Would You Send Your Child to Marshall?

Derby 2006, I'm drunk and my friend tells me we need to run with this guy to make a pick-up. I have no idea its cocaine, and that we're headed to the hood to get it, and the next thing I know I'm in a Ford Explorer in the middle of the street, rocking back and forth as the crowd around us tries to roll it, dude on the other side of my window yelling, "Get the f--- out the car crackers we gon' kill you all."

The Lou is still in my Top 5 places to visit though.

What kind of coke do they sell in the ghetto? You were about to buy some high priced flour.

Crack? Sure. Weed? Sure. But coke? Everyone knows you go to college campuses and law firms to get that.
I don't disagree with that. But we're talking about sending your kids there. There are better, safer, and similarly priced schools out there. Again, I love Marshall, but there is no chance I encourage my kids to even consider going there.

If I lived in WV and in-state bargain tuition was a concern, and my child chose MU over WVU, I would be fine with that.

As my kid instead attends a much better, private, out of state school I don't have to worry about sending her to MU. However, her mother lives in Huntington and I am in no way concerned about my kid's safety when she is there. On the flip side, she is in Cincinnati, which can be shady AF, but I still don't worry about her...she's a smart kid and doesn't hang with drug addicts/dealers.
From suburbs of Baltimore but absolutely would send my kid to Huntington,WV. Plenty of Marshall fans from greater Columbus, Richmond and up and down interstate 81 and 64 also enjoyed, married and found jobs.

Other than the top 5 reasons you alluded to which most people choose college I’ll give you another 5 reasons.

*Not much more for out of state/metro students
*Enjoys proximity to shoe slopes outdoors and everything wild and wonderful.
*Forensic program is top notch/Engineering on the up with pharmacy school soon.
*Huntington is like a mini monopoly board great city to make some mistakes without going to crazy. Always loved to see how others live/ small town southern hospitality. Which is why many people choose Marshall over WVU, being from Maryland and going to WVU would be high school again.
*RitterPark, future retirement home!
*Better chance of hearing that sexy Logan/Boone accent
*Marshall/Huntington have so much to grow.hopefully investments and reuse of the docks along the Ohio could make it a mini Cincy.
*stop sheltering your children.
I would not hesitate to send my sons to Marshall. These numbers do not reflect the real situation in real time. I can tell you that there are plenty of schools that should be on that list that are way more dangerous to visit. I grew up a stones throw from Marcum Terrace and am never afraid to return to my old neighborhood. My mothers house is now for sale as we close out her estate so I am there some lately. Here is another list that I would say is a better list IMO.
I would not hesitate to send my sons to Marshall. These numbers do not reflect the real situation in real time. I can tell you that there are plenty of schools that should be on that list that are way more dangerous to visit. I grew up a stones throw from Marcum Terrace and am never afraid to return to my old neighborhood. My mothers house is now for sale as we close out her estate so I am there some lately. Here is another list that I would say is a better list IMO.
your mother hated it so bad she decided to move on to the next life. :)

i kid, i kid. sorry if too soon, sorry for your loss.
your mother hated it so bad she decided to move on to the next life. :)

i kid, i kid. sorry if too soon, sorry for your loss.
she was 81 and ready to meet her Maker. Yep the neighborhood has fallen apart, I am sure she doesn't miss it ;)
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419, Marshall University Huntington, West Virginia Total enrollment:13776 Criminal Incidents (most recent 3 calendar years): Murder:0Negligent Murder:0Forcible Rape:2Nonforcible Rape:0Robbery:3Aggravated Assault:0Burglary:29Motor Vehicle Theft:3Arson:2
I guess a very similar way to look at this situation is why would an 18 year old from Indiana/Missouri/Nevada (i.e. anywhere outside of the tri-state area) want to attend Marshall University, in light of there almost certainly being many public and private universities in much closer proximity that offer greater academic and social opportunities? Marshall's footprint by and large is in an economically depressed and ethnically homogeneous area. It needs to present itself in a very positive light somehow someway to those who otherwise do not have a personal connection to the tri-state area. As an alum, I hope they can pull it off.
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My son has 1 school in mind for college and it’s Cornell to wrestle. Although when he talks about baseball he often says UCONN so I’d say Marshall is not in his plan, nor mine for him
My son has 1 school in mind for college and it’s Cornell to wrestle. Although when he talks about baseball he often says UCONN so I’d say Marshall is not in his plan, nor mine for him
If he is good enough to wrestle for Cornell he is pretty good on the mat
If he is good enough to wrestle for Cornell he is pretty good on the mat

He is very good, but he’s going to have to just wrestle to get to that level and I don’t know if he’s willing to give up baseball to do so, which I honestly think he’s more talented at.
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He is very good, but he’s going to have to just wrestle to get to that level and I don’t know if he’s willing to give up baseball to do so, which I honestly think he’s more talented at.
Maybe it will work out if you bitch at coaches to put him on team. That’s tough in college though
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@ThunderCat98 brought this up in another thread by mentioning that he wouldn't send his child to Marshall. Removing your personal allegiances to Marshall, would you send your child there?

Excluding your personal allegiances/proximity to family, what are the reasons you would send your child to Marshall? Frankly, the low cost for a four-year school and being walking disabled (due to the small, flat campus) are the only reasons I can imagine.

In the most recent Forbes rankings of top four-year colleges, Marshall was the only C-USA school that didn't even make the rankings (650 schools). In comparison, Wheeling Jesuit was ranked #535.

Money magazine ranked the top 727 schools based on quality of education, affordability, and outcome. Again, Marshall was not ranked (my guess was that they didn't even meet the minimum graduation rate requirement). Schools ranked ahead of Marshall? Philander Smith College, Tougaloo College, Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Cornerstone University, Ringling College of Art & Design, Spring Arbor University, Brenau University, La Roche College (did Adam go there?), and Glenville State.

In other words, nobody is going to Marshall for the quality of education.

Are you sending them to Marshall due to it being close to great job opportunities, thus allowing relationships to be built for post-graduation success? Nope. The region is about as dead economically as you can get.

Are you sending them to Marshall for a great college experience? Eh, probably not. It is a commuter school with the campus becoming a ghost town on weekends with no football game. There is no significant social draw near Huntington (beaches, a big city, music fest/regular concerts, mountains, any sort of tourism draw, etc.). It isn't rare for many Marshall students to go to morgantown on weekends to want to take part in what they think is a real college experience.

Are you sending them to Marshall because you know they will be safe? Not really. Huntington's crime rate - both overall and violent - is very high. The murder rate is 7 times the national average, the rape rate is more than 3 times the national average, the robbery rate is over 2.5 times the national average, and the assault rate is over 2 times the national average.

The burglary rate is over 3 times the national average, the theft rate is almost twice the national average, and motor vehicle theft rate is almost twice the national average. And those numbers aren't just reflective of the national average - the crime rate is significantly higher for cities of similar size.

But maybe you're son is a football player, and your desire to win a conference championship outweighs his safety, future success, and fun. Well, under Doc's reign, a Marshall player who stays for four years only has about a 44% chance of winning one conference championship, so your son isn't even likely to get that while at Marshall.

Outside of personal allegiance/proximity to family/cost for in-state tuition/being walking disabled, what are the reasons you'd send your child to Marshall?
No. Why ? Because I didn't fail as parent. So my children had much better opportunities. You live in San Marcos, Tx. University of Texas or Marshall ?
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Raising a Veterinarn, Naval Academy Graduate Navy Seal, and Engineer do. Now get back to bed before your boyfriend finds out you have a hard on for me.

You might be raising them, but they're not yours. Check their DNA.
You might be raising them, but they're not yours. Check their DNA.
No I help conceive them. Good luck with that and your boyfriend. You'll have to adopt. Do I need to explain the birds and bees on why that is ?
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Flacio! HAHAHAHAAHAHAH! This moron continues to butcher "your" vs. you're, spells "veterinarian" as "veterinarn," and spells "fellatio" as "flacio."

God damn, this may be the dumbest mother fvcker ever to grace this board. Go look at all of his recent posts and how many times he has edited them.
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Flacio! HAHAHAHAAHAHAH! This moron continues to butcher "your" vs. you're, spells "veterinarian" as "veterinarn," and spells "fellatio" as "flacio."

God damn, this may be the dumbest mother fvcker ever to grace this board. Go look at all of his recent posts and how many times he has edited them.
Capitol One is still waiting on you to pay your lawsuit. Maybe less time bullshi*ing the nice people on here and more time chauffeuring clients would be a more productive use of your time ?

What are you even trying to ask, stupid?

So you are saying you don't think much of your alma mater ? #no loyalty
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So your're

Jesus, you did it wrong again, moron. It is either "you're" or "your." On this board, the preferred spelling for you is "yore." God damn, you really think it's "your're." Worse, you once again edited your post and still fvcked it up, stupid.

Capitol One is still waiting on you to pay your lawsuit.

They are? That's strange, considering my employer at the time paid off not only that debt, but they also paid off the other loan as well as the office my business partner and I had leased. Did you fail in trying to find those? If you'll look at your own research, moron, you'll see that it says "completed" or something similar attached to it. See, that's what happens when you bring a high amount of value to a company. They sue you for non-compete violations, yet they still want you to work for them, and they want that so much that they are willing to pay $25,000+ to get you out of the money you spent on the company you created that they were suing you for. What you think are such enlightening additions to the board from 14 years ago, when I was 25, are things I've discussed on here many times in the past. Hell, in fact, here is an email I had with Murox the Moron from over 14 years ago about it:


I'm sure many on here remember from that time when I posted about it, but to further educate you . . . a co-worker and I were told by our company's ownership that they didn't want a particular contract, so we didn't bid on it. As a result, we set up our own company to bid on the contract, which we ended up winning. In order to do so, we had to quickly arrange for infrastructure to fulfill the requirements in the contract. That meant buying about a dozen vans, office equipment, Nextels for all of our drivers, etc. We each put in about $20,000 (which was all of my savings at the time considering I was 25 years old) and put the rest on credit cards. At the time, I was making about $70,000 (over $90,000 in today's money). So I was far from wealthy, but making $90,000 (in today's money) at 25 allowed me to save some decent money quickly. We made significant earnings in the very first month. But due to the lawsuit, those earnings quickly stopped. Again, stupid, this was all discussed on here more than 14 years ago when it happened.

The co-worker who I partnered in the company with? We ended up, along with his ex-girlfriend (daddy sold a government contracting IT company for hundreds of millions), buying high-end Miami properties and renting them out on a weekly basis before Air BnB existed. She (Duke grad) ended up partnering with her brother in a record label, he (my co-worker) ended up setting up an online dating site with her that they sold together, and they both are serial entrepreneurs.

You really need to get much better at your attempts, but we will continue with your claims to mock your stupidity:

more time chauffeuring clients would be a more productive use of your time


What you're too dumb to understand is this: morons like @dave (the obese, stupid, can't-become-a-real-engineer, chapter seven addicted, cluttered garage living, mismatched and missing hubcap car driving, tiny glasses fat ass) and Devildog use the chauffeur line as a joke. They know I have never been a chauffeur, but they say it to get morons like you to think they are beating me. You, on the other hand, truly think I was/am a chauffeur. In fact, you've gone out of your way to research it, try to find co-workers, etc. Hell, you can simply Google a Washington Post newspaper mention of my position at that company between 7-13 years ago and see what my title was. Or I can just post a business card:


As I said, I was the Director of Sales. It is safe to say that if you're a director of a division in a company with 200 employees, you're doing quite well for yourself, and you definitely aren't a "chauffeur." My base salary in that position in 2007 was $85,000 (that is $105,000 in today's money). But being the director of both the inside and outside sales divisions, a huge part of my remuneration was based on commission earned by my reps. At the age of 27, I started making about$150,000 per year ($185,000 in today's money). I had that type of income until 2009 when I also started making substantial money in music. My first big deal in music was with Disney/ABC. It brought in approximately $350,000 . . . and, yes, I have all of the legal contracts saved in my emails for proof.

So from 2009-2012, I was making upwards of $300,000/year (more in today's value).

bullshi*ing the nice people on here

Stupid, numerous of them on here know me in real life, are friends on social media, etc. They have seen, first-hand, who I am, what I drive, where I live, etc.


Let's go through each of your claims one-by-one.

1) I just proved, even to a moron like you, that I wasn't a chauffeur. I was the director of a division. There were five directors in the company (VP of operations, Director of Finance, Director of HR, President, Director of Sales). All of us were partners in the company. The president was the founder's son (the founder had died years earlier before I came on board). He held the majority of the company. The other four partners were given a percentage of ownership based on a formula which took into account the company's earnings (gross and net) when they came in versus when they left, the annual earnings (or losses), the number of years with the company in a partner position, etc. However, the partners were not allowed to sell or transfer their ownership in the company. When they left (either on their own or forced), the partners were then paid out based on the formula I listed above. In fact, all four of the other partners are still at the company except for the president who left a few months ago when the company merged with another. I was there for about six years before I left to coach/retire (not retire due to making $185K in today's money annually, but due to the money I made from music).

So, your chauffeur claim has been absolutely destroyed.

2) Cookman doesn't pay $50,000/year. The coordinators even back then each earned about $110,000/year, as did the assistant head coach. I was the next to lowest paid coach, and I made more than $50,000 along with plenty of perks. The lowest paid coach made $53,000, has been the running backs coach at Notre Dame the last few years, and is now an FCS head coach. Another former Marshall player used to coach at an HBCU. He left for a position in the top FCS conference in the country yet lost about $30,000 in his salary even though he basically went from the FCS version of the Sun Belt to the FCS version of the SEC. No, nobody at Cookman made $50,000, and most made far more than that, including the head coach, who made $265,000 plus perks. Wrong again, stupid.

3) You claimed I lived in apartment that I didn't own, and you listed many of the addresses where I have lived. You went on to claim that they were "cheap" apartments that I didn't own, and you said that I was "scraping by" just like many of you. So let's look at those "apartments." These are examples of the same bed/bath I had in my condos in the same buildings:

A) Lincoln Way - this was the first property I ever bought when I was 23 years old. I bought it for $164,900. I lived here for about 18 months and sold it for $225,000 right when the market exploded. Best of all, even though I didn't own it for five years, I was able to avoid having to pay capital gains taxes on it. A 23 year old buying and selling a condo for that amount, especially considering those amounts were far more in today's money, isn't "scraping" by or living in average apartments that I don't own. As you can see in the history of this particular unit, it went from $177K to $270K within three years (the same exact time frame I bought and sold).

B) Spring Gate Drive - I closed on this a month after I sold the Lincoln Way condo. I paid more than I should have, but I was confident the market would continue. I should have held this longer since it continued to go up, especially with the metro having been built across the street now:

C) After selling the Spring Gate condo after another 1.5 years, I rented at two different properties in Alexandria and one in Falls Church. Neither were "average," and both were far more than you'll ever be able to. I then rented in a very expensive part of DC for the next 2.5 years. The address, as you mentioned previously, was 400 Massachusetts Avenue NW. As I have mentioned before, one neighbor of mine was Senator Claire McKaskill and the other side of me was a U.S. Justice Department attorney. I had great views of the Washington Monument and U.S. Capitol from my windows.

Here is the condo just like mine (1 bed/1 bath). It sold last month for $575,000. But I didn't own there, I just rented. I paid $1850/month for the condo and an additional $300/month for the parking spot in the garage. Again, that was from 2009-2012, so I am sure you aren't getting that condo for any less than $2500/month now.

Tell us again about those "average" apartments I lived in, how I was scraping by living in a half-million dollar one bedroom condo, and how I never owned any of them (even though I owned two)? Moron.
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And you also forgot to list the last three properties.

One is a three bed/three bath condo directly on the water. I have owned it since 2014. Since you have spent so much time researching, just call the property manager at the building. He is a personal friend of mine and can vouch for it all:



The next one I rented in west Texas for about six months. That was the only average condo I have ever lived, at least in terms of cost, out of all of them. And that was only because the area doesn't really have any condos/apartments that are better than average. Finally, where I am today is a three bed/three bath house in Texas (as you have already researched). It was built seven years ago, and I have been here for over two years. It's appraised at $250,000, so an average cost house.

But let's continue. You and your fellow obsessed wvu fans mocked me claiming that I take pictures with musicians while I drive them. One of them made this comment saying that Ice Cube would mock me:


Well, here I am with Cube. I guess I forgot to where my little chauffeur hat that time, huh? You can also see that both of his sons (one of whom has had some major acting roles and the other of whom runs their family record label) follow me on Instagram. In fact, why don't you add me on Instagram so you can see much more about my life. Let me know your name when you request me, as I get a ton of follow requests each day. I've had 23 more today:

