TV duped me into losing hope in America

Walden Pond

Platinum Buffalo
Oct 8, 2007
I still can't believe this election just happened. I thought we had what we wanted in America now. Liberals running everything, the warm and fuzzy story in the White House. The only channel that said anything was wrong was Fox News. I really thought they were blowing it out of proportion.

Being a shut-in, TV is my only real exposure to American culture. You mean the real world is nothing like what they show on TV? Damn, what if the real world is more in line with my way than the TV shows?

Where can a person go to experience the America that just kicked all these damn liberals to the curb? The one I'm living in sucks. It's full of pity stories for idiots and bums. Where can I watch some winners other than the SEC on CBS?
No way. Bill O'Reilly bitches about it every night. I figured he just had to do that and nobody really believed what he was saying. He's just one channel that supposedly only people like me even watch.

This is tough for me to deal with, thinking that more people in the world may see things my way than I thought. Figured I was a dinosaur and America wanted a welfare state.

Just think, I spend all day talking to people who are all about positive thinking, gay love, hippies, happiness, etc. I figured everybody was like that and I was only pissed off because I couldn't find a job working calculus problems all day.

And I'm not opening up your recruitment thread. The answer's no. I'm not interested. Still disturbed that men would get on here and try to picture me that way, but whatever.

This post was edited on 11/6 8:43 PM by Walden Pond
How has this election given you hope? Do you really think that repubs will be conservative? All this election did was prove that Americans still actually are dumb enough to think there is a difference.
Government will grow,debt will boom.

Is anyone dumb enough to think they will enact any tax reforms? Will our tax code be reduced below 100,000 pages?

Last time we had both houses and the White House government got massive.
Originally posted by herdfan06:
People involved with engineering bids think about gay love?
They act like it. I've been accused of sending e-mails that "weren't flowery enough." I was actually told that. People used to get mad at me for not begging, not kissing ass, not wanting to participate in social bullshit, my dislike of shaking people's hands, my negative attitude, etc. Thankfully, they finally gave up on it.

Flowery e-mails and all of that stuff is for gays. I never knew of men to act that way my whole life. It's a huge culture shock compared to how I was raised. A man was supposed to be blunt, to the point, grumpy and self-reliant. As far as the handshakes, I just hate touching people. You can feel the damn oil and grease. I have to go wash it off immediately.

This post was edited on 11/6 9:40 PM by Walden Pond
Originally posted by mu21503:
How has this election given you hope?
It was a vote against the unabashed welfare state, Hollywood culture and novelty act. I'm surprised they didn't lead off the news tonight by calling everybody racists.

You would be mad no matter what. I thought I was the most angry and bitter bastard alive. You're giving me a run for my money. I think you're winning. Every post is bitching about both parties. This is the system we have in place. If you know of a better one, maybe you should move there. Nothing is going to be perfect or even really all that great, but it would suck a hell of a lot more to live somewhere else.
Yes it is the system we have in place. But do you think repubs will do a damn thing about the welfare state? I'm all for kicking liberals to the curb, but all we did is elect liberals with new names and an R beside it.

There is not a republican here that can say what the platform is, they won running on nothing but anti Obama. Can you imagine if they actually had an idea?

So tell me this. If the welfare system doesn't change, debt continues on this exponential growth path, and nothing conservative happens, how do you call it a victory?

10 years ago I was the most republican person you could find. And I still am very conservative.
I've said many times on here that we are only voting for symbolism. I'm proud of America voting out the symbol of what I thought 2014 America was all about. Novelty acts, massive pity parties for everyone except the working white man, Hollywood culture and toilet paper for the rest of the world to wipe their ass on.

America voted that down. That's what gives me hope. There's demand for something else. And if we don't get it, we'll just keep getting rid of the losers in there who won't get the job done.

I realize the welfare state will continue. Everybody's afraid of the thugs and the lazy fat hicks on welfare back in the sticks. I think we should call their bluff, but we won't. Politicians are all way too cowardly. We're voting for symbolism, social issues and at least even though the GOP won't end the welfare, they won't get on there and sing its damn praises like the liberals do.
Where can a person go to experience the America that just kicked all these damn liberals to the curb? The one I'm living in sucks. It's full of pity stories for idiots and bums. Where can I watch some winners other than the SEC on CBS?
10 years later and this post is still dead on.
10 years later and this post is still dead on.
Yep, when your life sucks because you're too lazy, too stupid, make poor decisions, etc.. just blame it on everybody else, especially those who are successful, and worship a politician who you think will change that for you.

There is a reason why Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah, and Taylor Swift are usual targets for conspiracy theorist deplorables. It's because they are all billionaires, and it is easier to blame your shitty life on them instead of taking any responsibility for it.
Yep, when your life sucks because you're too lazy, too stupid, make poor decisions, etc.. just blame it on everybody else, especially those who are successful, and worship a politician who you think will change that for you.

There is a reason why Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah, and Taylor Swift are usual targets for conspiracy theorist deplorables. It's because they are all billionaires, and it is easier to blame your shitty life on them instead of taking any responsibility for it.
Seeing the contrast of your post quality versus Walden's side by side really paints a good picture: he was superior. He dunks on you with words written 10 years ago.

He was just ahead of his time.

Top draw on HerdNation all time. No doubt.

Part Jordan, part Elvis, part redneck. One of God's great mutants.
As far as the handshakes, I just hate touching people.

This post was edited on 11/6 9:40 PM by Walden Pond
I too hate shaking hands. Thought about designing a glove that looked like a prosthesis. People generally don’t like touching those.
Seeing the contrast of your post quality versus Walden's side by side really paints a good picture: he was superior. He dunks on you with words written 10 years ago.

He was just ahead of his time.

Top draw on HerdNation all time. No doubt.

Part Jordan, part Elvis, part redneck. One of God's great mutants.
Like you, he tried too hard. He never had any attention in his entire life, so when he finally received some on here, he didn't know how to handle it. He, like many amateur/bad comedians, thought he always had to be on, and it watered down the quality of many of his posts. A true, neutral look at all of his posts would easily identify that. In fact, if you were to look at his last couple of years of posts, he simply became ignorable by most on here, because his act had gotten old, repetitive, stale, and lacked what was once entertaining.

Somebody would ask him about black guys having "telephone polls" . . . or about hitting himself in the head for attention in high school . . . or about his mom/sister . . . his thoughts on races inbreeding . . . it was the same thing over and over.
Like you, he tried too hard. He never had any attention in his entire life, so when he finally received some on here, he didn't know how to handle it. He, like many amateur/bad comedians, thought he always had to be on, and it watered down the quality of many of his posts. A true, neutral look at all of his posts would easily identify that. In fact, if you were to look at his last couple of years of posts, he simply became ignorable by most on here, because his act had gotten old, repetitive, stale, and lacked what was once entertaining.

Somebody would ask him about black guys having "telephone polls" . . . or about hitting himself in the head for attention in high school . . . or about his mom/sister . . . his thoughts on races inbreeding . . . it was the same thing over and over.
You sure about that?

I revived only 2 of his old threads and brought your posting campaign to a screeching halt. Whether he's alive or not, one thing is true: he's a draw.

The whole board stopped.
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Yep, when your life sucks because you're too lazy, too stupid, make poor decisions, etc.. just blame it on everybody else, especially those who are successful, and worship a politician who you think will change that for you.

There is a reason why Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah, and Taylor Swift are usual targets for conspiracy theorist deplorables. It's because they are all billionaires, and it is easier to blame your shitty life on them instead of taking any responsibility for it.
Brad says hi.
Brad says hi.
Do I complain about my life? Do I complain about Brad that I am only a multi-millionaire instead of being worth hundreds of millions? Do I accuse him of random shit based on conspiracy theories?

Sounds like your attempt rang hollow.

You sure about that?

I revived only 2 of his old threads and brought your posting campaign to a screeching halt. Whether he's alive or not, one thing is true: he's a draw.

The whole board stopped.
This is shit that is very easy for you to check instead of looking stupid.

I stopped creating threads 45 minutes prior to you reviving one of those threads. Please, wvu fans, if we are going to allow you to post here, at least put some effort into not being so fvcking dumb.

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