War with China or Russia - it ain't worth it


Gold Buffalo
Feb 20, 2004
Philadelphia, PA

I think ultimately trying to defend Taiwan or Ukraine isn't going to benefit us in the long run. We should just continue to beef up our existing defenses to counter any direct threats to Americans.
You have to stop them before they do it. Carry a big stick

The worry is a three pronged attack or situation.

1)Russia Takes Ukraine
2)China moves on Taiwan
3)Iran Prox Wars in Middle East, in particular Iraq/or Syria

We are close to WW3

Sitting back doing nothing is ludicrous. My scenarios are a real and serious concern. Things are on a high tension situation right now.
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Problem is that none of these big boy leaders fear Mush. After that fiasco in Afghanistan, we look more like the Washington Generals now days, so who wouldn't want to schedule the USofA in a game of war.
that's the issue.

They are closer to moving and taking land because of what Mush did. They know he is a mess.
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They're all wearing masks though, aren't they?

So they're all just as or more scared than we are.
What, they're going to force me to join a motor pool? It's their loss now.

That's OK. They would kick me out. Nobody wants me in their motor pool. Not even me. Other people though, definitely wouldn't put up with it.

I'd get kicked out just like I did at the mall for not wearing a mask that time. It was something. They walked me out of there like I was Ronald Reagan.
You think the chip shortage is bad now, just wait until China retakes Taiwan
The only good thing about China is that those people are patient. They've been at this game for at least the last four decades, likely forever. They're about 17 steps ahead of everybody else, dominating all the shit the rest of us depend on. They're so methodical, we still probably have about 60-70 years before they take over the world.

That's good for me. I just hope to wake up alive each morning. I'm at the point now where at best, I might have 3-4 more years left. Probably still working this job I hate when I die. Too stupid to quit and move back to the hills in time to enjoy a summer of sitting on the porch in Roane County.
Damn, I really am too stupid. The only thing I can say is that I wouldn't enjoy it. Not after about 20 minutes.

I made it 20 minutes on Saturday at McClintic. Just sitting there with no radio, no music, no anything. Tuned the whole world out and thought. Thought deep and quiet. About dying. But it wasn't bad or nervous or anything. It was really peaceful. I was ready to peacefully depart into the earth.

Then I got bored and turned on the damn radio to listen to people fuss and fight about Biden and Trump, as if there's any difference. Remember those Obush shirts they had with Obama and Bush mixed? Need to make them for Biden and Trump. Call it Bump, as in we bumped off our whole world for a bullshit cold.
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So what is your suggestion to counter 175k Russian troops?
Well for one, we have to beef up defense in Poland first and foremost. And Moldava is also NATO. If they take Ukraine it puts them right on their border. Look, if the Russians want to take Urkraine they are gong to take it at this point. The bigger issue is where do they stop if they do it. Mush has a problem because he now has to carry a big stick. They know we are weak and vulnerable right now.

Second, what I am talking about is a real scenario and there are some folks very nervous about that all three happen near the same time. Not that they are working together necessarily but they all know we are weak right now and if they follow each other, where do we go? Do we not do anything.

All I am saying is there are serious concerns right now 1 or all three of those things can happen and yes the Middle East is making some noise as well. The problem with Iran is they are making a nuke and in a year and half they might have it.

You are as close to WW3 right now as problem at any point in our lifetime.
I'm not sure I even give a fvck about Ukraine and Taiwan, and sure as hell don't give a rat's ass about the Middle East.
Me either necessarily but Iran is on the way to a nuke

China, well, we see what they can do.

Russia where do they stop?
China and Russia are working together and I would bet both invasions occur as a coordinated event.

we would have issues trying to fight both. I would focus on Taiwan and NATO would have to deal with the Russians.

Russia doesn’t have the financial strength to fight a prolonged war - unless they are being backed by the Chinese.
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If you study history at all, you know it is mostly the history of war. It’s going to happen sooner or later.
Well for one, we have to beef up defense in Poland first and foremost. And Moldava is also NATO. If they take Ukraine it puts them right on their border. Look, if the Russians want to take Urkraine they are gong to take it at this point. The bigger issue is where do they stop if they do it. Mush has a problem because he now has to carry a big stick. They know we are weak and vulnerable right now.

Second, what I am talking about is a real scenario and there are some folks very nervous about that all three happen near the same time. Not that they are working together necessarily but they all know we are weak right now and if they follow each other, where do we go? Do we not do anything.

All I am saying is there are serious concerns right now 1 or all three of those things can happen and yes the Middle East is making some noise as well. The problem with Iran is they are making a nuke and in a year and half they might have it.

You are as close to WW3 right now as problem at any point in our lifetime.
I am 99.9999% certain a nuclear Iran is simply a deterrent to Israel. MAD will be in play. It's a crazy world when nuclear ragheads are the least of my worries.

Europe and the Euro side of NATO is going to have to decide exactly what they are comfortable with allowing, or not allowing. After all, it is their backyard...and front yard. Is Ukraine the only former Soviet satellite Putin wants?

I bet Ukraine is an easier sell for war than any Islamic nation. As is Taiwan.
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I am 99.9999% certain a nuclear Iran is simply a deterrent to Israel. MAD will be in play. It's a crazy world when nuclear ragheads are the least of my worries.

Europe and the Euro side of NATO is going to have to decide exactly what they are comfortable with allowing, or not allowing. After all, it is their backyard...and front yard. Is Ukraine the only former Soviet satellite Putin wants?

I bet Ukraine is an easier sell for war than any Islamic nation. As is Taiwan.
Our issue is in the 3 scenarios

1) Russia goes into Ukraine, we have to send troops somewhere, even in if is Poland and surrounding countries
2)China moves on Tawain, we have to send troops somewhere
3)Iran starts a proxy war in in Iraq most likely, what do we do? Takes resources and eyes and maybe troop committiments.

This is real world shit, not a joke. DO we sit back and do nothing? Pick one? All three? Hell, we are so thin right now can we?

God damn, we are more worried about Joe wearing a mask and Covid cards and taking white guilt classes than we are dealing this. Then, what is goin to happen, is the shit is going to go down somewhere.

My guess is around the Olympics time, something will happen.
Our issue is in the 3 scenarios

1) Russia goes into Ukraine, we have to send troops somewhere, even in if is Poland and surrounding countries
2)China moves on Tawain, we have to send troops somewhere
3)Iran starts a proxy war in in Iraq most likely, what do we do? Takes resources and eyes and maybe troop committiments.

This is real world shit, not a joke. DO we sit back and do nothing? Pick one? All three? Hell, we are so thin right now can we?

God damn, we are more worried about Joe wearing a mask and Covid cards and taking white guilt classes than we are dealing this. Then, what is goin to happen, is the shit is going to go down somewhere.

My guess is around the Olympics time, something will happen.
China would launch an attack only after the Olympics so they aren't banned.
Iran starts a proxy war in in Iraq most likely, what do we do?
I think this is unlikely, just because Iran already has its hands full in proxy war with KSA in Yemen.

Hell, we are so thin right now can we?
Are we actually thin? Thin for occupation maybe. Not too thin to blow shit up.
I think this is unlikely, just because Iran already has its hands full in proxy war with KSA in Yemen.

Are we actually thin? Thin for occupation maybe. Not too thin to blow shit up.
Yes we are thin. You are talking ground troops, naval forced, air. You need artillery and heavy mechanized. This is big shit unit stuff and different from war on terror.

I think they just give Russia Ukraine. Taiwan not so sure.

Middles East is back on the radar
I think they just give Russia Ukraine. Taiwan not so sure.
Taiwan makes important shit.

I am telling you, Taiwan will kill a lot of Chinese. Ukraine isn't exactly a pushover either, they strategically gave up the Donbas but rolling into Kiev is another ball game. Maybe we should be asking, is it worth it to Russia and China? What is their long game?
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Taiwan makes important shit.

I am telling you, Taiwan will kill a lot of Chinese. Ukraine isn't exactly a pushover either, they strategically gave up the Donbas but rolling into Kiev is another ball game. Maybe we should be asking, is it worth it to Russia and China? What is their long game?
Timing. Now is their chance to do it. All about timing.
China doesn’t worry about small stuff - like it’s citizens and their ability to eat or have housing. When you don’t sweat ramifications you can act pretty boldly.

We can’t defeat China any more than they can defeat us, the question is who is willing to take more pain before they quit. The answer to that question is not the one we want. The problem is we have to fight over Taiwan. If we don’t then Japan and South Korea are in trouble. I would be arming up India if it was my call.
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Perhaps the U S could form an agreement with South Africa, Australia, Canada, and some others to not export any coal to China. They're heavily dependent on it.
China doesn’t worry about small stuff - like it’s citizens and their ability to eat or have housing.

Really? No welfare in China? Maybe they really are better than us.

We're way too soft, but it seems like most of the rest of the world is too stupid to take advantage of it. China probably is too. They put masks on and had shutdowns probably. Anyone who did that is real dumb and not much of a threat to anything except a productive society.
China doesn’t worry about small stuff - like it’s citizens and their ability to eat or have housing. When you don’t sweat ramifications you can act pretty boldly.

We can’t defeat China any more than they can defeat us, the question is who is willing to take more pain before they quit. The answer to that question is not the one we want. The problem is we have to fight over Taiwan. If we don’t then Japan and South Korea are in trouble. I would be arming up India if it was my call.
India is in bed with Russia historically so, there is an issue there.

We have to nip it in the bud before it starts and tell CHina that if you move on Taiwan we will sink every damn boat you have.
Perhaps the U S could form an agreement with South Africa, Australia, Canada, and some others to not export any coal to China. They're heavily dependent on it.
Or oil, for that matter. Canada loves selling China some oil. Oh wait, the US does that too.

I would be arming up India if it was my call.
Not when their leader is high on the list of "likely to commit ethnic cleansing".
Especially our strategic reserves...
Global market. We should fix that.
There are a lot of Chinese to kill. In fact too many...
I posted about this several months ago....Taiwan has some serious firepower (and I will give Trump credit for selling them more of it). Taiwan can't kill a billion Chinese but they will extract a price from them for sure. Would it be worth it to China? Pride can be dangerous. Plus China benefits a lot from that chip trade, same as we do.

Same with Ukraine. A battle tested military that is fighting for their homeland...I'm not sure Putin really wants any of that. My best guess is he'd be glad to grab another little chunk of land. As I said, marching into Kiev is a whole other game. Before the cease fire more Russians had died than Ukrainians, they can fight for sure.

That's why I am asking, what is the end game for each? Lots of playing with fire going on. China can afford war in a pure cash sense, but can Russia? Beyond the nationalistic bullshit none of it makes much sense. Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, at least it's an this really simply about reunifying ethnic Russians and Chinese? I'd find a simple war over resources less worrisome.
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Would it be worth it to China?

The CCP has demonstrated for decades it has little regard for life, including its own citizens. Plus they have too many military aged men in relation to women. Just a little thinning of the herd to them...

Plus China benefits a lot from that chip trade

And they might actually want to control more of it and this is their opportunity. Remember most wars are fought over economics and resources.

That's why I am asking, what is the end game for each?

I think they sense weakness in the White House and a lack of US resolve. I seriously believe they are just being opportunistic as they believe the window is now open.
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