (which were stolen from black artists).

The only significant black actor in the movie was portrayed as a character dumber than Forrest. That actor was also forced to wear a prosthetic lip to make his lip bigger. I bet you loved that part.

And the Black Panther meeting scene where the stereotypical angry black man is shown and then ignored? You were in tears laughing.
Of course you loved it. I heard you gave it a standing ovation when Forrest explained to a black woman that his name came from a relative, one who started the KKK.

You also love that he was given credit for stopping the Watergate break-in (it was actually done by a black security guard), that he helped break segregation, and that he taught Elvis his moves (which were stolen from black artists).

The only significant black actor in the movie was portrayed as a character dumber than Forrest. That actor was also forced to wear a prosthetic lip to make his lip bigger. I bet you loved that part.

And the Black Panther meeting scene where the stereotypical angry black man is shown and then ignored? You were in tears laughing.

Too busy to read your novel, but yeah. I really liked the movie. What of it?
No, but I do recall wondering how the hell they were making that book into a PG-13 movie.

Fun fact: I have never seen the movie.

Pat Buchanan liked it. Maybe you should watch it. Might put you into a "right" mind...
Eight sentences was too challenging for you. A whopping five more than in your post.

Stick to Dr. Seuss books.

Too challenging? Nah...Just boring. You're boring. 5 more sentences? Significant.

Stop being boring.
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@Raoul Duke MU

Everyone needs goals. Maybe you should strive to emulate Bill Maher...

But you both suffer from TDS...
Why can't it be both? Both the far left and far right are filled with bigots.

And since when do conservatives like Maher? Will you next find a video of Obama saying something you agree with?
When you go register to vote (placed on the voter rolls, as hillbillies might say), where do you do that? Is it at the federal building, or the county courthouse? Or maybe that federal DMV lol. Who maintains voter registrations? What do you mean for federal elections, did you fill out a separate registration for federal races? You think two sets of voter registration books are kept for federal vs state/local elections? My God, you really are a moron.

I am a proponent of the Constitution. Perhaps you can dig up Bob Byrd's corpse, dig out his pocket copy, and check out Article 1, Section 4.

By imbeciles, including one who thinks there are two separate sets of voter registrations for federal and state/local elections.
There are other ways to rig elections. Our govt does it all the time. Oh but, wait, nobody would ever do that here, would they?
Why can't it be both? Both the far left and far right are filled with bigots.

And since when do conservatives like Maher? Will you next find a video of Obama saying something you agree with?
If you don’t know why Maher gets posted on this board, you don’t know which frequent poster is being agitated…