Today is 40 years since Bruuuce Morris launched The Shot.

I was a senior in high school deciding where to commit. I had narrowed it down to a partial room and board scholarship to Marshall or a recruited walk on spot at Kentucky. Since the Bruce Morris shot was all over the TV I thought it was a sign from above and called coach later that day to commit. Best Decision Ever!
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I was a senior in high school deciding where to commit. I had narrowed it down to a partial room and board scholarship to Marshall or a recruited walk on spot at Kentucky. Since the Bruce Morris shot was all over the TV I thought it was a sign from above and called coach later that day to commit. Best Decision Ever!
In the stands watching.
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A friend sent me this:
I was with a girl who wanted beat the crowd to the bathroom. I had just walked out of the men's bathroom and heard this unbelievable roar. I freakin missed it! She didn't last long to say the least…..
I was there. WMUL had a delayed broadcast at 11:00pm so had a chance to watch it twice.

I do remember it was on all the national morning shows the next morning.
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If it was a Saturday night in Tallahassee close to Valentines day back in 1985, I would like to think I was either banging some snatch, or worse case, on the verge of finding some.
In the second row of seats behind the visitors’ bench. One of many vivid wonderful memories…
I was sitting in the endzone that the shot went in, to the left of the basket. I was in the pep band, and as we brought our horns up to play the fight song, I put it back down because I thought the ball was coming right at me. I really thought I was going to catch it, and then it arced right into the basket. The eruption of the crowd was so awesome.
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