Well, crap


Platinum Buffalo
Dec 25, 2007
My sinuses were bothering me so I drove to the local Quickie Med Office. I was just diagnosed with COVID. So much for those five shots I took. The Dr did say I was a very healthy sick person for what that is worth.
I hope you feel better soon. My mom has COVID and said this round is far worse than the last time she had it.
I guess I might get it someday. Maybe had it once, just felt like a cold, so I don’t know. Never had a COVID test, never had a jab. Don’t take flu shots either.
Knock on wood, never had it. I had the 2 Moderna initial shots and a booster. I’m 67 yrs old, I’ve been on planes on the average of twice a month since around Oct 2020 during the pandemic, been to multiple sporting events, concerts, even had family members in my household that had it. I’ve tested negative each time Ive tested.
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Zero shots and no COVID yet, that I'm aware of anyway.

My ex, my son and his wife had it, was over it and they didn't even know.

I guess it affects people differently. I have a pretty good immune system. I haven't had the flu or even a fever since the Summer of 2001. I take no vaccines.
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So a cold and/or flu is now covid. Does anybody ever get a cold anymore?
I've had it three times but officially only once. Early in the game I visited a friend in the hospital that had "walking pneumonia". He had Covid. There weren't any tests at the time. I had a 72 hr bug but he about died.

A year later I never tested positive but was bedridden for about 5 weeks. Worst fatigue I've ever had.

Finally tested positive a year and a half later - plenty of fluids and barely had any symptoms. But the second time dang near killed me...
I had it last fall for the first time. Only reason I tested was because I kind of figured that's what it was and I knew if it was I'd get to take the rest of the week off. It was like having a mild cold.
So a cold and/or flu is now covid. Does anybody ever get a cold anymore?
This is more like a cold and the flu all at once. Think of every symptom of both and that is COVID. First two days have been the worst, but it’s not like I imagined with all the pictures I saw during the height of the pandemic. No IVs, plastic tents over the bed, breathing machines, or monitors beeping. I felt realty bad for about 48 hours, but now it is more of an annoying head cold and sinus infection. I look at it this way. If Biden can get through it, it will be a snap for me.
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I caught it a couple weeks ago. Nothing severe in terms of symptoms, but it took 2 weeks to fully recover.

The first time I had it (in 2022) it was really just a few days then back to normal.
I just noticed another intriguing side effect of COVID. I was cleaning my bathroom and finished by spraying a disinfectant spray. I noticed I smelled nothing. Even sprayed right in front of my face and still no smell. Just to check, I got out an old bottle of Giorgio Armani aftershave and put the open bottle right under my nose. Nothing. No sense of smell whatsoever.
I just noticed another intriguing side effect of COVID. I was cleaning my bathroom and finished by spraying a disinfectant spray. I noticed I smelled nothing. Even sprayed right in front of my face and still no smell. Just to check, I got out an old bottle of Giorgio Armani aftershave and put the open bottle right under my nose. Nothing. No sense of smell whatsoever.

Did your taste go away too?

When I was so sick I had every Covid symptom around 4 - 5 on a 10 point scale except for fatigue which was 15 on that same scale. And I never tested positive and my numbers never moved...
Tase seems fine and so is my appetite.

That's odd since they usually go hand in hand but nothing is as usual with Covid.

My tastes changed for quite a while. The one big thing was before Covid I used to drink at least one can of V8 a day. Took me over 2 years to be able to stand the taste of it again...