We have to change QBs

It’s hard to do worse than zero. Any fan in the stands can generate zero offensive points.

I believe there is absolutely no way Huff sits Cam though. He is Doc through and through, stubborn and steadfast in his approach even when it’s not working. He picked Cam and he’ll stick with him - this year, next year and the year after.
Our starting QB has 7 touchdown passes in 7 games. 1 TD average per game isn’t gonna cut it. What’s scary is his coaches said he’s made great improvement this year over last year before the start of the season. I don’t know about anyone else but I’m not seeing what they see apparently.
Our starting QB has 7 touchdown passes in 7 games. 1 TD average per game isn’t gonna cut it. What’s scary is his coaches said he’s made great improvement this year over last year before the start of the season. I don’t know about anyone else but I’m not seeing what they see apparently.
His coaches are full of crap and should be fired.
I’m legitimately starting to think our qb room is just that bad. That’s one of two reasons not to play anyone else. The other is ego
And it falls squarely on Huff's shoulders.

Why he hired such a rag-tag crew of misfits to be his assistant coaches is beyond me.

It's a fairly standard principle for anyone in leadership to surround themselves with talented individuals who will make them look successful.
And it falls squarely on Huff's shoulders.

Why he hired such a rag-tag crew of misfits to be his assistant coaches is beyond me.

It's a fairly standard principle for anyone in leadership to surround themselves with talented individuals who will make them look successful.
There is one answer for this… and I am NOT saying this is the reason. But it could be ego. His ego doesn’t let him surround himself with the best people because he wants the credit or thinks he’s good enough to make them better.
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Poor guy just isn't very good.
There is one answer for this… and I am NOT saying this is the reason. But it could be ego. His ego doesn’t let him surround himself with the best people because he wants the credit or thinks he’s good enough to make them better.

The reason is he doesn't have the contacts to recruit top/good coordinators. Plus my guess he is a horses butt behind the scenes to work worth. All bite and no bark. I'm sick of this crao
At some point you have to try something... What was wild to me watching the game was that McMahan is the backup? Why would you have a guy whose here for all of 6 more games be the #2?

If we are going to make a change at QB (and we definitely should) you have to go to Harrison or Pennington.
Like a lot of QBs we’ve had over the last few years, they have talent and are capable, just can’t get coached up to get to the next level and progress… he shows flashes and given the right circumstances I think he could be good, but no downfield passing threats and relying on everything at the line of scrimmage or behind puts offense at a huge disadvantage
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Like a lot of QBs we’ve had over the last few years, they have talent and are capable, just can’t get coached up to get to the next level and progress… he shows flashes and given the right circumstances I think he could be good, but no downfield passing threats and relying on everything at the line of scrimmage or behind puts offense at a huge disadvantage
Agree...all our receivers are "just another guy" types. But that's on Huff as well!
I've supported Marshall football since I first stepped on campus as a freshman in 1984. I must say, what I witnessed on that field was nothing short of bizarre.

The kid is a gamer and was gutting it out, so my issue is not with him as an individual. However, the decision to keep in him in when 70% of his game (the run game) was taken away by injury left him completely ineffective and gave us no chance to score points.

No urgency or increased tempo (not the first time we've seen this), no change in playcalling to compensate for the inability to move out of the pocket, and no serious effort to warm up a backup when he struggles to even get off the field...

Can the next option actually be that far behind Fancher at 30% effectiveness? I refuse to believe that.

What happened last night is not on Fancher.
I've supported Marshall football since I first stepped on campus as a freshman in 1984. I must say, what I witnessed on that field was nothing short of bizarre.

The kid is a gamer and was gutting it out, so my issue is not with him as an individual. However, the decision to keep in him in when 70% of his game (the run game) was taken away by injury left him completely ineffective and gave us no chance to score points.

No urgency or increased tempo (not the first time we've seen this), no change in playcalling to compensate for the inability to move out of the pocket, and no serious effort to warm up a backup when he struggles to even get off the field...

Can the next option actually be that far behind Fancher at 30% effectiveness? I refuse to believe that.

What happened last night is not on Fancher.
This times 1000... I can't blame the kid for wanting to get on the field and trying to grit his teeth and bear it. The coaching staff should not have put him in that position. If you are too injured to be effective, someone else needs to be out there.
Fancher is playing hurt but that's still on Huff,....If he's to banged up to be effective put another QB in for God's sake! The horribly underthrown pass from the JMU 20 when we trailed 3-2 was a total backbreaker in the game.
Had we scored there, it would have changed the entire complexion of the game. That throw was a perfect example of why you have to try someone else.
And it falls squarely on Huff's shoulders.

Why he hired such a rag-tag crew of misfits to be his assistant coaches is beyond me.

It's a fairly standard principle for anyone in leadership to surround themselves with talented individuals who will make them look successful.
He had no good connections. He wasn't a coordinator, a position coach like our last two hires. This is why the BOG failed in the search. You need candidates with HC experience or at worst, extensive OC/DC experience- who have connections.
As said in another post, the connections a guy has are likely more important than anything else.
He had no good connections. He wasn't a coordinator, a position coach like our last two hires. This is why the BOG failed in the search. You need candidates with HC experience or at worst, extensive OC/DC experience- who have connections.
As said in another post, the connections a guy has are likely more important than anything else.
dont need conection any more, the agents hire all the assistant coaches
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And it falls squarely on Huff's shoulders.

Why he hired such a rag-tag crew of misfits to be his assistant coaches is beyond me.

It's a fairly standard principle for anyone in leadership to surround themselves with talented individuals who will make them look successful.
This. Huff has always been full of crap. I noticed it from day one I just can't believe the people that hired him aren't intelligent or worldly enough to see it also. Well, actually, I do know why they hired him…
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There is one answer for this… and I am NOT saying this is the reason. But it could be ego. His ego doesn’t let him surround himself with the best people because he wants the credit or thinks he’s good enough to make them better.
Classic narcissism
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There is one answer for this… and I am NOT saying this is the reason. But it could be ego. His ego doesn’t let him surround himself with the best people because he wants the credit or thinks he’s good enough to make them better.
Maybe no one wants to work for him either. That's a legit possibility. Especially after the incident with the OL coach after ND.
Had we scored there, it would have changed the entire complexion of the game. That throw was a perfect example of why you have to try someone else.
And he's had tons of throws like that all season. He had one last week too with Ali. The throw should have been put out in front of him to lead him into the endzone. Instead he just lobs it. He never steps into his throws. He throws deep balls like you're just tossin the pigskin around in the backyard with a buddy.

For the life of me I don't know why anyone can look at his body of work and project him to be a championship caliber QB. He's a lesser version of Bernie Morris and it took Bernie four years to figure out how to be an average QB.

I am so tired of running QBs. People are too infatuated with them. Except for the elite few, most of them are average to below average QBs and they never really win anything. Unless you're going to be like Rich Rod with Pat White and go all out on the RPO run game. Which we refuse to really do.

Cam is a good kid and guts it out, but he's not a QB. He can't see the field, he can't process what he's seeing, and he can't make decisions.

Which is why I can't understand why Huff and Trickett don't stay in uptempo offenses which is where Cam does find success and the ball moves.
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I was in front of coach Pruett coming down out of the suites in the stair well and he was making it clear to anyone within ear shot that Cole should get his chance. I would have to agree with him.
I mean maybe. Maybe he should, Harrison, or first off give McMahon a try. Something to spark it. The problem with Harrison and Pennington is they haven't been involved at all in game prep practice. There's too much at stake to put them out there and expect them to resurrect a season when they aren't ready. It could ruin their future.

No what Huff needs to do is put in McMahon. He's the #2. If he doesn't then it shows he doesn't care about his players either because poor Cam could barely walk and he just kept him out there and then threw him under the bus after the game saying Cam wouldn't let them take him out. Huff is an arrogant coward. He said that to deflect the anger off of him for making bad calls. Even if it were true you still pull him for his own good. Same with JJ. JJ got hit in the 2nd quarter and went straight to the turf lying motionless on his face.

I think someone said that Huff said that no one behind Cam was even prepared to go in. What the heck is that. He did this same stuff two years ago with Luke Zban. We let him ball out against NAVY and then he didn't throw another pass the rest of the year until we needed him. Which like I said was going to happen after we had all that garbage time at North Texas and Charlotte. All he did was hand the ball off. Which is something Huff said he'd never do. So there's another disingenuous lie.

Huff constantly fails to have his team prepared. This is why he has something like 3-13 against .500 or better teams. Even Doc Holliday laughs at that record.

Anyone that supports Huff at this point is a moron.
He had no good connections. He wasn't a coordinator, a position coach like our last two hires. This is why the BOG failed in the search. You need candidates with HC experience or at worst, extensive OC/DC experience- who have connections.
As said in another post, the connections a guy has are likely more important than anything else.

This is exactly why I kept saying, MU would benefit from a very successful FCS head coach...Cignetti was actually someone I thought MU should have interviewed and hired for the job. I forgot which one though. There are two of them.
I do give them credit for reaching outside the box, but it ultimately didn't pay off.

But really, get off the excitement of a "young and energetic coordinator from a sexy sounding P5 program."
Huff has no loyalty to MU, that's fine. But he isn't going to win MU the way they want/expect him to, and he will be gone.
I feel a HC from a lower program already knows how to actually run a program and will hire the right people, as having been a successful HC before...probably their coordinators/staff who made them successful.
I doubt anyone would have a problem with that.

Huff clearly has no idea how to run this program. The OC is so limited in scope that we have a hobbling scramble first, pass later QB taking snaps. Somehow Chad's son isn't higher on the depth chart, and we have no physically gifted WR that we can rely to convert when needed.
Credit the defense. Kept JMU to 3 pts the entire first half, I don't blame them for getting tired and eventually breaking. It just happens when your offense is so inept and is off the field before you can rest.
The only positive is Payne is a hard runner and different from Ali in ways, which could make the running game a very tough thing to defend.

Bash Doc and some of the other guys before all you want, at least the offense could score a TD, even in garbage time.

MU had this game and very much shocked everyone with the halftime score...but absolutely blew it in the 2nd half.
The transfer kid from Rice should get an opportunity now. I've seen his film and he has a better arm. Maybe better instincts and decision making but we may never know
Heard he still has shoulder issues. Doesn’t warm up on long passes
At some point you have to try something... What was wild to me watching the game was that McMahan is the backup? Why would you have a guy whose here for all of 6 more games be the #2?

If we are going to make a change at QB (and we definitely should) you have to go to Harrison or Pennington.
both Harrison and Pennington would do better than Fancher
I would be willing to roll the dice!

Cam = 43.6 QBR = 102nd ranked QB in FBS!!