trump sends tigers away hungry

You all would have bitched he would have them better and said what a waste of time and money why the govt is shut down. I can hear it now, OMG he fed them caviar and lobster and people are suffering.

He would have been better off to have shook their hands and said congrats on a good season and have a god night.

Bunch of entitled spoiled asses in this country. Not like they won the medal of honor. They are damn college football team. He could have just done a photo op and said, wow great season boys.

I would have been thankful and thought it as really cool at 18 or 19. Hell, I would think it was cool now.
Why? He's paying for it himself. But I'd be mad as hell if a billionaire bought me a goddamn Filet O Fish. Shit, he can afford Captain D's.
Trump eats that stuff he bought. Remember he would be eating that stuff on the campaign trail. He didn't do it as an insult.

See, there you go, just because he is a billionaire he should buy you a better dinner. Hell, he was having some fun.
you know, with all the 5star hotels and ritzy country clubs, in fact he has a 5 star just around the corner from the w.h.
he could have had some great 24oz fillets for the tigers, how hard would it have been to get some of his illegal alien
to grill them up and serve them. huh? how hard? he could have paid for it all with one of his charity scams, or maybe just cut back on all that grease he puts in that comb over for a week - that would have paid
for them.

speaking of comb overs - i bet it takes him longer to "fix" his hair each morning than the guy in American hustle.
no wonder he NEVER goes to work - by the time he gets there its time to do his comb over again.

and by the way the movie could easily have been based on the life of Donald trump except he would have been working with the Russians instead of the u.s. govt.
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you know, with all the 5star hotels and ritzy country clubs, in fact he has a 5 star just around the corner from the w.h.
he could have had some great 24oz fillets for the tigers, how hard would it have been to get some of his illegal alien
to grill them up and serve them. huh? how hard? he could have paid for it all with one of his charity scams, or maybe just cut back on all that grease he puts in that comb over for a week - that would have paid
for them.

speaking of comb overs - i bet it takes him longer to "fix" his hair each morning than the guy in American hustle.
no wonder he NEVER goes to work - by the time he gets there its time to do his comb over again.

and by the way the movie could easily have been based on the life of Donald trump except he would have been working with the Russians instead of the u.s. govt.

Hey dumbass, Clemson players and coaches liked it. Why the hell do you and other whiners care?
I guess NOVA is now Yankee territory.

Try getting a hot dog in 95% of Kentucky with will be shit outta luck.
one more reason to not like kentucky. a man that won't eat a hot dog with coleslaw or sauerkraut probly hold a dick in their mouth til it goes limp.
Who said they liked it. Lawrence already came out and said anything online that “he said” was fabricated.


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I'm sure the rest of the country thinks us slaw dog eaters are queer as a three dollar bill.
an old friend opened up a restaurant in maryland somewhere around DC named "slaw dawgs". haven't been but their dawgs look most excellent on their website.
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