Agreed! About time we make some money from the use of the stadium. Also gonna help the city of Huntington. He seems to have a soft spot for Huntington now. Hopefully this will be the first of many upcoming concerts at The Joan!Not a joke. Saturday, August 30th! How cool is this. He's also playing Notre Dame and Michigan stadiums as well, among others.
Just a massive deal for Huntington and Marshall!
Why? there will still be more people there than a Marshall home gameInteresting choice, same day as the Georgia game.
Unless the Herd plays a night game between the Hedges (Assuming the concert is in the evening), I don’t see the problem….Interesting choice, same day as the Georgia game.
Interesting choice, same day as the Georgia game.
Well hell. That rules out any Marshall "fans".This will not be a cheap ticket, just be forewarned.
Anyone have any details on a presale? Let me know please!!