This all started the day Biden was put in Office

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Don't make excuses. Don't deny it. Then, he killed the pipeline. Remmber energy futures when that happened? You were warned. Then, he killed driiling on all public lands. Yes, he did. It does no good to have a lease when you can't get a permit. Facts.

Joe Bide is a weak and mentally challenged person. Look at him and listen. Our enemies know it. The vultures know it.

Then, came the pure debacle in Afghantistan. No excuse for it. The military knows it. Most sane people know it. God bless the men and women who had to go through it and we remember those who died needlesly because of it. Be thinking of our men and women who serve now because they know their leaders are weak and incompetent.

Now, here we are. In one year's time.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is going to get worse. Food, gas, inflation, everything you do or buy is going up. OUr enemies know it. Businesses know it. Everybody knows it.

Hang on
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he killed driiling on all public lands. Yes, he did.
You're an idiot and liar.

"the (Biden) administration approved more than 3,500 oil and gas drilling permits in its first year, nearly 900 more than the Trump administration did in its first year
Joe Bide is a weak and mentally challenged person
You're an idiot and liar.
Then, came the pure debacle in Afghantistan. No excuse for it. The military knows it. Most sane people know it. God bless the men and women who had to go through it and we remember those who died neddlesly because of it. Be thinking of our men and women who serve now because they know their leaders we weak and incompetent,
Describing the 20 years spent in Afghanistan and the 7 years in Iraq, both wars started by a republican and ended by a democrat. oath breaker.
If only Trump wouldn't have masked up and shut down, but collectively we're pathetic as hell for being so dependent on some figurehead president.
"the (Biden) administration approved more than 3,500 oil and gas drilling permits in its first year, nearly 900 more than the Trump administration did in its first year
This is a fact. Here's an environmental group bitching about it:

Welcome to the New Hyperpartisan America, where being a centrist pleases no one. Either ban it all or drill or it, no room for anything else! Of course, there would still be liars claming otherwise.
Has production increased? If not, why?
"Oil and gas companies do not want to drill more," said Pavel Molchanov, an analyst at Raymond James. "They are under pressure from the financial community to pay more dividends, to do more share buybacks instead of the proverbial 'drill baby drill,' which is the way they would have done things 10 years ago. Corporate strategy has fundamentally changed."
But perhaps it is starting to change...thanks Biden?

HOUSTON — Executives at some of the world’s biggest oil and gas producers said on Monday they are ramping up their crude production as U.S. gasoline prices surge to $4 a gallon amid expectations that President Joe Biden and Congress would ban imports of Russian petroleum — but the companies warned not to expect new supplies overnight.
Biden said he was going to take out fossil fuel. Why do you all keep making excuses?

Look at the world around you and what is going on.
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Let’s address two claims heard about American natural gas and oil production amid the ongoing Russia-Ukraine crisis.

The first, by some members of the Biden administration, including White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday, is that American oil and natural gas producers are sitting on hundreds of unused federal leases and thus do not need access to more. The second, by some industry opponents, is that ramping up U.S. production will not help the Ukrainian people today.

Psaki has made the claim about “unused” federal leases before. It has become a line the White House pivots to when pressed to explain why it isn’t doing more to support American oil and gas production – with soaring demand putting upward pressure on prices and with much of Europe at the mercy of its top energy provider, Russia. Key facts about federal leases:

  • The law already requires companies to either produce oil and/or gas on leases or return the leases to the government – the so-called “use it or lose it” provision – generally in the first 10 years.
  • When a company acquires a lease, it makes a significant financial investment at the beginning of the lease in the form of a non-refundable bonus bid and pays additional rent until and unless it begins producing.
  • For federal onshore, the Mineral Leasing Act prevents any one company from locking up unproductive excessive federal acreage.
  • Developing a lease takes years and substantial effort to determine whether the underlying geology holds commercial quantities of oil and/or gas. The lengthy process to develop them from a lease often is extended by administrative and legal challenges at every step along the way.
The argument about “unused” leases is a red herring, a smokescreen for energy policies that have had a hamstringing effect on the world’s leading producer of natural gas and oil. It suggests American producers have been motivated by a desire to manipulate the market during the current crisis in Europe. This is false. American oil and gas producers are able and willing to do their part to support American energy leadership, including providing energy that can help allies abroad.

Ultimately, energy policies affect the energy investment climate. Specifically, they impact the ability of producers – typically accountable to shareholders – to take the risks involved in spending billions of dollars to find and develop oil and gas. Mischaracterizing the way federal leases work does not help foster new investment and risk-taking.

Now, for the second claim, about the usefulness of American energy to Ukraine. Technically, there’s some truth there because, indeed, increasing American oil and gas production will not help Ukraine today. The time for helping Ukraine with American energy was months ago. Then, Biden administration support for robust U.S. production might have helped deter Moscow from thinking that European nations dependent on Russian energy might do less to oppose Russia the aggressor.

Instead, the administration discouraged American energy. For more than a year it has halted new federal leasing – key to future energy investment and production. It canceled energy infrastructure, blocked development in parts of Alaska, entertained new taxes to punish the U.S. energy industry and chilled future investment by signaling that oil and gas wouldn’t be part of America’s future energy mix. All last summer, the administration called on OPEC+, the oil cartel, to increase its production more rapidly in the face of rising energy costs, bypassing American producers.

The current situation is a reminder that American energy abundance requires foresight and planning, investment and policy support. This is the path to sound energy policy that keeps America safe and strong and allows American energy to support allies.

Now is the time for the administration to fully get behind American oil and natural gas. President Biden strongly encouraged made-in-the-USA production during his State of the Union address this week – but omitted home-grown oil and gas. American-made oil and gas are the leading energy sources running the U.S. economy and, when exported, provide significant support for economies around the world. With Russian tanks encircling Kyiv and Russian artillery pounding Ukrainian civilians, the importance of American energy could hardly be clearer.

U.S. liquified natural gas exports are critical for today and tomorrow, because access to trustworthy energy helps nations address multiple challenges. API President and CEO Mike Sommers, in an op-ed on

Long-term, America is by far the best-prepared nation to help Europe and others meet energy needs amid international turmoil, while furthering our shared energy security and decarbonization goals.
As Sommers noted in a recent blog, the administration should provide clarity on federal leasing and permit energy infrastructure. Most importantly, it should complete work on a long-term plan for offshore oil and gas development, to replace the one that expires this summer. More from the Sommers piece in Fortune:

While it’s unclear what lies ahead as Russia invades Ukraine, we know one thing for sure: American energy is a positive force in difficult times, helping to provide stability and security for allies abroad. … This is what we mean by “American energy leadership”: using abundant American energy as a positive influence that benefits America’s friends. This is exactly what the world’s leading producer of natural gas and oil should do, especially in times of turbulence.
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It is amazing the people in high ranking govt offices that have no idea how the private sector and investment work. Buttgeg is one. Dude has no idea at all about transportation or supply chains. Mush, lifer in govt. The Energy Secretary, another laughing woman nimrod dingbat, has no idea about energy. Harris? laughing hyena that was good at spreading her legs and sucking Montel and Will Brown. She has no damn clue about anything. Literally nothing in the real world.
Anybody still deny that one reason Putin went into Ukraine was because of Biden's weakness and mental state?
Putin's actions are driving this. Nothing more. Nothing less. Thanks Putin?
Perhaps Tucker Carlson will thank Putin. Hell, Rand Paul can fly over again to tell him in person.

use it or lose it
This is the title of a Motley Crue song, and one lyric has a link to current politics. And all of your post is plagerized. I know, I know, FiNd ThE sAuCe YeRsElF RaOuL.
Perhaps Tucker Carlson will thank Putin. Hell, Rand Paul can fly over again to tell him in person.

This is the title of a Motley Crue song, and one lyric has a link to current politics. And all of your post is plagerized. I know, I know, FiNd ThE sAuCe YeRsElF RaOuL.
More RWNJs???
I'd call Tucker a borderline fascist. Rand is just a nut.


Your post, you didn't write that. You also gave no citation. Thus, no one knows you copypasta'd an oil lobbying group.

And the Crue, "Use It or Lose It" references Margaret Trudeau, Justin Trudeau's mother. Seriously. Although it makes no sense (not a surpise, as the Crue were coked out of their minds), as the song previously talks about famous people who died youngish, then names her to rhyme with Marilyn Monroe. Now, Margaret was most definetly a "gypsy", a hippie, very scandelous (she was 18 and nearly 30 years younger than Pierre when they met), and quite a slut (she fvcked Ronnie Wood and MIck Jagger, Jack Nicholson, and a bunch of other famous men), but she's not dead lol.
How many years and how much money does it take to get from lease to permit to operation? If you have leadership that has the stated goal of ending the fossil fuel industry, would you invest that time and money in a new venture or one where you can get stupid levels of government grants to pay for your energy R&D?

policy has consequences and Biden’s policies have had negative consequences.
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It seems to be all political.

Oil barons want to make Biden look bad. Wait before you throw the bricks at me. Understanding all this, it would be worth voting Republican if that's what it takes to get this political statement over with.

They would drill more and we would have lower prices if just the political figurehead they wanted was in office.

OK, I get it. Trump 2024 and cross my fingers that he won't shut us back down and mask us back up. Even if he does though, I'll find a loophole and enjoy 99 cent gas.
^^^Conservative malarkey apologizing for oil company greed. The article Raoul provided all you need to know about the oil companies motives but you're too stupid to understand. The following quote is telling you in no uncertain terms that they have been keeping production low, BUT NOW THAT PRICES ARE WHERE THEY WANT THEM AND WITH SANCTIONS ON RUSSIA, THEY MIRACULOUSLY ARE ABLE TO RAMP UP PRODUCTION. DID A BUNCH OF PERMITS LAND ON THEIR DOOR STEP OVERNIGHT, DID THEY FORGET HOW TO PRODUCE OIL AND NOW REMEMBER???

"Executives at some of the world’s biggest oil and gas producers said on Monday they are ramping up their crude production as U.S. gasoline prices surge to $4 a gallon amid expectations that President Joe Biden and Congress would ban imports of Russian petroleum — but the companies warned not to expect new supplies overnight."
Of course they're greedy. They hold the cards though. All the power. Just like the greedy TV people who held us all over the mask barrel the last two years.

We're just lowly pieces of shit out here being jerked around by rich people in both parties. If you're not big and influential in society, then you are a loser who gets ordered around and stomped in the face however they feel like stomping it that day.

The mask. The gas. Whatever's next. All a reminder that we are licking the shit off the big shots' shoes.
I'd call Tucker a borderline fascist. Rand is just a nut.


Your post, you didn't write that. You also gave no citation. Thus, no one knows you copypasta'd an oil lobbying group.

And the Crue, "Use It or Lose It" references Margaret Trudeau, Justin Trudeau's mother. Seriously. Although it makes no sense (not a surpise, as the Crue were coked out of their minds), as the song previously talks about famous people who died youngish, then names her to rhyme with Marilyn Monroe. Now, Margaret was most definetly a "gypsy", a hippie, very scandelous (she was 18 and nearly 30 years younger than Pierre when they met), and quite a slut (she fvcked Ronnie Wood and MIck Jagger, Jack Nicholson, and a bunch of other famous men), but she's not dead lol.
I ever said I wrote and it has embedded links. You know you can click on them and it goes to the sources. Cmon join the modern age. hahahaa.

You know I don't type or spell that good.

But, to make it easier, here you go

I'd call Tucker a borderline fascist.

If you didn't parrot the Dems and the mainstream media so much I might actually believe you are a libertarian instead of a Liberal apologist. Fascist??? Really???

Funny how that word has been used so much since 2016 and it appears you have fallen for it hook, line and sinker...

If only Trump wouldn't have masked up and shut down, but collectively we're pathetic as hell for being so dependent on some figurehead president.
I don't know how many times this has to be explained to you before you understand, but mask mandates, shut downs, etc, were mandated at the STATE LEVEL. The POTUS doesn't and didn't make that decision.
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I’m going to Quebec this summer (likely) . Pretty pumped about it.

I keep telling my wife I’ve got the outfits picked out.

she doesn’t think this is as funny as I do.

*I will not actually wear these.
Montreal, although a bitch to get around in, is a cool old city!! I hear Québec City is even better, I never made it there!
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That’s the plan! A couple days in each - take the train in between.
Curious why you would voluntarily vacation in Canada given its propensity to impose curfews and restrictions the minute covid cases rise.
If you didn't parrot the Dems and the mainstream media so much I might actually believe you are a libertarian instead of a Liberal apologist. Fascist??? Really???

Funny how that word has been used so much since 2016 and it appears you have fallen for it hook, line and sinker...

Raoul is drunk.
Been wanting to go. I have been wanting to go to Joe Beef (some of my favorite chefs cook books). Obviously if it’s locked down if a Covid wave hits we’ll bail.

But Putin made Covid go away :)
I predict covid will be back in a BIG way before fall. This time it may actually overwhelm hospital systems.
I don't know how many times this has to be explained to you before you understand, but mask mandates, shut downs, etc, were mandated at the STATE LEVEL. The POTUS doesn't and didn't make that decision.

He did nothing to even try to stop it and went along with it.

All he had to do was say go live your life, no masks, don't shut down and he would still be president. Masks and shutdowns turned us into a Great Depression wasteland, all under his watch. The worst failure I've ever seen on anything.
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If you didn't parrot the Dems and the mainstream media so much I might actually believe you are a libertarian instead of a Liberal apologist. Fascist??? Really???

Funny how that word has been used so much since 2016 and it appears you have fallen for it hook, line and sinker...

I've been into the fascists since middle school (when I read Mein Kampf, which I do not recommend for most middle schoolers), it's not some new word or concept to me.

After reading your linked article, I stand by my description of Tucker. He's a boderline fascist. All he needs is a little nudge. Of course he is not the only one, "soft fascism" is becoming popular in parts of Europe.

Raoul is drunk.
Fact: I have not been drunk at 3pm on a weekday since 9/11/02.
I've been into the fascists since middle school (when I read Mein Kampf, which I do not recommend for most middle schoolers), it's not some new word or concept to me.

After reading your linked article, I stand by my description of Tucker. He's a boderline fascist. All he needs is a little nudge. Of course he is not the only one, "soft fascism" is becoming popular in parts of Europe.

Fact: I have not been drunk at 3pm on a weekday since 9/11/02.
How about 4 pm? hahaha
I ever said I wrote and it has embedded links. You know you can click on them and it goes to the sources. Cmon join the modern age. hahahaa.
The issue is not the embedded links. It is the opinion written around those links. Without citing that source, you pass off that opinion, and those words, as your own. So yes, you in effect are saying you wrote it. It would have been easier, and 100% honest, to simply post the link and say, "I agree with this 100%."

I admit this is a pet peeve of mine. As educated men, we should cite our sources. Take pride in being a renaissance hillbilly.

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