No..."we" are not hypocrites on this issue. That's reserved for you leftists. I'm fine with any country that chooses to use their natural resources to make their economy better.
Even the most blinded, redneck Republican doesn't think countries should be allowed to rape their environment and future generations by having unlimited use of their natural resources to improve their economy. Yet here you are, taking a position that is foolish by any reasonable view just so you can defend the deplorable whom you support. Bravo.
You've asked multiple times to show how anyone's environment has been destroyed/damaged.
I fully planned on buying a condo and a piece of beach land in Florida within the last couple of months. Besides a legal delay on building permits on the piece of land, I also haven't purchased a condo in that area. A huge part of that is because of the red tide that has plagued it for the last couple of months. A friend of mine lives in Gainesville and works for Mote Marine Lab in Sarasota. She has a PhD. Her focus is identifying red tide, toxic algae bloom, the causes, how to stop it, and the future chances of it happening.
A couple of years ago, red tide was so bad a couple of hours south of me that thousands - literally thousands - of dead fish were ending up on the shore and the canals that connect to the ocean. Pictures showed canals in people's backyards where you couldn't see any water; the top of the water was simply a traffic jam of dead fish.
My friend was the expert many media outlets went to for an explanation. Her explanation was that the major sugar companies (Big Sugar) were allowed by the governor of Florida to send all of their excess water towards that part of the ocean. Even though Big Sugar claims that the excess water is stripped of a lot of the nutrients that the sugar cane fields put in it, it still has a high enough concentration that it leads to algae blooms. That in turn leads to red tide which kills substantial marine life, turns the water a gross color, and becomes so toxic that humans can't even walk the beach without having burning sensations in their throat/nose and coughing.
Your favorite place in the country, Destin? That region is already getting bombed by red tide. Santa Rosa and Fort Walton Beaches have closed over the last couple of days because of it. A former Marshall cheerleader was down there a couple of weeks ago to celebrate her young daughter's birthday, and they weren't able to even walk the beach because of it. The smell of dead fish is noticeable blocks away from the beach.
You think I am buying in that area until this is clean and a plan is made to stop it in the future?
And if you think my friend is somehow paid to take these scientific stances against big business . . . she has been on the Weather Channel numerous times over the last few weeks talking about it. She, against popular public belief, insists that this red tide is not related to Big Sugar pollution (unlike her stance on her investigation from a couple of years ago for the other bloom). So she isn't just out to place blame on big corporations, Republican politicians, etc.
That's just one of many examples of how the environment has been destroyed due to people having no regard for it for the sake of profit.
Not only is this sentence poorly constructed, it sounds like a talking point at the democrat headquarters when discussing why democrats want to keep minorities poor.
It's absolutely true. And that isn't blamed on any one party. Both parties take advantage of that. It doesn't make it right.
how? They are in it by name only. Ripping us off and it was a bad deal for us.
You're entirely clueless on this. China has made huge strides environmentally both before and after the Accord. They are on pace to not only reach their goals stated but to also beat their timeline in doing so.
They are hardly in it for name only and are definitely not "ripping us off."
Why do so many of you think America is the lone white horse in the world and every other single country is a black sheep set on simply ripping us off, being unethical, etc.?