What’s in the box?

This is the season of crappy gifts. Think about the last time you received something that touched you. Something unexpected and worthwhile. It doesn’t happen often.

Over thirty years ago, I received a gift that because of the holiday rush, didn’t get opened. About the end of December, when I discovered the gift, I put it on a shelf in my closet rather than opening it. Each Christmas season, I get the present down and put it under my tree. I have no idea who sent it because the card was lost, and over the years, the bright paper and ribbons have become tattered and faded.

I call the present my “never ending Christmas gift.” It can be whatever I want it to be since I never plan to open it.

Why do some of you call extralyingdumbass "Greed?"

He also wanted govt handouts to have a minority apprentice. He wouldn't do it himself unless uncle sugar paid him.
You're a liar and idiot. I offered to spend the time training others if the cons on this board would provide the machinery and building. You lying penny pinchers refused the offer and wanted me to provide the building, machinery, and time with my own money and time.

30 day sentence

Your quotes accepting the bet were shown to you, as well as the ones from Michigan where he also accepted.

She lost, you lost, and you're a bet welching loser.
You're a liar. You always have been. Always will be. I gave Snotlicker over 100 opportunities over several months to sign the bet. He wouldn't and didn't. Nothing you liars can say or show change that fact.
