A Strange Thing Happened

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
I took a nice size cooler(not a Yeti just a cheap Coleman) and filled it up with half ice and half water. all the way to where the lid would just close

I sat that cooler outside in the sun for three days and it is 90 plus with heat indexes over 100.

Funny thing is when all the ice melted it wasn't knocking the lid off or spilling out the sides.
Just for the record, I'm with Trump on this global warming hoax. Waste of money.

Also, how many sea lions died during your experiment? I'm guessing a few dozen laying dead out in your back yard in NC.
I wish he'd go back to being a real scientist. Thought he was into physics and hoped maybe he knew a lot about optics, seeing as how for some reason the daylight causes most of my problems.

They've got this Google Chrome extension that inverts the color. Turns bright lights black on here, including the sunlight. Makes the computer much easier to look at. What if there was a way to make the whole world easy to look at? Maybe living would actually be good.

But nooooo, gotta waste our time reading 5 books about global warming to chase down some way of alleviating guilt or averting the fear of not mattering after you're dead.
I took a nice size cooler(not a Yeti just a cheap Coleman) and filled it up with half ice and half water. all the way to where the lid would just close

I sat that cooler outside in the sun for three days and it is 90 plus with heat indexes over 100.

Funny thing is when all the ice melted it wasn't knocking the lid off or spilling out the sides.

Heh heh heh
I took a nice size cooler(not a Yeti just a cheap Coleman) and filled it up with half ice and half water. all the way to where the lid would just close

I sat that cooler outside in the sun for three days and it is 90 plus with heat indexes over 100.

Funny thing is when all the ice melted it wasn't knocking the lid off or spilling out the sides.

Oceans are basins, just like your cooler. Ice sheets are very thick, in fact during the last ice age the ice was like 12,000 feet thick in places. Try stacking the ice twice as high as the cooler top and see what happens. Twice should be enough, as ice is about 9% higher in volume than liquid water at room be sure to do this in the living room.

Ice sheets are very thick, in fact during the last ice age the ice was like 12,000 feet thick in places.
Can one of you GW enthusiast give me an idea of how long all of that is going to take to melt? 12,000 feet sounds like a lot to me. When will Florida no longer exist? Is all of this happening within the next few years, or will I have to live another 600 years to see it all come of fruition?
The avg depth of the ocean is about 12000 feet with the deepest being 36000 feet. Florida isn't disappearing anytime soon.
Florida isn't disappearing anytime soon.

No, but some prime real estate probably will. And because of Florida's unique geology, water likes to pop up in strange places. That's why in an earlier thread I mentioned flooding in Miami and buying cars. Used to be you knew what to expect, some surface corrosion from the salty, moist air. Now you don't know for sure if something has been flooded or not.

We are all not going to die from climate change. You will never hear me say that. But there will be disruptions. And there will be war from it.
I took a nice size cooler(not a Yeti just a cheap Coleman) and filled it up with half ice and half water. all the way to where the lid would just close

I sat that cooler outside in the sun for three days and it is 90 plus with heat indexes over 100.

Funny thing is when all the ice melted it wasn't knocking the lid off or spilling out the sides.

Seriously? I'm glad you understand the basic principles of displacement. But...anyone with a greater than 4th grade education understands that the melting North Pole poses no threat to rising seas. Melting ice sheets sitting on top of land masses? Different story. Greenland and Antarctica make up over 90% of the ice on earth. That's the stuff that will make your cooler overflow.
And for the record...I filled my cooler with water and ice and when I added the beer it overflowed. I'm thinking....I better get rid of some of the mass. So I started removing the mass 12 ounces at a time. So I think we can all agree...the solution to all of this is to drink beer. I'm doing my part to save the world. Walden would be proud.
God forbid someone make learning a life-long passion.

I can't understand people who don't want that. I spend way too much time reading and learning about random shit that I will never apply in a career or be of any benefit to me.

Things as basic as spelling - people who will put "(sp?)" after words they are not sure if they spelled right . . . well, take 5 seconds and Google it. Why would you not want to learn how to spell it correctly?
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You don't learn a damn thing from studies and books, and that's why my life turned out to be hell. Studies and books, I can memorize them all and get 100s on everything. Great. Does jack shit in the real world.

It has discouraged me greatly, but the real world is mostly about being physically superior. In looks, in sound, in the ability to withstand the looks and sounds of others. That's 90 some percent of what it takes to succeed.

The information, anybody who's not an idiot can learn how things work and how they will keep working. The prized talent is the ability to articulate it.

If it could all be in writing, I'd be rich. But it mostly has to be in talking. So I'm lucky I'm not penniless.
I can't understand people who don't want that. I spend way too much time reading and learning about random shit that I will never apply in a career or be of any benefit to me.

I agree with this so much. I want to learn the rest of my life. I've taken on different subjects. Science is obviously an interest of mine and I've read more on evolution than global warming. But reading great literature is such a great look into the past. The Grapes of Wrath and a East of Eden are absolutely epic. Orwell's 1984, Huxley's Brave New World, and Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 are absolutely chilling looks at dystopian futures. The more educated you are the broader your perspective becomes. How grown people can still mock "book" learning as though they were trying to impress their middle school friends by calling some guy a geek is beyond me.
And this case here is not just learning from a study. It's being taken for a sucker. And it's a shame to see supposedly smart people get suckered into this ruse.

I guess it's actually a thing of beauty to see supposedly smart people blow their cover. That's what this is. Thus, the supposedly.
You don't learn a damn thing from studies and books, and that's why my life turned out to be hell. Studies and books, I can memorize them all and get 100s on everything. Great. Does jack shit in the real world.

It has discouraged me greatly, but the real world is mostly about being physically superior. In looks, in sound, in the ability to withstand the looks and sounds of others. That's 90 some percent of what it takes to succeed.

The information, anybody who's not an idiot can learn how things work and how they will keep working. The prized talent is the ability to articulate it.

If it could all be in writing, I'd be rich. But it mostly has to be in talking. So I'm lucky I'm not penniless.

You are way off base. Your college education (book learning) has put you in a position to elevate yourself above your entire family. You have no clue how difficult it is to rise above the economic and social status you are raised in. You do just fine. What limits you, if anything, is your misanthropic worldview and your social anxiety. Your education is the only thing that gave you a chance. Otherwise you'd still be on the ridge doing those things that you say you despise about your own family. owe everything to your education whether you'd admit it or not.
Seriously? I'm glad you understand the basic principles of displacement. But...anyone with a greater than 4th grade education understands that the melting North Pole poses no threat to rising seas. Melting ice sheets sitting on top of land masses? Different story. Greenland and Antarctica make up over 90% of the ice on earth. That's the stuff that will make your cooler overflow.
That has to happen first and if it does slowly it isn't going to amount to a hill of beans. All panic and guilt over nothing.
I can honestly say out of 4 years at Marshall at least 3.5 were a waste of time. Your are basically paying for a piece of paper so that you can compete. That is what college is about. Learning half that crap is a waste.

Talk about change. I could see in 100 years brick and mortar colleges being a shell of what they were. No need for it with technology and people are going to grow tired of going in debt up to their eyeballs because of having to take some bull shit sociology or fine arts class.

I don't even know where my diploma is. That is how much it means to me.
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How far did you get? Jethro Bodine education?

It took you 4 extra years to get a half year more than me, and I fully believe your extra half year that you think you got something out of is a delusion. You got a piece of paper for your troubles and money.
It took you 4 extra years to get a half year more than me, and I fully believe your extra half year that you think you got something out of is a delusion. You got a piece of paper for your troubles and money.

Well, he did get enough that he doesn't need me and other taxpayers picking up the tab for a big part of his health insurance. Or are you saying that he was just born with an ability to be more successful than you?
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It took you 4 extra years to get a half year more than me, and I fully believe your extra half year that you think you got something out of is a delusion. You got a piece of paper for your troubles and money.
I agree with you on your last statement. That is what college is about. A piece of paper for your troubles and money. Especially going to Marshall which was like going to the 13th grade. But, it allows a person to compete in the game. So, it was worth it.
No, but some prime real estate probably will. And because of Florida's unique geology, water likes to pop up in strange places. That's why in an earlier thread I mentioned flooding in Miami and buying cars. Used to be you knew what to expect, some surface corrosion from the salty, moist air. Now you don't know for sure if something has been flooded or not.

We are all not going to die from climate change. You will never hear me say that. But there will be disruptions. And there will be war from it.
Thank you Nostradamus
Not sure the graduation factor is the key. It's the leftist way, you end up with a bunch of ideologues (graduates or not) with their confidence exceeding knowledge by a great degree. Also they lack the ability to think conceptually and can only view the world through their leftist prism. That's why fake news works so well with these people.