Twitter Account That Started the MAGA Kids Outrage Was Fake

Just one more reason to despise Twitter. Everyone knows it's garbage, that you can buy &/or fake followers, & that it's a hotbed for insanity - yet it's amazing how much attention the media gives it.
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Just one more reason to despise Twitter. Everyone knows it's garbage, that you can buy &/or fake followers, & that it's a hotbed for insanity - yet it's amazing how much attention the media gives it.
It is garbage and it’s also the preferred communication conduit of trump.
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As Dave Rubin says - "Twitter is not real life." Think about your interactions at the store, at work, or out and looks nothing like Twitter to me.

You can weaponize Twitter any way you want. Trump uses it to control the narrative or bypass media to go straight to "the people." The outrage mob/oppression Olympians use it for perpetual outrage.

Now news is using it to find stories that "break" on Twitter then we figure out a few days later it may not have been what we were told it was a few days prior.
As Dave Rubin says - "Twitter is not real life." Think about your interactions at the store, at work, or out and looks nothing like Twitter to me.

You can weaponize Twitter any way you want. Trump uses it to control the narrative or bypass media to go straight to "the people." The outrage mob/oppression Olympians use it for perpetual outrage.

Now news is using it to find stories that "break" on Twitter then we figure out a few days later it may not have been what we were told it was a few days prior.

And yet Twitter is a good way to deliver news. It's also a good way to get news to the news outlets (pro-tip: unless it is something utterly worthless, don't give away shit to news outlets, straight cash homey). Like any technology, it will be misused.

Some things do break on Twitter. Hell, the killing of Bin Laden broke on Twitter. People just need to be more careful what they repeat and how they repeat it.
"Let's Argue "

Not really, it's a "let's discuss".

Selective cuts, sounds bites, etc are nothing new. Twitter has suspended this account not because of a selective cut of an actual video but because it is a fake account. Legit accounts can do the same.

What concerns me more with social media is the proliferation of actual fake stories we saw in 2016. And we know a LOT of those came from international actors.
How often has main stream media been weaponized with bogus stories against conservatives? Happened twice this past weekend.