Well, Obama has decided to leave troops in Afghanistan

So making healthcare affordable for most Americans is a bad

Do you even know how much private insurance cost it isn't subsidized through your job?? Or if your not paying through an association. What if you have a pre-existing condition or a sick child. You republicans make me sick.

Instead of people paying 1500 a month they will pay 600.

my premiums and deductibles went up, moron
also, the number of prescriptions and other medicines they will pay for is reduced or a paperwork nightmare.

You live with your mother and are a grown man. Maybe you should learn how the world works.
Your premiums and deductibles went up because you didn't apply for the subsidy. How about your apply and see how much you qualify for
Now, what state does she live in. She could be living in a state that voted down Obamacare, which essentially means her state doesn't partake in it and wont fund it meaning the cost is passed to the HMO companies which in turns pass the cost on to their policyholders. Not her fault because her states politicians wanted to go against it.

No way you work in the insurance business and explain obummercare in this manner. No State was able to "vote down Obamacare". Is this how you speak professionally to your "clients" about the topic?????

Or are you lying again? You claiming to "work in insurance" is the same as you originally claiming you "bought a new car with cash" isn't it? Only to find out later it really wasn't a "new" car. You are like Dtard telling us he is an accountant when talking "physical" matters in finance.

Seriously. The closest you get to the insurance business is mopping their office floors and emptying their trash cans at night after everyone goes home. Am I right?
And I live in the real world, get up go to work everyday, started a second job working nights on weekends and pay all my bills

But I don't live in the real world
Your premiums and deductibles went up because you didn't apply for the subsidy. How about your apply and see how much you qualify for

Not everyone wants to live on a welfare existence. "Subsidy" is code word for, "I am a bum loser. Someone else should pay my way."
No way you work in the insurance business and explain obummercare in this manner. No State was able to "vote down Obamacare". Is this how you speak professionally to your "clients" about the topic?????

Or are you lying again? You claiming to "work in insurance" is the same as you originally claiming you "bought a new car with cash" isn't it? Only to find out later it really wasn't a "new" car. You are like Dtard telling us he is an accountant when talking "physical" matters in finance.

Seriously. The closest you get to the insurance business is mopping their office floors and emptying their trash cans at night after everyone goes home. Am I right?

Do you want copies of my license, or maybe a copy of my business cards. Or when I am Charted in P&C and LAH do you want copies of my certificates???
Well then you have nobody to complain to then yourself.

Why would I complain to myself about being self sufficient and not needing a handout? Its rewarding to know that I am able to provide for myself and family. One of these days when you move out, you will understand.
Your premiums and deductibles went up because you didn't apply for the subsidy. How about your apply and see how much you qualify for

I don't qualify for shi*.

the company I work for, thanks to obamacare, had their insurance premiums go up 250,000. So, who gets to eat that cost. That is right, the employees.
Actually no, So instead of saving money and paying less premiums and spending more money on your family. You would rather not take advantage out of pride. Man your a dumb ass
I don't qualify for shi*.

the company I work for, thanks to obamacare, had their insurance premiums go up 250,000. So, who gets to eat that cost. That is right, the employees.

I want to know what was your monthly premium before, and what is it now?
Actually no, So instead of saving money and paying less premiums and spending more money on your family. You would rather not take advantage out of pride. Man your a dumb ass

You are a freeloader.

You are damn right.
Im a freeloader???? But I work and pay my bills and as a single man whose salary and income falls inside of the 400% above the poverty line threshold makes me a freeloader. You are hilarious.

And FYI, your company that you work for might be getting over you and your employees. Maybe you should look at your Health Insurance plan, and look at the cost and see how much your company is covering vs. how much of the cost they used to cover.
Do you want copies of my license, or maybe a copy of my business cards. Or when I am Charted in P&C and LAH do you want copies of my certificates???

I hope the mods are seeing you are offering up your personal information. (so you can complain about someone stalking you later)

Like I said. No way a licensed insurance professional would explain "obummercare" in the way you have. If you happen to be licensed and explain it in such a way you have tried wonder you need a second job to pay your bills. You would be impossible to trust as a client.

Additionally, your animosity towards the financial successful (1%) and blind ignorance in supporting "socialism(t)" as you claim, demonstrates fully your lack of basic understanding of how success is ultimately earned and accomplished. You actually believe those with financial means got handed something because that's ultimately what you expect for yourself. You play the victim card any chance you get. You are indeed a freeloader on the system.
I hope the mods are seeing you are offering up your personal information. (so you can complain about someone stalking you later)

Like I said. No way a licensed insurance professional would explain "obummercare" in the way you have. If you happen to be licensed and explain it in such a way you have tried wonder you need a second job to pay your bills. You would be impossible to trust as a client.

Additionally, your animosity towards the financial successful (1%) and blind ignorance in supporting "socialism(t)" as you claim, demonstrates fully your lack of basic understanding of how success is ultimately earned and accomplished. You actually believe those with financial means got handed something because that's ultimately what you expect for yourself. You play the victim card any chance you get. You are indeed a freeloader on the system.

This is what I got out of that.......

"No way someone like you fever can just school me on the ACA, your not professional, and you make me look like a dumbass any chance you get fever. I am just an ignorant fool fever. I called you a freeloader even though you work and pay your own bills. And even though you live in NY and most people your age work 2 or 3 jobs, you are a freeloader who lives in your mothers house"
And my animosity towards the 1% is this.

They will pay millions of dollars and even billions into Super Pacs for a presidential campaign when they can spend that same amount of money into local communites and schools or even into freaking Medicaid and Social Security
This is what I got out of that.......

"No way someone like you fever can just school me on the ACA, your not professional, and you make me look like a dumbass any chance you get fever. I am just an ignorant fool fever. I called you a freeloader even though you work and pay your own bills. And even though you live in NY and most people your age work 2 or 3 jobs, you are a freeloader who lives in your mothers house"

If that's "what you get", that explains why you "need" multiple jobs, and live with mom. For the record, "Because everyone else does it." is the greatest excuse for mediocrity ever conceived by other losers. No doubt you bought into it.

Furthermore, you cant even explain Obummacare as it relates to the states accurately. You've yet to explain anything of real validity to anyone here. How exactly did "States vote down Obamacare", as you claimed? (FYI, They didn't) Obamacare is the law of the land. All citizens fall under its rules in one form or another.

Let me help you.....States were given the latitude in determining whether they wished to establish independent State Exchanges or tie directly to the Fed Exchange. They were also granted the ability to decide whether to attach their Medicaid (welfare healthcare) reimbursement to the program or not. Some states opted out of such a plan. But at no time, was a state granted the right to NOT follow the law of Obamacare.
so working 2 jobs means your mediocore, got it. And their was certain provisions that was left to the states to vote in or not on. And the states that didn't opt to vote in such as the state exchange, those cost was passed down to the HMO which passed them to higher premium cost by corporations who have group insurance plans who passed those cost down to their employers
And my animosity towards the 1% is this.

They will pay millions of dollars and even billions into Super Pacs for a presidential campaign when they can spend that same amount of money into local communites and schools or even into freaking Medicaid and Social Security

This is what I get from this:

I, Fever, am so jealous of what others have, that I choose to follow, believe, and do what the below average in society do. Because I really cant take care of myself and need mom to provide my shelter, I blame the rich for not giving away enough of their money to me and other bums, despite the fact that their money already pays over 80% of tax income to the feds and contribute more money to charity and communities than I ever long as I continue doing what "everyone else does".
what you just said makes no sense. Oh and FYI, ill be moving into my own apartment Nov 1st. Found a deal, I couldn't pass on. Do you want photos of that too?? Place is pretty sweet for the cost of rent in NY.

And donating to charities like the Red Cross?? All charities are schemes, just legal Ponzi-schemes. Red Cross got millions donated to the public becuase of the Haiti earthquake and only built 6 homes out of the millions that was donated. Donating to Charities is just another way for the rich to deduct taxes.
This is what I get from this:

I, Fever, am so jealous of what others have, that I choose to follow, believe, and do what the below average in society do. Because I really cant take care of myself and need mom to provide my shelter, I blame the rich for not giving away enough of their money to me and other bums, despite the fact that their money already pays over 80% of tax income to the feds and contribute more money to charity and communities than I ever long as I continue doing what "everyone else does".

And I guess working 2 jobs is following what the below average in society do. Man you are pathetic. Anything else out of your ignorant, pathetic mouth.

I am working on getting my Real Estate license too so I can sell real estate on top of my job working for a state farm agent and on top of my part timeFront Desk job at the Long Island Marriott that I just got hired for.

Man I am so pathetic and the lowest rung in society
And the states that didn't opt to vote in such as the state exchange, those cost was passed down to the HMO which passed them to higher premium

Well looky just undercut your original premise that "obamacare didn't effect higher premiums or deductibles on customers".

So here you have the Obamacare law (THAT EVERYONE HAS TO FOLLOW REGARDLESS) actually being the cause of raising the cost of premiums and deductibles to companies and employees. This of course is EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what Obama promised. He promised a diminished lower cost system. A lowering of cost. Instead, you get the COST OF GOVT Bureaucracy passed down to the businesses and citizens (as always happens in a socialist system). You still wont understand this but, that's ok. You've admitted the excuse of being virtually brain dead like all the other zombies.
Im going to enjoy paying for Government subsidized health insurance then what the previous system was charging. Im just a lazy bum
what you just said makes no sense. Oh and FYI, ill be moving into my own apartment Nov 1st. Found a deal, I couldn't pass on. Do you want photos of that too?? Place is pretty sweet for the cost of rent in NY.

And donating to charities like the Red Cross?? All charities are schemes, just legal Ponzi-schemes. Red Cross got millions donated to the public becuase of the Haiti earthquake and only built 6 homes out of the millions that was donated. Donating to Charities is just another way for the rich to deduct taxes.

You cant resist wanting to send out pictures of yourself or things to people can you?

One minute you demand giving back to communities, the next you bitch about the charities that provide for those New Jersey during the hurricane. Haiti???? LMAO.

The deductibility to charities like Red Cross doesn't even move the decimal point on the tax bill for the wealthy. Just when I think you cant get anymore at least accomplish that.
Im going to enjoy paying for Government subsidized health insurance then what the previous system was charging. Im just a lazy bum

I thought you "worked in the system"? Understand moron? That's how you, as an employee within the system get paid as am employee........:rolleyes:
what you just said makes no sense. Oh and FYI, ill be moving into my own apartment Nov 1st. Found a deal, I couldn't pass on. Do you want photos of that too?? Place is pretty sweet for the cost of rent in NY.

And donating to charities like the Red Cross?? All charities are schemes, just legal Ponzi-schemes. Red Cross got millions donated to the public becuase of the Haiti earthquake and only built 6 homes out of the millions that was donated. Donating to Charities is just another way for the rich to deduct taxes.

Just an FYI.....The Red Cross spends 90% of their donations on victims and victim resources. They are also responsible for 40% of our blood supply.

You are one ass-backwards liberal......"Give me, give me, give me but charities are Ponzi schemes."


Don't believe all of the conspiracy theories you read on the internet!

(Disclaimer: My wife works in non-profit and the services her company provides is irreplaceable)
You want the Russians becoming the dominant player there and controlling the region?
So here we have herdfever, claiming licenses in insurance and (soon to be) real estate while working a job at a desk for Marriott.

Is there anymore bullshit you want to spin? How exactly does one work full time selling insurance (successfully), work as a bellman at a Marriott branded hotel (the man) and then expect to sell real estate (someone has been watching "Million dollar listing").

Believe it (despite my ball busting you) I commend you if you are doing these things. At one time i worked in3 seperate ventures working about 20 hours a day in various aspects of my plan. The problem with your plan??? You act like a bitch. You use "I am a victim" language and speak I am a victim (and loser) mindset.
Do You want to be successful??? Seriously??? Quit blaming someone else for where you are in life. Accept the fact it's "you", as the reason for where and who you are right now. And for fvcking sakes, quit accepting the idea that someone else of prosperity can hold you back or can guarantee your sustainability and security in life.

Be grateful (truly grateful for what you have) for what you have now. Give and share to others (in time, knowledge, and $$$) as much as you can. And model yourself ( habits, attitudes, thoughts& actions) after those who have achieved the outcome you desire.

Good luck.
Ask Russia about Afghanistan. Russia can't be any worse than Al Queda or Isis or Syria.

Until they control Syria by Proxy, cut deals with the Iranians, and viewed as the power broker that stabilizes the region.

The Russians are a serious threat. Look at Europe.
Until they control Syria by Proxy, cut deals with the Iranians, and viewed as the power broker that stabilizes the region.

The Russians are a serious threat. Look at Europe.

Syria is already a Russian puppet.
The 2 nations have had deals for decades, if not centuries.
If they stabilize the region, that would be great.
Show us that fear you live and vote by.
ACA is doing exactly what it was intended to do, drive costs thru the roof and provide free more free "stuff" paid for by the dwindling population that pays for everything. The final goal is of course a single payer system but right now the administration and the insurance companies are enjoying every increase that comes along. The two prescriptions I have increased this year by 80% and 350% respectfully, they had been the same cost for the last 4 years.
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