
Platinum Buffalo
Feb 23, 2007
Oxfam Internationalreportedthat 26 billionaires have the same combined net worth as the poorest 3.8 billion people on the planet.
Meanwhile, many of America’s richest corporate executives spent the week hobnobbing in Davos, Switzerland, where they focused on the preposterous idea of“upskilling”as a potential answer to rising economic inequality.
It seems every day brings a fresh reminder of how the economy is rigged in favor of an out-of-touch financial elite gobbling up more and more of America’s wealth. Yet until recently, our political leaders have, with few exceptions, failed to respond with the kind of bold policies required to make a dent in the problem. Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-Mass.) idea for a new“wealth tax”is the latest reason to believe that may finally be changing.
Not the point. Why is it a billionaires responsibility to look out for you. Why is how much money someone has providing they obtained it legally your concern?
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Not the point. Why is it a billionaires responsibility to look out for you. Why is how much money someone has providing they obtained it legally your concern?
It’s not. But the tax plan we have and have had for a while has a sliding scale. Make more pay more on that income. Trump did nothing to change that.
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Not the point. Why is it a billionaires responsibility to look out for you. Why is how much money someone has providing they obtained it legally your concern?

It's the point you were making.
Why is it my responsibility to cater to the whims of billionaires?
But to get more to the point, we should not allow the wealthy to put this income stranglehold on our nation to the point of gasping for air. And you should cease defending that.
How are they putting a stranglehold on it? How are you extragreen and people like you and I catering to billionaires?

How is Jeff Bezos being worth 100 Billion vs 80 Billion affecting your life at all.
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You cannot tax a nation into prosperity.

You can tax a nation into prosperity easier than you can cut taxes into prosperity for a nation. When we started the trickle down nonsense, this nation's economic health went sour. Until this is seen and properly acted upon, we are looking at the death of a great nation.
ok lets hear this one extra please explain how taxes makes a country prosper.

Let's use $1 as an example. Let's suppose that $1 gets taxed a total of 20% every time it's earned. Which would be most beneficial to the nation regarding tax collected....that $1 passing through 5 hands or 12 hands?? Notice the tax% remained the same.
No one is Saying it is. But when someone has a 100 billion dollars to buy the US presidency the senate the House of Representatives The Supreme Court the federal judicial system and the state judicial system and the state legislatures In other words rig the entire political and financial systems They have too much money and it's time to do something about It. Roads are crumbling bridges were falling down airports are out of date The entire infrastructure of the country is out of date And we are falling behind the rest of the world.
These people owe their wealth to this country Their wealth depends on the stability of the country and the government. No one should have enough money to destroy the United States And turn it in to a kleptocracy
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No one is Saying it is. But when someone has a 100 billion dollars to buy the US presidency the senate the House of Representatives The Supreme Court the federal judicial system and the state judicial system and the state legislatures In other words rig the entire political system They have too much money and it's time to do something about It. Roads are crumbling bridges were falling down airports are out of date The entire infrastructure of the country is out of date And we are falling behind the rest of the world.
These people owe their will to this country Their wealth depends on the stability of the country and the government. No one should have enough money to destroy the United States And turn it in to a kleptocracy

you and extra need to take your dumbasses to Venezuela
No one is Saying it is. But when someone has a 100 billion dollars to buy the US presidency the senate the House of Representatives The Supreme Court the federal judicial system and the state judicial system and the state legislatures In other words rig the entire political system They have too much money and it's time to do something about It. Roads are crumbling bridges were falling down airports are out of date The entire infrastructure of the country is out of date And we are falling behind the rest of the world.
These people owe their will to this country Their wealth depends on the stability of the country and the government. No one should have enough money to destroy the United States And turn it in to a kleptocracy

First of all it is none of your business or concern how much money somebody has. If you started a business innwhatever it is you do for a living and you became a billionaire from it, I think you should be celebrated!! How do they owe their wealth to this country? What are you talking about?

People who owe their wealth to this country are career politicians who get elected to the senate and House and President and become millionaires.

Someone who invests in something, takes all the risks associated with this and becomes uber wealthy doesn’t owe anybody anything.
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Someone who invests in something, takes all the risks associated with this and becomes uber wealthy doesn’t owe anybody anything.

Can you name one American in the last 100 years that has made a fortune without somehow relying on the collective investment of the taxpayer and government?

You are correct they do not owe any body. They owe the nation.

Eisenhower was correct that lowering taxes should be a priority, but not the first priority. Investment and a balanced budget are more important, and should come first.
No one is Saying it is. But when someone has a 100 billion dollars to buy the US presidency the senate the House of Representatives The Supreme Court the federal judicial system and the state judicial system and the state legislatures In other words rig the entire political system They have too much money and it's time to do something about It. Roads are crumbling bridges were falling down airports are out of date The entire infrastructure of the country is out of date And we are falling behind the rest of the world.
These people owe their will to this country Their wealth depends on the stability of the country and the government. No one should have enough money to destroy the United States And turn it in to a kleptocracy
The democrats and liberals have more money than the Republicans. The power money now is with companies like Google, Facebook, etc. They not only have more money but, they control information and data. Your side.

Greed is being senseless again.
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The democrats and liberals have more money than the Republicans. The power money now is with companies like Google, Facebook, etc. They not only have more money but, they control information and data. Your side.

Greed is being senseless again.

I'm not sure the founders of those companies are actual liberals. Zuck talks about diversity, but he has to, that's the nature of the tech industry. Brin and Page bowed to Red China.
First of all it is none of your business or concern how much money somebody has. If you started a business innwhatever it is you do for a living and you became a billionaire from it, I think you should be celebrated!! How do they owe their wealth to this country? What are you talking about?

People who owe their wealth to this country are career politicians who get elected to the senate and House and President and become millionaires.

Someone who invests in something, takes all the risks associated with this and becomes uber wealthy doesn’t owe anybody anything.

i don't think you read English very well - what, are you a freaking Russian. why don't you address what i say rather
than some conservative straw man. you have no argument so you just make stuff up that was never said and get outraged against it.
they owe their wealth to this country because this country enabled them to make their fortunes - there is a reason
they became rich in America and not in Ethiopia or France or Russia (your favorite country) our system gave them
their wealth, now they want to use that money to turn the country into something it has never been.
i have never said it was my business how much money someone has, but it is my business
when they use it to corrupt our nation and turn it into more of a banana republic than Reagan/gingrich through individual 1 already have.

open your freaking eyes.
i don't think you read English very well - what, are you a freaking Russian. why don't you address what i say rather
than some conservative straw man. you have no argument so you just make stuff up that was never said and get outraged against it.
they owe their wealth to this country because this country enabled them to make their fortunes - there is a reason
they became rich in America and not in Ethiopia or France or Russia (your favorite country) our system gave them
their wealth, now they want to use that money to turn the country into something it has never been.
i have never said it was my business how much money someone has, but it is my business
when they use it to corrupt our nation and turn it into more of a banana republic than Reagan/gingrich through individual 1 already have.

open your freaking eyes.
that doesn't mean they should pay 70% ****ing taxes.

I would rather have them then lazy ass leeches.
no free lunches herdman - either you pay $1 trillion a yr defense spending or they do.
they own a lot more property than you do - so they gain more from defense spending than you do.
no reason you and i should pay to defend their property, much like you think France and Germany should
pay for their own defense.
i don't think you read English very well - what, are you a freaking Russian. why don't you address what i say rather
than some conservative straw man. you have no argument so you just make stuff up that was never said and get outraged against it.
they owe their wealth to this country because this country enabled them to make their fortunes - there is a reason
they became rich in America and not in Ethiopia or France or Russia (your favorite country) our system gave them
their wealth, now they want to use that money to turn the country into something it has never been.
i have never said it was my business how much money someone has, but it is my business
when they use it to corrupt our nation and turn it into more of a banana republic than Reagan/gingrich through individual 1 already have.

open your freaking eyes.

What in the freak are you talking about? I literally have re read the above post several times and I really feel you may be mentally retarded.

We are a free country that has an economic system based on capitalism. So yes the fact they live in this country that gives you the freedom to be whatever you want to be is awesome and is one of the things that makes this country great but it didn’t make those people billionaires. It was through their hard work, ingenuity or maybe being right place right time, it doesn’t matter, they made it to the highest economic level. They don’t deserve to have some beauracrat in Washington tell them or anybody how much money they should have. They also because of the fact they are successful shouldn’t have their money taxed at some ridiculous 70% tax rate.

Successful people are people that should be celebrated in this country, not demonized because we are a country full of a bunch of jealous people who can’t stand the fact that there are people in this world that are worth more money than they can fathom. They hold out hope some uncle government official will come along to tax the hell out of those evil rich people, so it will somehow make them feel better.
I'm not sure the founders of those companies are actual liberals. Zuck talks about diversity, but he has to, that's the nature of the tech industry. Brin and Page bowed to Red China.

Anyone denying the fact that big tech/ Silicon Valley isnt a liberal bastion really can’t claim to be a political “scholar”.
Anyone denying the fact that big tech/ Silicon Valley isnt a liberal bastion really can’t claim to be a political “scholar”.

I was not aware the entire industry has only three employees.

What in the freak are you talking about? I literally have re read the above post several times and I really feel you may be mentally retarded.

We are a free country that has an economic system based on capitalism. So yes the fact they live in this country that gives you the freedom to be whatever you want to be is awesome and is one of the things that makes this country great but it didn’t make those people billionaires. It was through their hard work, ingenuity or maybe being right place right time, it doesn’t matter, they made it to the highest economic level. They don’t deserve to have some beauracrat in Washington tell them or anybody how much money they should have. They also because of the fact they are successful shouldn’t have their money taxed at some ridiculous 70% tax rate.

Successful people are people that should be celebrated in this country, not demonized because we are a country full of a bunch of jealous people who can’t stand the fact that there are people in this world that are worth more money than they can fathom. They hold out hope some uncle government official will come along to tax the hell out of those evil rich people, so it will somehow make them feel better.

the problem with "conservatives" (well one of the major problems) is that everything is either black or white to you.
you cannot see grey, can not recognize nuance, you cannot reason.

of course this country made them billionaires - they have more money than they need or can ever spend.
they have money rotting in bank accounts not doing anyone any good.

why do you cons want to repatriate the foreign earnings of American companies. you say to put it back into
circulation to build and produce.

same principle with & $100 billion socked away by a single individual.

but you cannot see they are the same thing. your mind is closed - so you cannot see they are the same thing.
only with different names. you are for one and against the other.
No one is Saying it is. But when someone has a 100 billion dollars to buy the US presidency the senate the House of Representatives The Supreme Court the federal judicial system and the state judicial system and the state legislatures In other words rig the entire political and financial systems They have too much money and it's time to do something about It. Roads are crumbling bridges were falling down airports are out of date The entire infrastructure of the country is out of date And we are falling behind the rest of the world.
These people owe their wealth to this country Their wealth depends on the stability of the country and the government. No one should have enough money to destroy the United States And turn it in to a kleptocracy

Misplaced anger. You state the real problem, yet ignore or don't understand what you said. The problem isn't the rich guys, it's the ethics of the people you say they can buy. It's not the rich guys who have money, it's the politicians unwillingness to risk losing their power.
the problem with "conservatives" (well one of the major problems) is that everything is either black or white to you.
you cannot see grey, can not recognize nuance, you cannot reason.

of course this country made them billionaires - they have more money than they need or can ever spend.
they have money rotting in bank accounts not doing anyone any good.

why do you cons want to repatriate the foreign earnings of American companies. you say to put it back into
circulation to build and produce.

same principle with & $100 billion socked away by a single individual.

but you cannot see they are the same thing. your mind is closed - so you cannot see they are the same thing.
only with different names. you are for one and against the other.

Wait, you think there are actual piles of money in banks that equal the amount of deposits? You think there are just piles of dusty, unspent money rotting away? Now I agree, if they have it buried in their backyard, that sucks for the economy. However, if they have it banks you know what's happening with it, right?
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Wait, you think there are actual piles of money in banks that equal the amount of deposits? You think there are just piles of dusty, unspent money rotting away? Now I agree, if they have it buried in their backyard, that sucks for the economy. However, if they have it banks you know what's happening with it, right?

No. No he doesn't.
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Wait, you think there are actual piles of money in banks that equal the amount of deposits? You think there are just piles of dusty, unspent money rotting away? Now I agree, if they have it buried in their backyard, that sucks for the economy. However, if they have it banks you know what's happening with it, right?

No, but you . . . you . . . you're thinking of this place all
wrong. As if I had the money back in a safe. The money's not
here. Your money's in Joe's house . . .
(to one of the men)
. . . right next to yours. And in the Kennedy house, and Mrs.
Macklin's house, and a hundred others. Why, you're lending them
the money to build, and then, they're
going to pay it back to you as best they can. Now what are you
going to do? Foreclose on them?

George Bailey
No, but you . . . you . . . you're thinking of this place all
wrong. As if I had the money back in a safe. The money's not
here. Your money's in Joe's house . . .
(to one of the men)
. . . right next to yours. And in the Kennedy house, and Mrs.
Macklin's house, and a hundred others. Why, you're lending them
the money to build, and then, they're
going to pay it back to you as best they can. Now what are you
going to do? Foreclose on them?

George Bailey

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the problem with "conservatives" (well one of the major problems) is that everything is either black or white to you.
you cannot see grey, can not recognize nuance, you cannot reason.

of course this country made them billionaires - they have more money than they need or can ever spend.
they have money rotting in bank accounts not doing anyone any good.

why do you cons want to repatriate the foreign earnings of American companies. you say to put it back into
circulation to build and produce.

same principle with & $100 billion socked away by a single individual.

but you cannot see they are the same thing. your mind is closed - so you cannot see they are the same thing.
only with different names. you are for one and against the other.

thanks for proving your stupidity. Cuntry? Greed? you guys can battle it out for second place on here.
the problem with "conservatives" (well one of the major problems) is that everything is either black or white to you.
you cannot see grey, can not recognize nuance, you cannot reason.

of course this country made them billionaires - they have more money than they need or can ever spend.
they have money rotting in bank accounts not doing anyone any good.

why do you cons want to repatriate the foreign earnings of American companies. you say to put it back into
circulation to build and produce.

same principle with & $100 billion socked away by a single individual.

but you cannot see they are the same thing. your mind is closed - so you cannot see they are the same thing.
only with different names. you are for one and against the other.
quick search on bum pictures yield the following results:








now, for @dherd, what i was really searching for . . .

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Wait, you think there are actual piles of money in banks that equal the amount of deposits? You think there are just piles of dusty, unspent money rotting away? Now I agree, if they have it buried in their backyard, that sucks for the economy. However, if they have it banks you know what's happening with it, right?

$100,000,000,000 / $250,000 = $400,000 THATS A LOT OF BANK ACCOUNTS - WHY NOT JUST TAX HELL OUT OF IT AND PUT 10,000,000 PEOPLE TO WORK.

$100,000,000,000 / $250,000 = $400,000 THATS A LOT OF BANK ACCOUNTS - WHY NOT JUST TAX HELL OUT OF IT AND PUT 10,000,000 PEOPLE TO WORK.

More proof that “accounting” thing didn’t work out too well for you, did it?
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