What will fracking do for West Virginia?

Walden Pond

Platinum Buffalo
Oct 8, 2007
There seems to be a lot of jobs in the gas wells up in the north central part of the state. I wonder what the future of this is. Could this turn Weston and Buckhannon into North Dakota like little boom towns? Is this something West Virginia can bank on for anything in the future? Or will it get shut down by environmental wackos or fizzle for some other reason?
Originally posted by Walden Pond:
Or will it get shut down by environmental wackos or fizzle for some other reason?
The wackos won't allow it.

WV is full of resources that could completely turn around the state, but the PC tree huggers won't stand for this stuff.

WV will continue to be decorated with Maytags on the porches.
Oh well, North Dakota, Texas and other states will continue onward and upward then. This kind of shit is why these other places get to enjoy prosperity and West Virginia gets a food stamp book in the mail.

I wonder if West Virginia doesn't do this shit just to protect a few powerful rich people who own a bunch of it and want to hog it all to themselves. That's why Democrat politicians are Democrats. To wield more power and encourage more people into poverty and becoming losers for them to rule high on their hill.

They know these idiots who vote for them will settle for a cheap, easy life of leisure. They portray it as a tough struggle. Yeah, standing in line all day to get a damn handout because they're too stupid to realize they could get the hell out of there and make good money working somewhere else that wasn't ruled by this garbage.
Environ-wackos are going to be hard pressed to stop it right now. The big money is flowing into this sector. As long as Wall St wants it....its going to happen. Environmentalists wont be let on the playground to whine or attempt delays until some level of ROI and profits are realized by large investors.

Doesn't mean WV will be anymore well off than they have been over the last 100 years of coal production strength though. The state has a multi generation poverty mindset that must be changed first. Until that happens, it will remain as is. No level of natural resources can change that.
Wonder how long it'll take for the ROI and profits to be realized. However long that is, there will be opportunities even in West Virginia for people willing to work them.

Yep, that mentality is there for sure, deeply rooted. I think too many people there have become too comfortable with the luxurious poverty they qualify for. They sold themselves cheap, but they think it's good enough. For those who say to hell with that and want to work, I think they're already starting to pour into some of the little mountain towns up there.
Originally posted by raleighherdfan:

Environ-wackos are going to be hard pressed to stop it right now.
They tried to stop it here in Michigan, and continue to do so, but so far they are losing.

I think Walden is right though. The folks calling the shots are our worst enemies. They want to keep the money close to the vest. There's not too many that drive around town in the ole Mercedes. They want to maintain that status and laugh at the rest of the dumb holler dwellers driving around in pick up trucks with the flying WV logo proudly displayed on the back window.

Perhaps you were onto something yesterday with that dumb holler dweller statement.
The key to the economic sustainability of the "energy boom" Central Appalachia is experiencing is the development of "Cracker" plants in the region. If we allow the regions natural gas to be pipelined to the Gulf Coast we will not realize the true potential of this boom... Cracker plants then the follow on manufacturing process that us the 'cracked' natural gas for manufacturing...
Originally posted by Walden Pond:
That's why Democrat politicians are Democrats. To wield more power and encourage more people into poverty and becoming losers for them to rule high on their hill.
That is why Nickie Joe says he won't let anyone change our way of life.
Originally posted by pj(HN):
The key to the economic sustainability of the "energy boom" Central Appalachia is experiencing is the development of "Cracker" plants in the region.
Saw a newspaper article where one that was originally slated for West Virginia will now be in Monroe County, Ohio. Leave it to West Virginia to drop the ball once again on any chance of prosperity.
Originally posted by MichiganHerd:

Originally posted by raleighherdfan:

Environ-wackos are going to be hard pressed to stop it right now.
They tried to stop it here in Michigan, and continue to do so, but so far they are losing.

I think Walden is right though. The folks calling the shots are our worst enemies. They want to keep the money close to the vest. There's not too many that drive around town in the ole Mercedes. They want to maintain that status and laugh at the rest of the dumb holler dwellers driving around in pick up trucks with the flying WV logo proudly displayed on the back window.

Perhaps you were onto something yesterday with that dumb holler dweller statement.
From the political aspect I believe Walden to be on point. However, from a business/investor aspect though, "holding $$$ close to the vest" (either in greed or fear) never grows an individual into a maintainable wealthy lifestyle, despite what certain political elites would have the masses believe.
They'll invest in West Virginians, only if they move out of the state's borders. Tax purposes probably have a decent hand in it, but I imagine there are other factors as well.

Hillbillies are set in their ways. I don't think we even like participating in society, but we got bought out by school and television. Sometimes I wonder if living off the land wouldn't have been better, but I'm in way too deep to consider that now. We always kind of admired the Amish, me and the old man.

I think these big business people might be able to handle a couple migrant hicks, but they probably don't want a whole lot of them. Probably don't want to put a fancy building where they can revolt and tear the damn thing up either.
Originally posted by Walden Pond:
We always kind of admired the Amish.
You just reminded me that I've committed to heading down to Shippshewana (spelling) on Saturday with the woman. The Amish have always sort of spooked me a little. Not sure I would want to hang out down their way at night time, as I always figured I might get an axe in the back. It was that Children of the Corn movie that ruined them for me.

With that said, making love to a young Amish lady is on my bucket list. Figure once they unravel that bonnet and all, they might not look all that rugged.

This post was edited on 10/29 3:05 PM by MichiganHerd
We never admired the pious part of it though. Religion has some rules on how to be decent, but at the end of the day we're a cussin' bunch.

I think the only reason I frequently pine for a simple life in the woods is there's no fun in this stuff. The money's good, the living is easy and convenient. Got everything I need, but there's no fun. Everybody's so mad all the time. Everything's so fast and serious or competitive. All the damn time.

When do people ever celebrate their good fortunes? How do they do it? I never see it. Never hear about it. It's always onto the next aggravation instead of stopping to dance and smile with some good pickin' and grinnin'. So I have to do that myself. Nowhere near as fun as it would be with a bunch of carefree hicks.
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:
Nothing will ever change
Well then all the bums should be bussed out of there to big city ghettos. I'd like to see those fat lazy dumbass hicks on welfare be thrown to the thugs. They would get eaten alive.

As it stands, they get to live an easy life out in the country while most of us who have to make a living gave that up a long time ago. Hell, at this point I've gotten used to being without it. Still, they deserve the culture shock, the several years it takes to adjust along with the occasional thoughts of how this is such a step down from childhood.
Originally posted by raleighherdfan:

Environ-wackos are going to be hard pressed to stop it right now. The big money is flowing into this sector. As long as Wall St wants it....its going to happen

when Wall Street wants it, it ain't good.
What is beyond comical, and proof of the farce that is political parties is this. Faux "conservatives" use effectively what is a communist, collective argument to support fracking. The argument of "it's good for the state" etc is a joke. Where liberals defend the right of the government, republican liberals defend the right of corporations.

What in any conservatives mind thinks that a company has the right to set a well miles away from your home, yet run the well under your home? Where the hell are conservatives for property rights? You are no where, more big government republicans, no wonder this nation is falling apart.

We have idiots that defend government or corporations.

We don't even know the real effects of this.
Jobs are all I care about. That's the most important thing. Even though I've got a good one and will keep it as long as they'll let me, I'm always looking to see what else is out there. Just in case they don't need me here anymore or maybe something better is out there that I just won't be able to refuse.

It's about working for a living. Then it's about taking a nap in the grave, because once you're not worth a shit I don't see the point in waking up another day.
Originally posted by mu21503:
What is beyond comical, and proof of the farce that is political parties is this. Faux "conservatives" use effectively what is a communist, collective argument to support fracking. The argument of "it's good for the state" etc is a joke. Where liberals defend the right of the government, republican liberals defend the right of corporations.

What in any conservatives mind thinks that a company has the right to set a well miles away from your home, yet run the well under your home? Where the hell are conservatives for property rights? You are no where, more big government republicans, no wonder this nation is falling apart.

We have idiots that defend government or corporations.

We don't even know the real effects of this.
And we have idiots who do nothing but whine, complain, and pretend to be independent from taking part in what they constantly bitch about. Unless you've gone off the grid, live totally off the land, never vote, and never buy anything with US currency from a business (that most likely is a corporation) then you are nothing but a babbling hypocrite.

Second, you might want to educate yourself a little on "property rights" in general. This isn't something new that conservatives have allowed to happen or that liberals have taken over. Facts are some of the individual property laws have been in place long before the "Faux Cons" or "Corporation" clichés existed. States have varying property laws and rights for subservice rights going back multiple decades and in most cases, law that has been in place since their inception. It simply isn't new. Its never been a Cons/Lib issue until rubes like MU wake up and think this is some new conspiracy they think they have an inside scoop on.

Additionally, hydraulic fracking itself has been in existence and use for over 60 years too. "What real effects" have occurred over the last 60 years that you can link us too beyond the newly minted enviro PR spin we now see on the internet? Suggesting that a form of advancement should be held up until all "real effects" are fully determined or understood is simply asinine. Suggesting the practice of such measures sounds reasonable and fair until one actually understands the importance of taking on some risk in order to advance society as a whole.
We know fracking can ruin wells and springs. That is nothing new...and a big deal in a state with some of the best fresh water supplies on earth. Believe me, one day water will be as valuable as oil.

Also, there is near consensus fracking can trigger earthquakes. It won't be a huge issue, but I would bet a few homes get ruined
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:
one day water will be as valuable as oil
Not in this part of the country. If it ever is, we'll get rich piping it out west. That's where they need it.

No matter how dirty the water gets it can be treated back to potability. Shit plants discharge into rivers. Some of it treated, some not depending on what the plant can handle. Huntington's a model nightmare story. Then, downstream they pull that shit water out somewhere else, treat it and pump it out for consumption.

We're all just drinking somebody else's toilet water.
California's building plants to desalt water from the Pacific. Hopefully there will be enough advancements in that technology to avoid having to pipe it all the way from here.

Hope in one hand and shit in the other though, eh? The big number crunchers out there must have decided this was going to be the way to go. They've invested some big bucks in it already.
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:
If climate change has the effect many think it will, you can bet your ass water will be piped to the west and parts of the plains.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
If it happens, it'll be a nice economic windfall for some people around here anyway.
Originally posted by GeauxHerd:
Fracking doesnt really have any effects on the envrionment. Not much going on down 10k to 15k feet except oil and gas stored in rocks
It can affect groundwater though. I haven't heard of anything on a large scale, but they had some little community on CNBC crying about being able to light their water on fire.

The show started out well, talking about how big the natural gas area was and how we were sitting on so much of it. People getting rich off of it. Then, the wackos took over the rest of the show. They showed a rig leaking oil and then had those people on there burning their water in a milk jug. Next, they had their frail old interviewer woman sitting across from the gas man giving him hell about dirty chemicals.

I booed, hissed, cussed and turned it off at that point. You know, people are dirty. Energy is dirty. People eat and shit. If we can't be OK with that, then they need to just euthanize the whole lot of us. I could go for that.
: I think human consciousness, is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware, nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself, we are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self; an accretion of sensory, experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody is nobody. Maybe the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction, one last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal.
-------------who's said it? Waldron pond or Rustin Cohle.
I think the drummer posted that the other day and I enjoyed reading it. Can't remember who wrote it. Walden Pond is just a screen name I picked out because I remembered it from an assignment in my Introduction to Engineering class at Marshall. It came into my head as I was thinking randomly to come up with my 115th account to be banned.

But it wasn't banned. Like a twisted joke, yet such a fitting one, the name continues to stand.
As long as you don't care what your kids grandkids are drinking and breathing, have at it. Drill, mine, and burn....I'll be long gone when people are breathing through a respirator and pouring their drinking water through a sieve.

Think like the corporations that are making billions of dollars by destroying peoples lives and our environment. Corporations aren't fracking due to some sense of the greater good, they're doing it because it's profitable. They've figured out that you can get blood out of a turnip, as long as you spray it with toxic chemicals and smash it with a sledge hammer.
Originally posted by CockyHerd:
As long as you don't care what your kids grandkids are drinking and breathing, have at it.
OK, I will. Future generations are a waste of time caring about.

If you cared as much as you're pretending to, you'd log out, swear off all electronics and go live in a hut. You're burning dirty coal to be on here. Ruining your grandkids' lungs. What do you think about that?
Corporations = evil, that's all these conversations ever devolve into.

Never mind the thousands of people who are paid solid wages directly by these corporations, the tens of thousands who indirectly benefit economically, the tax dollars, etc. Oh, you're also allowed to invest in these things, any amount you want!

If someone wants to discussing fracking's effect on the environment, then ok. But I don't think it's an accurate portrayal of the situation to act like the only benefactors of these operations are corporations, with the definition of "corporation" being 10 guys sitting in a room smoking cigars laughing maniacally. Granted, I'm sure someone, somewhere is doing that but there are infinitely more normal families making their living from this.
I'm certain I do more than you to at least minimize my carbon imprint.

I'm not saying everyone should go off the grid. I'm not even against fossil fuels as a whole.

What I'm saying , is that there are safer and cleaner ways to both mine and utilize those fuels. But corporations are more concerned about the almighty dollar than the existence of our planet.
Originally posted by CockyHerd:
I'm certain I do more than you to at least minimize my carbon imprint.
I doubt it. I'm a single man, no kids, don't eat much, don't do anything, live in a small apartment. You're probably living it up in a big house with all kinds of lights on, games, kids running around everywhere, all eating and shitting producing a lot of sewage we have to treat. Probably running all kinds of errands. You know, living life.

Chances are your imprint is way bigger. They don't even make good gas guzzling cars anymore. I'd buy one if they did. They're all dinky pieces of plastic.

And that last sentence makes a lot of sense. Corporations are out to destroy the planet so there's nowhere left to spend all that money. They've been after the feds to nuke the world and get it over with, but I suppose that option's not for sale yet.
This post was edited on 11/3 4:46 PM by Walden Pond
When the option comes along, you can be sure that Halliburton will be first in line.
Originally posted by HerdFan73:
Corporations = evil, that's all these conversations ever devolve into.

Yep. Its the lazy way of not having to think. They are usually the same mouth breathers that think ESPN is actively conspiring against the Herd. Spouting nonsense of evil profits.......all the while ignoring the fact that without profits......we would still be living in dirt huts. The same idiots that decry other companies making profits are the ones demanding they also make more every year in salary and benefits from their own employer....probably a corporation. Total hypocrites when it comes to $$$$.

We've been told by environmental types that we would run out of water, coal, oil, gas, clean air, since Carnegie and Rockefeller ruled the business world. Of course they have to keep moving the environmental Armageddon date farther and farther ahead after the predictions bomb out. Love those modern day "non" (cough) profit (cough) environmental groups. They need guys like Cocky to line their pockets to keep spreading the end of the world propaganda train moving forward. (Environmentalism=Religion).
Originally posted by raleighherdfan:
They need guys like Cocky to line their pockets
I don't know, he strikes me as more of a minion than a financial contributor. He might buy some funny light bulbs or something like that. It would be interesting to hear about how he "does more to reduce his carbon imprint" or whatever the hell he said earlier.

We had somebody riding their bike to work, wearing dirty clothes and not showering a while back. The movement needs money though. All of this isn't going to help Algore make his limo and mansion payments. Oh, but he's not a corporation.
Originally posted by HerdFan73:

Never mind the thousands of people who are paid solid wages directly by these corporations, the tens of thousands who indirectly benefit economically, the tax dollars, etc
Eh, the Nazis put people back to work, too.

I don't have an issue with fracking per se, but people need to be aware of the risks and regulation is needed to step in if shit gets screwed up. As we recently witnessed in WV, clean water is kind of important.

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