what i learned from the latest $5m spent by cons on BEN GHA ZEEE!

I know you live on this board, Extra. Quote me defending the Benghazi Committee, please. I'm waiting.
So you don't have any quotes of me defending the Benghazi hearing and all you have is to call me "cute"? That's your answers? You're dumber and more helpless than I thought.

All you have is name calling. bravo
I know you live on this board, Extra. Quote me defending the Benghazi Committee, please. I'm waiting.

Well, why don't you give us your thoughts on the Gowdy led committee? Should be interesting and we won't have to look for quotes. I'll be waiting...
Well, why don't you give us your thoughts on the Gowdy led committee? Should be interesting and we won't have to look for quotes. I'll be waiting...[/QU

Can't find any support of the Benghazi Committee by me. Funny that.
You're deflecting from the Benghazi Committee to the FBI investigation again. Not my fault you cant keep the two investigations separate.
You accused me of supporting the hearing. Quote me on that or retract. Your choice.
It's your accusation. Show where I supported the Benghazi investigation. You can't.
It was your accusation, so it's on you to defend that accusation. Do it.
I stand by the accusation until you say that you don't approve of the Gowdy led benghazi committee.
Show me where I supported it or admit you lied about me.

Let me be as clear about this as I can be. I say that you're fine with the Gowdy led Benghazi committee, and I'll believe it and say it until you state that you don't. Is that clear enough for you?
You accused me of supporting the investigation. Show me where I did. Do it or retract your accusation.
Then show me where I supported it. Should be easy as confident that you are. Do it or let it go. It's you who's drawing this out.
No. I....will....not.

Declare you are against the Gowdy led benghazi committee and end this.
No. I....will....not.

Declare you are against the Gowdy led benghazi committee and end this.

Are you drunk and finding yourself in the 1800's? This isn't the Salem witch trials. The burden of proof lies on you.
I know you live on this board, Extra. Quote me defending the Benghazi Committee, please. I'm waiting.
You must be new to the board. Once your realize greedy's a huge hypocrite & lives on this board because he's such a miserable person no one will talk to him in real life, you'll stop expecting him to answer questions or back his accusations up.

He'll pretend to ignore you if you start asking him how he treats his employees, but we know he's reading them. Aren't you greedy? Poor, greedy. This board is all he has.
So you dont think the highest diplomat in a particular country shouldnt have a way to contact their boss? Hey those 7 investigations were hindered by the FACT that clinton hid her emails and the state dept wouldnt release other emails.
Oh. Ok. Cause you are an expert on how the State Department is organized and communicates? If you think email is the primary method of communication then you should really just stop posting.
Oh. Ok. Cause you are an expert on how the State Department is organized and communicates? If you think email is the primary method of communication then you should really just stop posting.
Ok then where are the meetings notes/memos/faxes etc.

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