Why is it so hard to say Radical Islamic Terrorists?

It is the inaction of people like you that lets these ass bags kill people.

Here is the reality. We are at war whether you like it or not.

Well then I'm proud to be one of those since I don't easily agree to nuking and carpet bombing cities in order to kill people hiding in caves.
Let's say it is 1% that is still a big ****ing number.

They are breeding and infiltrating western society like jack rabbits. That means that number gets bigger.

We have a problem, Houston.

You have a problem. You're a scared little trumptard.
"Globally, Muslims have the highest fertility rate, an average of 3.1 children per woman—well above replacement level (2.1) due to young age of Muslims (median age of 23) compared to other religious groups."

"Islam is the fastest growing religion all over the world,[4] due primarily to the young age and high fertility rate of Muslims."

" it is predicted that the world's Muslim population will grow twice as fast as non-Muslims over the next 20 years. By 2030, Muslims will make up more than a quarter of the global population. If current trends continue, it is predicted by the year 2100 that about 1% more of the world's population will be Muslim (35%) than Christian (34%)."

Scary. 14 years from now we will go from 23% of the world population being Muslim to a whole 25%.
I would call that number those that hold similar beliefs, such as sharia law, establishing a caliphate, the idea of jihad. I would say one percent total are willing to act on it by means of violence. And that is still a shitload.

Yeah, from the Pew research data I think that is pretty accurate.

I think 1% is a fair estimate for those willing to act on it, but those in support of Sharia law is a big number like you say. It's a big extrapolation here on my part, but from Pew research data that 15-25% number is probably correct, and I'd suspect (for transparency, here is where I'm guessing) that if you fall into that group (ie support execution for apostates, Sharia, etc) you're probably not real likely to turn in that 1% guy who you suspect is enough of a zealot to pull a trigger.
Im fairly certain the % of bad ones will increase faster if we continue to preemptively invade Arab countries.

Im fairly certain the % of bad ones will increase faster if we continue to preemptively invade Arab countries.

I agree with you here.

I have no clue what we do here with the problem. I agree that invading Arab countries is low down on my list.

What we don't need is to silence opinions (or uncomfortable facts/truths) in the name of "tolerance." In my mind there is no role for allowing someone to come to America that believes Sharia law should be the law of the land. It's incompatible with modern western democracy.

Islam has a problem with radicals in their religion. I agree we probably can't solve it with invasion of Arab countries. They've got to have a reformation and western countries may need to start demanding a reformation. Now what consequences they have for not reforming is where I feel like I'm out of my pay grade...but I agree that invasion is not something palatable for me as well.
You are just liable to not be effected by it out where you live. Doesn't mean others won't.

Did you fill out your draft card? So who's scared?

Do you believe that I don't travel other places and dont have friends and family outside Wayne county?

I turned 18 about 44 years ago. I honestly don't remember how we signed up. But I know that I did. Social security office?
Do you believe that I don't travel other places and dont have friends and family outside Wayne county?

I turned 18 about 44 years ago. I honestly don't remember how we signed up. But I know that I did. Social security office?

You are 17 years older than me, but when I did it we did it at the Post Office. I remember it well, the old Barboursville Post Office.
Do you believe that I don't travel other places and dont have friends and family outside Wayne county?

I turned 18 about 44 years ago. I honestly don't remember how we signed up. But I know that I did. Social security office?

I apologize for the insinuation. I should not have been judgmental and I mean that.

And, no carpet bombing would not be an easy decision. Going to war or battle is not an easy decision.
Does that make it an easy decision? No

If you continually suggest we do it, it must not be very hard for you.
I apologize for the insinuation. I should not have been judgmental and I mean that.

And, no carpet bombing would not be an easy decision. Going to war or battle is not an easy decision.

No problem. It wasn't offensive, I was just making the point that simply because nothing has happened where I live is irrelevant to how I feel about it. I suspect that most people on here are more sensible than what they let on.