"10% of all operations is Abortions"

Herd Fever

Platinum Buffalo
Sep 25, 2008
That is what Planned Parenthood claims. They also say the receive no funding for abortions and only for preventative education and STD testing. Also all donated embryo and fetus tissues that have been aborted MUST be signed away from the mother and they use the tissue to donate to labs for stem-cell research.

The only thing worth remembering here is this.......a young human being has been brutally murdered.
brutally murdered?? How is it murder if it hasn't been born??? And brutally? Have you or anyone you know gotten an abortion? I understand if your talking about a 16 week old+ fetus but come on now. You take away planned parenthood and people will still have abortions and those will be by brutal means such as with a hanger or throwing themselves down flights of steps. If someone is willing to pay their own money which everyone does now to abort their own baby, I see no fault in that. It is their body and they should have that choice to keep a baby or not. Going to planned parenthood is much better then some back alley abortion place that aren't regulated or even sanitary
brutally murdered?? How is it murder if it hasn't been born??? And brutally? Have you or anyone you know gotten an abortion? I understand if your talking about a 16 week old+ fetus but come on now. You take away planned parenthood and people will still have abortions and those will be by brutal means such as with a hanger or throwing themselves down flights of steps. If someone is willing to pay their own money which everyone does now to abort their own baby, I see no fault in that. It is their body and they should have that choice to keep a baby or not. Going to planned parenthood is much better then some back alley abortion place that aren't regulated or even sanitary

Brutally murdered?... Yes, it is extremely cruel or harsh to kill another human being.

How is it murder?... If I shoot and kill you without your consent, would you consider it murder?

How is it murder if it hasn't been born?... Was it alive before it was born?

From what I understand, Planned Parenthood does some good things, abortion is not one of those good things.

Choices.......while I am reluctant to legally interfere with a woman's choice in this matter, let's ask the mother if it's ok to take her life rather than the baby's life. How would women like THAT choice?
That is what Planned Parenthood claims. They also say the receive no funding for abortions and only for preventative education and STD testing. Also all donated embryo and fetus tissues that have been aborted MUST be signed away from the mother and they use the tissue to donate to labs for stem-cell research.

I may be completely wrong on this, so someone correct me if I'm missing something...But Planned Parenthood is not forcing these women to abort the pregnancy. The woman decides to go through with the abortion, Planned Parenthood does the procedure, then the aborted is donated or sold to science with the female's consent.

The abortion is going to happen regardless of what happens to the fetus after the abortion. The FOX news coverage is making it seem like women are coming in for check ups, the Drs are knocking them out, then when the female wakes up, Planned Parenthood has already taken the fetus and traded it in for a yacht.

Again, maybe I'm missing something...
This sounds like a potential business opportunity for you Fever. Set you up an aborted fetus broker service llc. Venture over into the hood, post some fliers that you would pay the "mothers" a % of your cut (pardon the pun) of the sales for arms, legs, hearts, lungs, livers, brains, etc. You might actually be able to make enough coin to move out of your mom's basement.
I may be completely wrong on this, so someone correct me if I'm missing something...But Planned Parenthood is not forcing these women to abort the pregnancy. The woman decides to go through with the abortion, Planned Parenthood does the procedure, then the aborted is donated or sold to science with the female's consent.

The abortion is going to happen regardless of what happens to the fetus after the abortion. The FOX news coverage is making it seem like women are coming in for check ups, the Drs are knocking them out, then when the female wakes up, Planned Parenthood has already taken the fetus and traded it in for a yacht.

Again, maybe I'm missing something...
Here is the issue. Planned parenthood is getting permission to donate tissue then they are deviating from standard procedure to get better samples. That is a huge ethical no no
We are way off the point, if we are concerned about body parts AFTER the baby is dead.
I may be completely wrong on this, so someone correct me if I'm missing something...But Planned Parenthood is not forcing these women to abort the pregnancy. The woman decides to go through with the abortion, Planned Parenthood does the procedure, then the aborted is donated or sold to science with the female's consent.

The abortion is going to happen regardless of what happens to the fetus after the abortion. The FOX news coverage is making it seem like women are coming in for check ups, the Drs are knocking them out, then when the female wakes up, Planned Parenthood has already taken the fetus and traded it in for a yacht.

Again, maybe I'm missing something...
If you have no soul, and you know you make more money if the baby is aborted, doesn't that change your advice if you are pp? I oppose abortion, but it is legal. I oppose harvesting organs off fetal tissue because it encourages unethical behavior by healthcare workers.
This sounds like a potential business opportunity for you Fever. Set you up an aborted fetus broker service llc. Venture over into the hood, post some fliers that you would pay the "mothers" a % of your cut (pardon the pun) of the sales for arms, legs, hearts, lungs, livers, brains, etc. You might actually be able to make enough coin to move out of your mom's basement.

You do know the #1 demographic getting abortions nowadays is Middle age white women who get pregnant because of Affairs they are having. So how about I start my venture capitalist business with your wife and it would be a win win for me. I get to bang your wife then abort my baby and make money selling off my genes
You do know the #1 demographic getting abortions nowadays is Middle age white women who get pregnant because of Affairs they are having. So how about I start my venture capitalist business with your wife and it would be a win win for me. I get to bang your wife then abort my baby and make money selling off my genes

The only thing that hasn’t changed is that women seeking abortion tend to be unmarried; around 85 percent of those seeking abortion aren’t married.
You do know the #1 demographic getting abortions nowadays is Middle age white women who get pregnant because of Affairs they are having. So how about I start my venture capitalist business with your wife and it would be a win win for me. I get to bang your wife then abort my baby and make money selling off my genes

85 percent of those seeking abortion aren’t married.
Fever once again demonstrating certain stereotypes may actually have validity.

I realize living at home forces you to bang out your girlfriend in the back seat of your car and all but just wondering how many times you've had to haul your girl to the local PP and forced her to sell off some pieces?
And she isn't pregnant but when she is ill be sure to keep you informed since my personal life is so important to you
Are you seriously here throwing shots at my mom. Man your life must really be pathetic. How about this, add me on instagram and ill show you how life can really be fun
You do know the #1 demographic getting abortions nowadays is Middle age white women who get pregnant because of Affairs they are having. So how about I start my venture capitalist business with your wife and it would be a win win for me. I get to bang your wife then abort my baby and make money selling off my genes

That's because the black women aren't going to give up their meal ticket.
That's because the black women aren't going to give up their meal ticket.

Minority women constitute only about 13% of the female population (age 15-44) in the United States, but they underwent approximately 36% of the abortions.
I oppose abortion, but it is legal.
Who doesn't oppose abortion?! It's terrible!!. NOBODY wants to go through with an abortion. Do you think women get pregnant so they can have all the fun terminating it? I view abortion rights the same way I view gun rights. If you're against it, don't have one.
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So white women covered the other 64%.......congrats

No racial or ethnic group makes up a majority of women having abortions: 36% are non-Hispanic white, 30% are non-Hispanic black, 25% are Hispanic and 9% are women of other races

But here is what I think is the more important statistic........Women with family incomes below the federal poverty level ($18,530 for a family of three) account for more than 40% of all abortions
So why women have more abortions then any other race. Gotcha thanks.

Also thanks for the disconnect that most of those people that have abortions and are poor, probably suffered from some sort of family rape, rape in general, or teen pregnancies. So Yes lets force women who was raped to keep the child
But here is what I think is the more important statistic........Women with family incomes below the federal poverty level ($18,530 for a family of three) account for more than 40% of all abortions
Soooo single women with low income, some times meaning less education, most of the time meaning young, and often meaning less family structure, are a HUGE chunk of the pie when it comes to having an abortion? Who woulda thought?

What's amazing to me is that the % isn't higher. I read that a lot of the abortions come from women in their upper 20s/low 30s who are already mothers & they either don't want another child or are not financial ready to add a 2nd to the family...or an older woman gets pregnant and feels she's too old to carry the child. Should they be forced by law to do so?
So why women have more abortions then any other race. Gotcha thanks.

Also thanks for the disconnect that most of those people that have abortions and are poor, probably suffered from some sort of family rape, rape in general, or teen pregnancies. So Yes lets force women who was raped to keep the child

Your lack of understanding of statistics and completely baseless assumptions are making Nate Silver cry.
Are you seriously here throwing shots at my mom. Man your life must really be pathetic. How about this, add me on instagram and ill show you how life can really be fun

Yo. Dumbass. You introduced my wife into this discussion. Now you get upset over mommy being brought into discussion because you still need her to survive??? Because you are indeed such a loser and still live with your mommy it was easy. I don't need any pics of you and your mom having fun on Instagram. That's a little sick actually.
Soooo single women with low income, some times meaning less education, most of the time meaning young, and often meaning less family structure, are a HUGE chunk of the pie when it comes to having an abortion? Who woulda thought?

What's amazing to me is that the % isn't higher. I read that a lot of the abortions come from women in their upper 20s/low 30s who are already mothers & they either don't want another child or are not financial ready to add a 2nd to the family...or an older woman gets pregnant and feels she's too old to carry the child. Should they be forced by law to do so?

Soooo single women with low income, some times meaning less education, most of the time meaning young, and often meaning less family structure, are a HUGE chunk of the pie when it comes to having an abortion? Who woulda thought?

What's amazing to me is that the % isn't higher. I read that a lot of the abortions come from women in their upper 20s/low 30s who are already mothers & they either don't want another child or are not financial ready to add a 2nd to the family...or an older woman gets pregnant and feels she's too old to carry the child. Should they be forced by law to do so?

while I am reluctant to legally interfere with a woman's choice in this matter, let's ask the mother if it's ok to take her life rather than the baby's life. How would women like THAT choice?

Wanna show me where I said women should be forced to keep the child? I've been consistent, saying I believe abortion is morally a terrible thing to do, I'm hesitant to make the decision for women. They will have to explain it to their maker.
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So why women have more abortions then any other race. Gotcha thanks.

White woman are a significantly larger percent of the population. That is the important stat that you aren't smart enough to understand. Further, the point people are trying to show you is that the stats you provided were bogus.

How about this, add me on instagram and ill show you how life can really be fun

Don't do it! It's a trick! After looking at his Instagram, you end up smelling like tacos and having fits of hysteric laughter after being tortured with hundreds of images like this:

Actually that stat was something I heard from a planned parenthood executive on the radio, the other stats is what people provided on here.

Either way I see your still stalking my life. Don't you live on the beach or something, why don't you worry about the spoils of umemployment and enjoy life. Stop worry about other people
Your hilarious, glad to see my life brings some one so much Joy. Jesus would be proud of me for bringing joy to heathens
Don't you live on the beach or something, why don't you worry about the spoils of umemployment and enjoy life. Stop worry about other people

You're right. I'm going to chill in bed all day and post pictures boasting about all $400 that I have.


And what is funny fellas is my page is private, so not only does this guy stalks my page, he made a fake profile to access my photos. Talk about pathetic but carry on Ryan Kobbe the Man stalker. No wonder you stick up for ******s because your love for other men is astonishing
And what is funny fellas g

Oh, believe me. They all have seen what is funny. We are still laughing, tough guy. These pics have all been provided to me. It wouldn't be hard to see if a fake profile would have been made as you could see it was a new account.

"Can you smelllllllll what the rock is cooking? Oh, that's just the stench from my underarms? Forget about it."


Its alright, we all know you have this fascination of stalker dudes on this site

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