Well, well


Platinum Buffalo
Jan 2, 2007
Well, if you say who gets fired it always has to be the top, I mean, problems start from the top and they have to get solved from the top and the president’s the leader. And he’s got to get everybody in a room and he’s got to lead. When they talk about the government shutdown, they’re going to be talking about the president of the United States, who the president was at that time.
Well, if you say who gets fired it always has to be the top, I mean, problems start from the top and they have to get solved from the top and the president’s the leader. And he’s got to get everybody in a room and he’s got to lead. When they talk about the government shutdown, they’re going to be talking about the president of the United States, who the president was at that time.

“They’re not going to be talking about who was the head of the House, the head the Senate, who’s running things in Washington,” Trump said.

“So I really think the pressure is on the president,” he added.

"Republicans should not be afraid of a government shutdown."

What has happened to the "best negotiator in the history of the world" this time?
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worlds biggest con man conning the worlds biggest fools.
hes running the govt like he runs his business - into the ground.

odd thing - they had no trouble getting the votes to pass the rob
middle class and give their money to the rich campaign contributors
tax cut.
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The thing is, the cons couldn't muster the gumption to allow DACA, which has super high support from the nation including republicans, independents, and democrats.
What in the budget, or the 30 day CR, did the Dems oppose?
Money for trump wall, no DACA, and increased military spending if I remember correctly.

I'm not a fan of add-ons. Passing a clean budget shouldn't be that hard, and it hasn't happened since 2012.
The ny times and the ap called out the dems as the reason for the shutdown and the meltdowns by snowflakes and virtue-signallers on twitter was hilarious.
You'd think the Marxist liberals would have learned their lesson, Trumps supporters aren't going anywhere. Except maybe the ones that get polled wherever extragreen gets his information.