"10% of all operations is Abortions"

Man your hilarious, what other bullshit can you spew?? I like how you spin my words then act like you know me and my life but too coward to add me yourself to my instagram but will sit here and post pictures other people send to you.
without being the grammar nazi, how does someone earn a college degree with a complete lack of understanding the differences between your/you're, are/is, etc? not even in a complicated usage, but in the simple usages like "if people is" and "tell me your in NY"
Amazingly he correctly and incorrectly used "your/you're/you are" in the same sentence

Plus I could care less if people is jealous of my life because I don't live my life looking for approval like you gracefully do. You claim all this success but you spend your time on a sports message board belittling people about their life like it has any effect on you. You are a Piece of shit point blank and I cant wait for the day you tell me your in NY and on your way to Long Island. Until that day, don't address me.
Does it really ****ing matter???? Its a damn message board and after all these years have you not come to the conclusion I couldn't care less to proof read my post?
You should care because you should always strive to better yourself as a person and never allow yourself to become complacent. Due to the consistent nature of your errors, it is obvious they are not the result of you not proofreading.
It takes the same amount of effort to type "your" and "you're" - and many other similar phrases - using them correctly isn't a matter of effort, or caring, it is a matter of not being a dumbass.
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I find mistakes all the time in the things I post. Sometimes I will go back and edit. I don't think the occasional grammar error is a big deal when you are writing in a conversational way. A lot of times it isn't a lack of understanding of grammar as much as it is writing without proofreading. Where I have an issue is not owning up when you're called out. Rifle called me out on not placing a comma before the conjunction in a compound sentence. He was correct. Hell, I teach lessons on that.

He didn't call me out trying to be a jerk. He did so because the nature of this thread had evolved into one big grammar comedy of errors. Rather than hitting Google trying to find an exception or twisting the context to make me right, I owned up. (And before you try, it's ok to start a sentence with a coordinating conjunction.) As I stated on another thread, I've never called anyone out for their grammar. But when a person throws honesty out the window and resorts to more distortions and twisting than Houdini trying to make themselves right, I don't mind pointing that out.

I have no clue where the antagonism between rifle and Fever started. I'd assume it started on TITM. That would also explain the WVU voyeurism. But of this I'm sure. This thread is not about grammar. It's nothing more than a continuation of something that started long before this thread.
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So much for the defunding of Planned Parenthood... Just another neo-fascist christian conservative much to do about nothing...
Yeah because changing procedures in order to obtain tissue samples is no big deal.
Its not because how is it effecting you??? They don't even get tax money for abortions
So, because he's not directly effected it shouldn't matter? Did you know that according to the New York Department of Health & Mental Hygiene that more black babies are being aborted than being born? Should that be concerning? I guess since I'm not a minority when someone asks if I support the Black Lives Matter movement I get a pass.
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Now how many of those babies come from underage girls or low-income situations. You cant always just look at numbers. Its deeper than that.
So in addition to the whole is/are thing, Fever also is befuddled by the whole effect/affect conundrum.
I thought you were going to write "your correct." :p

Your correct. Man,you really no you're grammar. Some people are to stubborn too admit their wrong. I guess there just to prideful two own up too there mistakes. Grammar are affective when used correctly. That's why I try to knew it. So I woulsnt loose in a Grammar contest.
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Your correct. Man,you really no you're grammar. Some people are to stubborn too admit their wrong. I guess there just to prideful two own up too there mistakes. Grammar are affective when used correctly. That's why I try to knew it. So I woulsnt loose in a Grammar contest.

You already lost round one.

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