Well, Obama has decided to leave troops in Afghanistan

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Imagine that. A broken unrealistic campaign promise. At least he listened to the experts this time. Maybe he learned from his huge mistake in Iraq.

BREAKING NEWS: President Barack Obama will keep 5,500 U.S. troops in Afghanistan when he leaves office in 2017, according to senior administration officials, casting aside his promise to end the war on his watch and instead ensuring he hands the conflict off to his successor.
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I bet Obama doesn't erase the entire national debt before be leaves office.
I bet he doesn't stop Global Warming before he leaves office and stop the heroin epidemic
And what about immigration? No other president in the history of the United States has allowed illegal immigrants to enter this country.
Sharia Law........the most compassionate, caring, inclusive-human rights focused law there is...........Don't have to worry about school shootings when there are no schools and forms of punishment include lopping off a woman's melon because she wore the wrong color burka.
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10,500 troops next year. 5,500 in 2017

Fever, my guess is quick reaction forces and elements of 2 Infantry divisions, one airborne, one mechanized or light infantry. Elements of one Special Forces Group
10,500 troops next year. 5,500 in 2017

Fever, my guess is quick reaction forces and elements of 2 Infantry divisions, one airborne, one mechanized or light infantry. Elements of one Special Forces Group

There's appx 10,000 there now. No increase, just staying longer than anticipated. I would pull them out as originally intended unless I got help from allies. Period.
There's appx 10,000 there now. No increase, just staying longer than anticipated. I would pull them out as originally intended unless I got help from allies. Period.
Why so it could go to shi* more.

We are going to be back in there in a few years when WW3 starts/

The Army is already moving doctrine to fight the Russians again.
I think this action shows just how bad it is getting in that region since we basically cut and run. I was listening to a podcast yesterday and the interview was with a former high ranking (retired) special ops commander. He insisted it was a major screw up leaving Iraq the way we did. MAJOR.

He rattled off specifics of how things were progressing in some very positive ways prior to the withdrawal. People were beginning to trust our teams fully when it came to helping to rebuild their society. They were eager to assist us when it came to taking out the bad guys. We left them high and dry when they were just learning to walk on their own again.

Obumma has essentially ignored the human crisis he instigated by walking out of the region the way he did. Now you have the Russians aligning themselves in ways that undercut many of our actions and interests. Afghanistan is probably desperately begging us not to leave them. They too would be left with little ability to protect themselves against the growing shit storm that's coming due to our quitting.
Afghanistan can't afford its own security force, even if we weren't there physically we'd still be funding them. Dropping them like we did Iraq would probably end up worse than what's happening in Iraq right now. We'll continue to fund and train and don't be surprised if there's a couple BCTs in country this time next year. They simply don't have the numbers (ANA/ANP and monetarily), to support themselves at this point.
If we stayed there for 50 years, as soon as we left it would fall apart. You guys never learn.
If we stayed there for 50 years, as soon as we left it would fall apart. You guys never learn.

Thank goodness this thetan wannabe wasn't in charge of military strategy and Intl affairs following past wars and conflicts. Can you imagine the cesspool he would have happily left behind? Did they not teach history in Wayne Co.? We still have security/ combat forces in Japan, Germany, Greece, Great Britain, France, Philippines, Korea, Kuwait. We literally fed and rebuilt Germany following the end of WW2.
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Where did all the war protestors around here disappear to? Oh well. Not surprised. They are quitters too. Lets help them out. 1...2...3....

Obama lied, people died!! Obama lied, people died!! Obama lied, people died!!

They typically do one of two things when confronted with unsettling truths - (1) make shit up, or (2) hide. It appears they've chosen the latter. I also notice Greed ignored the post about the epic fail that is Obamacare.
They typically do one of two things when confronted with unsettling truths - (1) make shit up, or (2) hide. It appears they've chosen the latter. I also notice Greed ignored the post about the epic fail that is Obamacare.

What "unsettling truth" are you referring to? I don't make stuff up and I don't hide.

Obamacare is not a failure.
The IRS is starting to send out fines, called a Shared Responsibility Tax, if you don't have obamacare. It's currently at 50% of projected enrollees. Deductibles are through the roof. Coverage costs 3xs what families were paying prior to the law. If you're out of state and use your health card it may not be recognized by a provider and you can't get care. So, basically the exact opposite of what was promised (except for the fines).
The IRS is starting to send out fines, called a Shared Responsibility Tax, if you don't have obamacare. It's currently at 50% of projected enrollees. Deductibles are through the roof. Coverage costs 3xs what families were paying prior to the law. If you're out of state and use your health card it may not be recognized by a provider and you can't get care. So, basically the exact opposite of what was promised (except for the fines).

Let's see a credible link ...
So making healthcare affordable for most Americans is a bad

Do you even know how much private insurance cost it isn't subsidized through your job?? Or if your not paying through an association. What if you have a pre-existing condition or a sick child. You republicans make me sick.

Instead of people paying 1500 a month they will pay 600.
So making healthcare affordable for most Americans is a bad

Do you even know how much private insurance cost it isn't subsidized through your job?? Or if your not paying through an association. What if you have a pre-existing condition or a sick child. You republicans make me sick.

Instead of people paying 1500 a month they will pay 600.

Except for the fact it ISN'T making healthcare more affordable. As a whole.........DEDUCTIBLES ARE GOING UP. PREMIUMS ARE GOING UP. THE COSTS OF CERTAIN INDIVIDUAL MEDICAL PROCEDURES ARE GOING UP. Its closing smaller hospitals (reducing access to care in many communities) and forcing others to merge or go bankrupt.

Its not that hard to understand. Those of us that don't live in the make believe, utopian world, of "big govt Bernie's taking care of you", and pay attention to something other than Dem talking points understand this.
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Healthcare is a business. It is an industry. Its roughly about 1/4th of the US economy. "Insurance" is only a portion of its intricacy. I've been involved in the healthcare industry (in various capacities) for almost 17 years.

Do you work in "Insurance" or healthcare Fever, or do you simply lap up like sheep what the Govt feeds you and regurgitate it like you know something??

Raleigh should tattoo his name on Greed's back 'cause he just made him his bitch (again).

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Healthcare is a business. It is an industry. Its roughly about 1/4th of the US economy. "Insurance" is only a portion of its intricacy. I've been involved in the healthcare industry (in various capacities) for almost 17 years.

Do you work in "Insurance" or healthcare Fever, or do you simply lap up like sheep what the Govt feeds you and regurgitate it like you know something??

I work in Insurance but I am also a broker for Blue Cross and Blue Shield through State Farm and I am fully licensed to sell Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Annuities, Medicare Supplements. So I am fully away of what Obamacare is and what is being portrayed but the Republicans and their followers
It's not Republicans, it's the every day American that's making this known. My ex, who was a huge Obama supporter, complained that here premium went up by $200 last year and will increase again this year. She said her deductible is so high it's the same cost of her yearly premium before Obamacare. It works for the poor but not the middle class.

There are countless individual stories like this but you'll never hear it if toe the line and refuse to acknowledge the ACA and Obama isn't perfect.
It's not Republicans, it's the every day American that's making this known. My ex, who was a huge Obama supporter, complained that here premium went up by $200 last year and will increase again this year. She said her deductible is so high it's the same cost of her yearly premium before Obamacare. It works for the poor but not the middle class.

There are countless individual stories like this but you'll never hear it if toe the line and refuse to acknowledge the ACA and Obama isn't perfect.

Now, what state does she live in. She could be living in a state that voted down Obamacare, which essentially means her state doesn't partake in it and wont fund it meaning the cost is passed to the HMO companies which in turns pass the cost on to their policyholders. Not her fault because her states politicians wanted to go against it.
Her best bet, is to apply for the ACA and see if she and her family qualifies for the subsidy instead of bitching about it. Most Americans do qualify for the subsidy
If we stayed there for 50 years, as soon as we left it would fall apart. You guys never learn.

Study up on WW1 and get back with me.

What are some of the issues that led to WW2. An unbalanced and poor Germany after WW1.