really?I'll take Marx over your crony capitalism if I have to make that choice.
really?I'll take Marx over your crony capitalism if I have to make that choice.
That makes no sense, greed. You would rather be a peasant in Cuba or the old Soviet Union? Maybe North Korea? Peasant in China?
eg I can only speak for myself. On several occasions I have been to the third world. Most recently Haiti on a humanitarian/faith based mission. I would rather live here with all of it's flaws that some of these places where it is a daily battle for survival. Just my view.As opposed to being a peasant in America, idiot?
eg I can only speak for myself. On several occasions I have been to the third world. Most recently Haiti on a humanitarian/faith based mission. I would rather live here with all of it's flaws that some of these places where it is a daily battle for survival. Just my view.
extra, don't be so hard on yourself. just because you are a peasant in America doesn't make you an idiot.As opposed to being a peasant in America, idiot?
extra, don't be so hard on yourself. just because you are a peasant in America doesn't make you an idiot.
So a poll of the average American dumbass is a good indicator of how historians and political scientists will view a President?
My guess, most historians and political scientist lean left. Most academic types do.
Depends on how far up the chain you think issues go. I've never seen an administration play so dumb (act like they're getting hit off guard) when shit hits the fan.Just an honest question.....Has Obama been associated with anything worse than.......Watergate, Iran-Contra, Whitewater, Monica Lewinsky, WMDs/Iraq ????
Imagine the hype had Reagan been in office when the internet took off.Yet they almost unanimously name a Republican as the greatest President.
Yet they almost unanimously name a Republican as the greatest President.
My problem with this administration has nothing to do with gays or the potus being black & I challenge anyone to produce anything to the contrary. Our foreign policy is an effing joke (Kerry just apologized to Iran), Obama's DoJ is worse than Bush's, & the bubble of yes-men these politicians live in is terrifying.Bullshit. Today's Democratic Party is more aligned with the "Rockefeller Republicans" than any socialist (you use that word, but I do not think you know what it means). Crony capitalism rules the day in both parties.
Ya'll just mad the queers can marry and a coon got in the White House. It blinds you to reality.
I don't use those terms. Another hypocrit libBullshit. Today's Democratic Party is more aligned with the "Rockefeller Republicans" than any socialist (you use that word, but I do not think you know what it means). Crony capitalism rules the day in both parties.
Ya'll just mad the queers can marry and a coon got in the White House. It blinds you to reality.
Replaced by left wing radicals and socialist.
Bullshit. Today's Democratic Party is more aligned with the "Rockefeller Republicans" than any socialist (you use that word, but I do not think you know what it means)
I don't use those terms.
My problem with this administration has nothing to do with gays or the potus being black & I challenge anyone to produce anything to the contrary. Our foreign policy is an effing joke (Kerry just apologized to Iran), Obama's DoJ is worse than Bush's, & the bubble of yes-men these politicians live in is terrifying.
not drunk at all. can you read?You just did. Are you drunk?
where do I begin with this propaganda.U.S. auto sales hit a record high of 17.47 million in 2015, topping the old record of 17.35 million set in 2000. Analysts expect sales could go even higher this year as unemployment continues to decline and more young buyers enter the market.
now lets see - 2000 - that was the last democratic president wasn't it.
who was it that said let detroit go broke???????????
>corrected the latest republican depression
>no major terrorist attacks in america
>killed bin laden
>u.s. military casualties relatively eliminated
>made health care affordable for all americans and stopped the annual increase health care costs
>moved us towards a balanced budget
i don't have time for a complete list of the fantastic things the democratic party has done
for america but, only a sampling of why
I think you are herdit44 are plain ****ing stupid. I'm talking about the offensive terms you used to describe gays and African americans you ****ing idiotSeriously, you are either the worst troll ever or plain fvxking stupid.
Herdit44 already quoted your lost; can YOU read?
OK he gets credit for giving Iran a Nuke deal and gets credit for ISIS taking over and the largest mass immigration of people since WW2.
Iran has a nuke? See, you just make stuff up out of thin air. Do you even realize that's what you're doing?
There would be no immigration problems if Bush hadn't decided on a preemptive war looking for something not there.
Nothing is ever Obama's fault is it? There would not be an immigration problem if Bammer would have not preejaculated in Iraq.
This is the face of weakness under the Obama admin. Thanking our buddies Iran.