"10% of all operations is Abortions"

what the hell happened to this thread? and does ET screw every thread he enters?
Ok now what if you read operations as a business term instead of a medical term? Im probably wrong because grammar bored me and I never paid attention but if its business operations couldnt "is" be correct?

You are correct. That was covered earlier in the thread. It could fall under the category of collective noun. For example the word "family" is a collective noun. You would say... "The family is..." and not "The family are...". So the word "operations" could potentially be used with the verb "is" and agree just fine with the subject as long as it was used in the proper context.

But you know and EVERYONE with a shred of intellectual honesty knows that the usage in the title of this thread has zero business connotation. This is where EG enters the realm of obtuse and if he was honest he'd admit it. The thread title plainly states..."10% of all operations is (sic) abortions". This was definitively used in the context of "surgical procedures" and not "business entity". Give Fever some credit (and believe it or not I do), he doesn't believe that 10% of all business entities are abortions. There would be an abortion clinic on every corner, in every mall, in every strip mall, in every office complex, etc.

The title was clearly referring to operations as a "surgical procedure". Used in that sense it is not a collective noun and should read...

"10% of all operations are abortions."

I predict a post displaying obtuse behavior in 3-2-1...
You evidently didn't understand anything about fever's post.

"When I said Operations I meant business not actual surgical operations."
___herd fever

And no, you are not giving herd fever any credit, you're totally ignoring what he said.

He was in no way talking about all business. He was obviously, obviously, talking about the business of Planned Parenthood, not all business entities everywhere.
Extra, he came back and said that in a lame attempt to cover his grammatical error. Plus, you have already argued, horrifically I might add, that "is" was proper in the context of surgical procedures. Only after you had been thoroughly proven wrong did you change to the "business unit versus medical procedure" argument. If you had started with that you would have had a valid point, but you didn't, you changed based on defeat without ever admitting defeat.

So that means you are dumb and a liar. That's a bad combo.
Extra, he came back and said that in a lame attempt to cover his grammatical error. Plus, you have already argued, horrifically I might add, that "is" was proper in the context of surgical procedures. Only after you had been thoroughly proven wrong did you change to the "business unit versus medical procedure" argument. If you had started with that you would have had a valid point, but you didn't, you changed based on defeat without ever admitting defeat.

So that means you are dumb and a liar. That's a bad combo.

I never once argued that "is" is the correct verb for surgical procedures. My very first post in this thread after the supposed grammatical error was questioned, just happened to be....

"Depends on whether you consider "operations" as singular or plural."

In between the time the grammar was first called into question and the time I next posted, I had already done my research and knew almost for certain that I was correct regarding the proper verb to use in this instance was ...."is". I suspected from the beginning that fever was talking about the business workings, and fever stated shortly after, that he was in fact talking about business and not surgical operations. Still you and other insisted that you were right, regardless of grammatical fact. The ONLY possible way you could be correct in this discussion is by putting words in fevers mouth, and so you did, while totally disregarding what fever said he meant. I didn't have to stoop to that level. I was correct, and have been from the beginning. I know it devastates you guys being schooled by a Wayne edumacated guy. But hey, suck it up, and walk it off. Or you can drag "extra's error out over several days." I look forward to it.
The fact that you had to actually go and research this explains more than a million of your posts ever could. I had no idea you were working off THAT small of a knowledge base. Congrats for not falling out of your chair while you chewed your breakfast this morning.
The fact that you had to actually go and research this explains more than a million of your posts ever could. I had no idea you were working off THAT small of a knowledge base. Congrats for not falling out of your chair while you chewed your breakfast this morning.

Really? You're whining because someone researched something? While you prefer to wallow in false information and worship at the altar of GK's certificate on the wall. Show us your nose ring that keeps you from rooting for facts.
While you prefer to wallow in false information and worship at the altar of GK's certificate on the wall.

That's not a grammatically correct sentence. I didn't research that nor am I a certified English teacher.

You are correct. That is a dependent clause and it can't stand alone. It doesn't express a complete thought. He could add an independent clause to it and create a complex sentence if he wanted.

Source: I have a certificate on the wall.
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I also imagine I could *has* simply removed the second question mark and not used a capital w.
That is a dependent clause and it can't stand alone.

You should have included a comma after "clause."

Independent clauses separated by conjunctions such as "and," "but," "nor," "so," etc. should include a comma.

I'll be here all night if others need grammar corrections.

Source: I'm just a fvcking know-it-all, figuratively and literally.
Blitz, shouldn't you be busy getting the state to fund some worthless, expensive program that benefits no one but a company that hired you?
Blitz, shouldn't you be busy getting the state to fund some worthless, expensive program that benefits no one but a company that hired you?

When you say "the state," you mean the fine folks that gleefully spend your hard earned tax money? Yes, thanks for the reminder!
Well, about 8 cents every morning when I buy my diet coke and about 50 cents a day with lunch. So I guess I cover an hour or so of your time per year.
you was on the phone with meek mill considering just last night he was taking shot at Drake at a concert. But I know some real hood ass dudes that run with the dreamchasers and one of them is my cousin so ill be sure to let him know about this "conversation" you had with Meek Mill.

So, yesterday, less than five days after I posted about talking to meek about what he should do, he decided to take down his tweets about drake, take down his diss record, and entirely change his stance on the subject. What a coincidence!

Fever, what did you hear back from your cousin?
you must really wake up with me on your mind

You've attempted to say similar things about two or three guys on here within the last few days.

Listen, dork. Nobody is jealous of you. Hell, look at your life. Why would anybody be?

Nobody stalks you. Again, the only reason you get any attention is because of the entertainment value you bring wherein people can laugh at you for being a moron.

Nobody wakes up thinking about you. A mutual colleague showed me an article yesterday about meek dropping everything and deleting, just days after I told him to. I read this thread this morning, saw people again wanting you to be called out for being a moron, and remembered that you tried claiming I was the liar here (must we look at the lies I've caught you in?) just days ago.

I'm still waiting on that flight ticket, car confirmation, and your momma's address coward. Should I just have the car take me to your job instead?
Nobody stalks me but your the same person who posts pictures of me on here. The same person who got the pictures according to you from somebody else. Your also the same person who tried to call me out on my vehicle purchase but when I ask you to post pictures since you have someone stalking my instagram goes silent.

Look im not paying for shit for you. I told you to call me when your in NY since your this big time baller. And what lies??? That I think my Mexican GF is Hot? Who the **** are you to judge my opinion? Or the fact I live at home to save money to purchase a home? Have you found the picture of my new car purchase yet?

Hell we been off this like you said for 5 days and first thing in the morning your looking for me. So like I said, do you wake up with me on your mind?
Plus I could care less if people is jealous of my life because I don't live my life looking for approval like you gracefully do. You claim all this success but you spend your time on a sports message board belittling people about their life like it has any effect on you. You are a Piece of shit point blank and I cant wait for the day you tell me your in NY and on your way to Long Island. Until that day, don't address me.
without being the grammar nazi, how does someone earn a college degree with a complete lack of understanding the differences between your/you're, are/is, etc? not even in a complicated usage, but in the simple usages like "if people is" and "tell me your in NY"
Does it really ****ing matter???? Its a damn message board and after all these years have you not come to the conclusion I couldn't care less to proof read my post?
Does it really ****ing matter???? Its a damn message board and after all these years have you not come to the conclusion I couldn't care less to proof read my post?

proof reading has nothing to do with it. it's not as if you're making typos or normal errors one would catch by proof reading. you lack basic understanding of grammar. you had to have been required to submit multiple papers while in college, i just can't understand how one could receive passing grades on those papers when they lack the basic knowledge of our language?
Nobody stalks me but your the same person who posts pictures of me on here. The same person who got the pictures according to you from somebody else. Your also the same person who tried to call me out on my vehicle purchase but when I ask you to post pictures since you have someone stalking my instagram goes silent.

How is it stalking if you tell me to look at your Instagram? That's not stalking, moron. And if I had access to your Instagram, which you claim I do, why wouldn't I have seen your car since you claimed it is on there? Your accusations make no sense. Somebody else already called you out on that.

You boasted that you were able to buy a new car with no financing. When called out on that, you then claimed it wasn't really a new car, just a new car to you. In other words, it is a used car. Used cars can be purchased for just a few hundred dollars. Which begs the question, why are you boasting about being able to buy a used car with cash as some sort of proof of your financial success? Why? Because you're a liar and a moron.

Look im not paying for shit for you. I told you to call me when your in NY since your this big time baller. And what lies???

In other words, you are a pussy who tries to act tough and challenge people, then hides when it comes game time.


Look im not paying for shit for you.

Of course you aren't. You can't even pay for your own shit at almost 30 years old.

what lies??? That I think my Mexican GF is Hot? Who the **** are you to judge my opinion?

We all judge the opinions of others on here. That's a message board, moron.

You lied about not having to finance a new car purchase. It's not a new car.

You lied about your girlfriend being a "hot piece of Mexican ass."

You lied about your cousin asking meek about that particular convo I had with him.

then, when you're called out on those lies, you claim people on this board are obsessed with you.

Dork, you're in the middle of a fvcking gym with your shirt off taking selfies in the mirror! Doing it in the locker room is bad enough with others around. Posting them on social media makes you look even more pathetic. But, to take your shirt off in the middle of the fvcking gym and do it? At any respectable gym, your membership would be canceled, and they would send your dumbass back to momma's house.

. You claim all this success but you spend your time on a sports message board belittling people about their life like it has any effect on you. You are a Piece of shit point blank

See, this is where it gets ridiculous. I don't go out of my way to belittle people, especially about them being complete morons or having to live at their momma's house. That only happens when they do those types of things first. You have done foolish things many times, so you got called out on them. You didn't take the advice I told you to, continued running your mouth, and will continue to get belittled until you accept your place in life.

I never started mocking you until you did it to me many times first. I never made it personal until you did to me many times prior. I never do that with anyone. But, after given a few chances, the gloves come off, and I expose you for the joke that you are.

When somebody starts making physical threats, it only increases the embarrassment I make sure they receive. Your life just happens to be so embarrassing that it is hard to focus on just one aspect of it.

Until that day, don't address me.

Or else what? Going to tell your mommy?
Hey your finding enjoyment posting them so its either you have this sick obsession with me, or a sick obsession with guys who post gym selfies.

And I asked you to look on my page yourself not have someone do it for you. That my friend is stalking but carry on your pathetic personality is making this entertainment to me. But like I said, post that picture of my new car purchase for me. And this car, a couple hundred wouldn't have even secured financing.
See, this is where it gets ridiculous. I don't go out of my way to belittle people, especially about them being complete morons or having to live at their momma's house. That only happens when they do those types of things first. You have done foolish things many times, so you got called out on them. You didn't take the advice I told you to, continued running your mouth, and will continue to get belittled until you accept your place in life.

I never started mocking you until you did it to me many times first. I never made it personal until you did to me many times prior. I never do that with anyone. But, after given a few chances, the gloves come off, and I expose you for the joke that you are.

When somebody starts making physical threats, it only increases the embarrassment I make sure they receive. Your life just happens to be so embarrassing that it is hard to focus on just one aspect of it.

Or else what? Going to tell your mommy?

HA my life is far from embarrassing. I'm enjoying everything in it especially exposing you for the stalking POS you are. And if you go back, I never addressed you first, it was the other way around. But like I said before you find enjoyment trying to belittle people on this site that cant mad when someone can dish it back.

The board is waiting for you to post pictures of my newly purchased vehicle with straight cash since you have a stalker on my instagram
Hey your finding enjoyment posting them so its either you have this sick obsession with me, or a sick obsession with guys who post gym selfies.

You've invited Raleigh to come look at your page, too, even though you know it is full of shirtless locker room pictures you take. You claim it shows a lot of fun on your page. Why are you inviting guys to check out a ton of your shirtless, selfie, locker room pictures?

. But like I said before you find enjoyment trying to belittle people on this site that cant mad when someone can dish it back.

You think you are dishing anything back? What could you possibly dish back to me? Compare our lives; every single aspect. What, at all, could you possibly trump me on where you would have anything to dish back to me?

The board is waiting for you to post pictures of my newly purchased vehicle with straight cash since you have a stalker on my instagram

Nobody really cares about your vehicle other than you've changed your story on it many times.

You went from boasting about being able to buy a new car with cash, to claiming it wasn't new, to alluding to it not even being worth $20,000, to back to boasting about being able to buy it with all cash.

You realize how much of a bullshitter that shows you to be, right? Worse, you're boasting about being able to pay cash for a new car, but at the same time, can't spare $4000 (half of which you'll get back and a quarter of which you would lose in supposedly paying your momma' rent that much) to move out of her house?

You are the perfect stereotype of the black male that you rail against every chance you get:

lack of intelligence/education, spending nights in jail, smoking weed, acting like an idiot in public, boasting about sleeping with a girl (albeit at her parents house), parking your car to listen to loud music, threatening violence against others, going out to pay cash for a new car while being almost 30 years old and living at your momma's house.

You're pathetic, a hypocrite, and a coward.

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