This should finally bankrupt them

It's a joke. My wife is awesome. We share everything, can see all accounts at all times (though she's oblivious to most of it). We discuss big purchases together before making them.

Not saying that's how it has to work for everyone but that's how we've done it in richer and poorer times.

I do agree though that if you're marrying a girl that grew up rich and is used to certain things....well that can be dicey if you aren't living that way.

Again…same. I assumed the joke was implied.

Not going into politics

It amazes me that every time a person runs for an office or is appointed to a prominent government position, every aspect of his/her life is investigated and exposed for all to see. If they threw spitwads in grade school, the public is going to know about it.

I had read that Lyndon Johnson, after becoming President, sent agents to Texas to erase certain areas of his past. They even tore pages out of old school yearbooks that had Johnson’s picture.

I like to think I’m a fairly decent guy, but if every tiny miscue of my entire life was exposed, I probably couldn’t be appointed dog catcher of the county.
