Correct, I didn't get "rich" off of working there. I made far more money in music, which I will continue to earn for the rest of my life (unless I sell my publishing), which allowed me to retire at 32 years old. It's why I can own a 3 bed/3 bath beach condo, three luxury cars, live in a $250,000 house, take multiple international vacations each year, and spend tens of thousands of dollars on clothes/shoes/bags each year without having worked in the last two years.
And I sued an HBCU because they owed me tens of thousands of contractually obligated dollars. The other things are all just supporting reasons for the lawsuit. The lawsuit was based on them owing me money, stupid. Work on your reading.
Then, again, you're the guy who argued that Cookman assistants only make $50,000 because some absurd website estimated that to be the salary, even though that same website claimed the head football coach at Alabama made $40,000/year and the associate head coach at wvu made $45,000.