Chuck D had it right . . .
- By ThunderCat98
- Pullman Square - Non Sports Talk
- 8 Replies
when he said "neither party is mine, not the jackass or the elephant" (albeit in a different context). The underlying sentiment is correct. Neither party cares for, nor tries to protect, the citizenry. It's all about staying in power and perpetuating their own political existence. Absent meaningful reforms such as hard term limits, ceasing insider trading and kickbacks, and restrictions on legislative salaries, expenses, and retirement benefits, nothing will ever change. Until the people wise up (hint: they won't because the majority are short-sighted and ignorant) and focus on candidates willing to make these things happen, we're stuck with a broken system. It could be saved, but it would take a grass-roots, concerted movement by the American people across 3-4 election cycles to elect candidates willing to (1) commit to a maximum of two terms, and (2) constantly fighting and pushing for system-altering legislation over these two terms.