I'm kind of over the Doc era:

bottom line: if the ability on the field is close Doc gives the playing time to the kid from a school he thinks will help him in the future with prospects. Its how he thinks, because Doc is a recruiter first

That mentality cost him a win vs WVU when he played Tron as a freshman when we had Martin Ward on the bench. Result-Fumble, rally on and game over
That mentality cost him a win vs WVU when he played Tron as a freshman when we had Martin Ward on the bench. Result-Fumble, rally on and game over
and here is the deal with that, Don Nehlen, Docs mentor never liked playing freshmen running backs early in the season(or at all as freshmen) because he said they were not strong enough for this very reason. Turnovers. Tron was his recruit so it was one of his guys.
That mentality cost him a win vs WVU when he played Tron as a freshman when we had Martin Ward on the bench. Result-Fumble, rally on and game over

I will never understand why he put Tron in there. Ward was running great against WVU and was a big reason we had the lead. Doc just never liked Ward for whatever reason and would bench him when he could have made an impact.
Someone post the blog that was posted a couple of weeks ago that analyzed our wins and losses and basically concluded that Doc's era has not been that special.
Someone post the blog that was posted a couple of weeks ago that analyzed our wins and losses and basically concluded that Doc's era has not been that special.

not the blog, but last week i posted some stats similar to what you are asking for...

Doc vs FBS that finished with winning record







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and add 0-3 in 2016 assuming Akron, Pitt, and UofL finish with a winning record.

that brings the Total to 12-26... then consider MTS, WKU, and USM in CUSA...

he has the potential to be 12-29 by the end of the season...
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The blog encapsulated these type stats but in a well written essay and conclusion that were not that good under Doc.
Banker is the one who did the analysis, but he won't post over here or is still on perma-ban.

He posted the analysis over on the Woodshed. The guy who wrote the blog entry copied/pasted banker's info into his blog, although he did fully admit and support the reference.
You can take stats and twist them to fit your agenda, bottom line Doc Holiday has won more games here in 3 years, than the previous 8 years combined.
You can take stats and twist them to fit your agenda, bottom line Doc Holiday has won more games here in 3 years, than the previous 8 years combined.

To what end? Baring a miraculous turn of events, we're not winning CUSA this year. That will be one conference championship in 7 years in the 2nd worst (maybe even worst ) conference in America .

And to say that, against teams with a pulse, Doc loses 66% of the time Is not "twisting" anything . It is simply a fact .
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CUSA is the worst conference in America.

But we can still win the conference

Which, in essence, means we're something equivalent to being the captain of the Titanic, since CUSA football is a MAJOR DISASTER also!!!!
CUSA is the worst conference in America.

But we can still win the conference

I hope so but I just don't see a path for us to go 7-1 the rest of the way. There will be teams left even in this pathetic conference who can abuse our secondary way worse than Pittsburgh.
Les Miles is available and with the $$ LSU will pay him he could coach at Marshall for free.

Les could take this on as a charity project.

There is enough talent on this team to be better than what we are. Louisville was a given even at home - Pitt could have been a heck of a road win. Akron (said a lot about the lack of coaching) Morgan State - The Poca Dots ( are they still around) could have handled Morgan State.

Record should be 3-1 , 2-2 worst case.
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It's time to cut the umbilical cord between him and Legg. We need an offensive coordinator with imagination and experience working with QBs.
I hope Doc resigns and takes everyone on his staff with him. It's time for a fresh start. He's been exposed as the fraud he is with the help of a Hamricks soft ass scheduling
Donnie Jones + weak schedule = wins. Doc Holiday + weak schedule = wins. See a pattern? Donnie was exposed in his last year, Doc is exposed in his 6th year.
I rarely post but I am so sick of you internet fans wanting rid of Doc. You all must have amnesia as the last 3 years of 10 wins or more and last year did it with a true freshman QB. This year we have a very young team look we are starting a true freshman CB and our secondary is very young and we already have 2 great players sitting out after transferring from Miami who are going to really help us next year. Give our team tiem to grow and I bet you by the end of the year this is a good football team. BTW I don't see other CUSA teams tearing it up this year either and our biggest rival (WKU) blew a double digit lead at home and lost to Vandy giving up 31 points that is not good either do you think Brohm needs fired too? We are 4-0 in bowl games under Coach Holliday. The man can coach with anybody and what is really sad about you guys are holding Doc to the standard he sit for us. MU is not the dream coaching job in the country sorry to break the news to you but it is not. I love MU but we are not LSU and even with what coach makes now coaches are not going to be lined up to come to Huntington. That is just a fact of life. You should be very happy that we can compete for conference championships and win bowl games and we have a coach who loves Huntington and does everything in his power to make this football team the best it can be. I know for a fact how hard coach works he is a great coach and even better person!!
Fire up the bong and take another hit.....
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