You’ve been believing in collusion and obstruction for over 2 years.

For the 800th time contact=/= collusion. And in and of itself is NOT illegal

Cuntry doesn't understand this. Its comedy watching him think otherwise.

While at the same time, seeing the Dems ignore Fusion GPS (aka Hillary campaign) who appears to have been more connected to Russia during the campaign/election than anyone else.
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Cuntry doesn't understand this. Its comedy watching him think otherwise.

While at the same time, seeing the Dems ignore Fusion GPS (aka Hillary campaign) who appears to have been more connected to Russia during the campaign/election than anyone else.

Did they meet with Russians in trump tower? Did they exchange emails with Russians? Did they have telephone calls with Russians? Did they attempt to have a back channel set up for communicating with Russians? Did they fly to Russia to meet with them? Did they have the Democratic National Platform changed because their candidate was in love with Russia? Did they believe Putin over the National Intelligence Agencies? Did they ask Russians/Wikileaks to release emails? Did they know the campaign was hacked by Russians and not saying anything? Did they lie about continued contacts regarding working a trump tower project in Moscow? Did they have frequent meetings with Kislyak, Deripaska and Kilimnik? Did they lie about their contacts with Russians?

Now why would they lie about contacts with Russians if nothing illegal was occurring? Was anyone from the Clinton campaign indicted? Arrested? Convicted? Work any plea deals? Currently sitting in prison? Awaiting trial?
However, Pelosi and other Dem Congressional leadership appear to be extremely hesitant about impeachment


From the mueller report

the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities

(psssst. No evidence)
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Did they meet with Russians in trump tower? Did they exchange emails with Russians? Did they have telephone calls with Russians? Did they attempt to have a back channel set up for communicating with Russians? Did they fly to Russia to meet with them? Did they have the Democratic National Platform changed because their candidate was in love with Russia? Did they believe Putin over the National Intelligence Agencies? Did they ask Russians/Wikileaks to release emails? Did they know the campaign was hacked by Russians and not saying anything? Did they lie about continued contacts regarding working a trump tower project in Moscow? Did they have frequent meetings with Kislyak, Deripaska and Kilimnik? Did they lie about their contacts with Russians?

Now why would they lie about contacts with Russians if nothing illegal was occurring? Was anyone from the Clinton campaign indicted? Arrested? Convicted? Work any plea deals? Currently sitting in prison? Awaiting trial?

^^^More evidence you're delusional^^ Here. Let me help you when actually reading the Mueller report...…….

Repeat after me.....

From the mueller report:

the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities
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I don’t think he is delusional this is just a simple case of plain old stupidity
Trump says Russia helped elect him – then quickly backtracks
^^^More evidence you're delusional^^ Here. Let me help you when actually reading the Mueller report...…….

Repeat after me.....

From the mueller report:

the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities

You poor idiot.

"At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state."

"The evidence concerning this sequence of events could support an inference that the President used inducements in the form of positive messages in an effort to get Cohen not to cooperate, and then turned to attacks and intimidation to deter the provision of information or undermine Cohen's credibility once Cohen began cooperating."

"The evidence could support an inference that the President was aware of these facts at the time of Cohen's false statements to Congress."

"But the evidence does point to a range of other possible personal motives animating the President's conduct. These include concerns that continued investigation would call into question the legitimacy of his election and potential uncertainty about whether certain events - such as advance notice of WikiLeaks's (sic) release of hacked information or the June 9, 2016 meeting between senior campaign officials and Russians - could be seen as criminal activity by the President, his campaign, or his family."

"Second, while the investigation identified numerous links between individuals with ties to the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump Campaign, the evidence was not sufficient to support criminal charges."

"Third, the investigation established that several individuals affiliated with the Trump Campaign lied to the Office, and to Congress, about their interactions with Russian-affiliated individuals and related matters. Those lies materially impaired the investigation of Russian election interference."

"Finally, although the evidence of contacts between Campaign officials and Russia affiliated individuals may not have been sufficient to establish or sustain criminal charges, several U.S. persons connected to the Campaign made false statements about those contacts and took other steps to obstruct the Office's investigation and those of Congress. This Office has therefore charged some of those individuals with making false statements and obstructing justice."

"The Office considered whether to charge Trump Campaign officials with crimes in connection with the June 9 meeting described in Volume I, Section IV.A.5, supra. The Office concluded that, in light of the government's substantial burden of proof on issues of intent ("knowing" and "willful"), and the difficulty of establishing the value of the offered information, criminal charges would not meet the Justice Manual standard that "the admissible evidence will probably be sufficient to obtain and sustain a conviction." Justice Manual§ 9-27.220."

Why is the word "evidence" used in the report? In fact, it is used 277 times. I thought you said there was "no evidence?"
You poor idiot.

"At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state."

"The evidence concerning this sequence of events could support an inference that the President used inducements in the form of positive messages in an effort to get Cohen not to cooperate, and then turned to attacks and intimidation to deter the provision of information or undermine Cohen's credibility once Cohen began cooperating."

"The evidence could support an inference that the President was aware of these facts at the time of Cohen's false statements to Congress."

"But the evidence does point to a range of other possible personal motives animating the President's conduct. These include concerns that continued investigation would call into question the legitimacy of his election and potential uncertainty about whether certain events - such as advance notice of WikiLeaks's (sic) release of hacked information or the June 9, 2016 meeting between senior campaign officials and Russians - could be seen as criminal activity by the President, his campaign, or his family."

"Second, while the investigation identified numerous links between individuals with ties to the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump Campaign, the evidence was not sufficient to support criminal charges."

"Third, the investigation established that several individuals affiliated with the Trump Campaign lied to the Office, and to Congress, about their interactions with Russian-affiliated individuals and related matters. Those lies materially impaired the investigation of Russian election interference."

"Finally, although the evidence of contacts between Campaign officials and Russia affiliated individuals may not have been sufficient to establish or sustain criminal charges, several U.S. persons connected to the Campaign made false statements about those contacts and took other steps to obstruct the Office's investigation and those of Congress. This Office has therefore charged some of those individuals with making false statements and obstructing justice."

"The Office considered whether to charge Trump Campaign officials with crimes in connection with the June 9 meeting described in Volume I, Section IV.A.5, supra. The Office concluded that, in light of the government's substantial burden of proof on issues of intent ("knowing" and "willful"), and the difficulty of establishing the value of the offered information, criminal charges would not meet the Justice Manual standard that "the admissible evidence will probably be sufficient to obtain and sustain a conviction." Justice Manual§ 9-27.220."

Why is the word "evidence" used in the report? In fact, it is used 277 times. I thought you said there was "no evidence?"
You poor idiot.

"At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state."

"The evidence concerning this sequence of events could support an inference that the President used inducements in the form of positive messages in an effort to get Cohen not to cooperate, and then turned to attacks and intimidation to deter the provision of information or undermine Cohen's credibility once Cohen began cooperating."

"The evidence could support an inference that the President was aware of these facts at the time of Cohen's false statements to Congress."

"But the evidence does point to a range of other possible personal motives animating the President's conduct. These include concerns that continued investigation would call into question the legitimacy of his election and potential uncertainty about whether certain events - such as advance notice of WikiLeaks's (sic) release of hacked information or the June 9, 2016 meeting between senior campaign officials and Russians - could be seen as criminal activity by the President, his campaign, or his family."

"Second, while the investigation identified numerous links between individuals with ties to the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump Campaign, the evidence was not sufficient to support criminal charges."

"Third, the investigation established that several individuals affiliated with the Trump Campaign lied to the Office, and to Congress, about their interactions with Russian-affiliated individuals and related matters. Those lies materially impaired the investigation of Russian election interference."

"Finally, although the evidence of contacts between Campaign officials and Russia affiliated individuals may not have been sufficient to establish or sustain criminal charges, several U.S. persons connected to the Campaign made false statements about those contacts and took other steps to obstruct the Office's investigation and those of Congress. This Office has therefore charged some of those individuals with making false statements and obstructing justice."

"The Office considered whether to charge Trump Campaign officials with crimes in connection with the June 9 meeting described in Volume I, Section IV.A.5, supra. The Office concluded that, in light of the government's substantial burden of proof on issues of intent ("knowing" and "willful"), and the difficulty of establishing the value of the offered information, criminal charges would not meet the Justice Manual standard that "the admissible evidence will probably be sufficient to obtain and sustain a conviction." Justice Manual§ 9-27.220."

Why is the word "evidence" used in the report? In fact, it is used 277 times. I thought you said there was "no evidence?"

Where is the evidence? I see a lot of “inferences” of activities that couldn’t be proven to be illegal (NO EVIDENCE) Thank god this country doesn’t convict individuals on “inferences”.

But you on the other hand...we could simply “infer” that you prostitute yourself on Friday nights in Htgn in order to earn $$ to buy your weekly opioid supply. When did you start working the streets?? After you were unable to collect the $100???
Where is the evidence? I see a lot of “inferences” of activities that couldn’t be proven to be illegal (NO EVIDENCE) Thank god this country doesn’t convict individuals on “inferences”.

But you on the other hand...we could simply “infer” that you prostitute yourself on Friday nights in Htgn in order to earn $$ to buy your weekly opioid supply. When did you start working the streets?? After you were unable to collect the $100???

Grow up, idiot.

In a court filing Friday, the Justice Department wrote that it did not rely on such recordings to establish Flynn’s guilt or determine a recommendation for his sentencing. Prosecutors also failed to release an unredacted version of portions of the Mueller report related to Flynn that the judge had ordered be made public.

Sullivan made clear he wanted the full transcript of Flynn’s calls to be shared with the public, although he did not provide his reasoning. The Justice Department’s response appeared to duck that order.
It's obvious 99.9999% of Americans have not read the Mueller report.

Hell, I'd give the same percentage for Republicans in Congress. Amash might be the only one. Or at least the only one that admits it.

What is fascinating: both Mueller and Barr are masters of words. Great attorneys. Mueller has chosen his words very carefully, and makes it clear he thinks Trump is guilty as fvxk but he couldn't do shit about it. Barr has been clear "can't do shit about it" is all that matters to him, which is a perfectly acceptable position for a soulless attorney. You decide which is more important. It's no surprise that Americans that support a mobster wannabe President are choosing to think like mobsters.

Of note is Barr's role in covering up Bush 1's role in Iran-Contra. I'd bet none of you are even aware of that bit of history.
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evidence of contacts between Campaign officials and Russia affiliated individuals may not have been sufficient to establish or sustain criminal charges

So, there were "contacts," but nothing - even taken collectively - that would support criminal charges. Two years, an army of G-men and seasoned prosecutors, millions of dollars, a special GJ impaneled to look at anything that was found, and hundreds of witnesses interviews, and we get this? Evidence of contacts that we already knew occurred? Sounds damning.

Probably should indict and take it to trial. Oh, wait. DOJ personnel aren't permitted to indict a case where they don't believe they have sufficient evidence to prove the charges beyond a reasonable doubt. Meaning, they didn't find shit.

No amount of Congressional inquiry is going to find any more evidence than Mueller's team did. Time to let it go and move on.
I see a lot of “inferences” of activities that couldn’t be proven to be illegal (NO EVIDENCE) Thank god this country doesn’t convict individuals on “inferences”.

That's inaccurate. Juries are certainly free to draw inferences based on the evidence and their own common sense. The problem is, there wasn't enough evidence found to even get it to that point.
I did and yes, I knew. The story just broke last night. Which part did you struggle with? Dherd's headline matched the headline of the story that broke last night. Need any more help?
Well here is the full transcript of the voicemail. Surprisingly the mueller report left out a lot.


In China, the Chaos are no ordinary family. They run an American shipping company with deep ties to the economic and political elite in China, where most of the company’s business is centered.

Ms. Chao and her husband, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, have received millions of dollars in gifts from the company. And Mr. McConnell’s re-election campaigns have received more than $1 million in contributions from Ms. Chao’s extended family, including from her father and her sister Angela, now Foremost’s chief executive, who were both subjects of the State Department’s ethics question.

Over the years, Ms. Chao has repeatedly used her connections and celebrity status in China to boost the profile of the company, which benefits handsomely from the expansive industrial policies in Beijing.

Now, Ms. Chao is the top Trump official overseeing the American shipping industry, which is in steep decline and overshadowed by its Chinese competitors.

Her efforts on behalf of the family business have come as Foremost has interacted with the Chinese state to a remarkable degree for an American company.

In a rarity for foreigners, Angela and James Chao have served on the board of the holding company for China State Shipbuilding, a state-owned enterprise that makes ships for the Chinese military, along with Foremost and other customers. Angela Chao is also on the board at the Bank of China, a top lender to the shipbuilder, and a former vice chairman of the Council of China’s Foreign Trade, a promotional group created by the Chinese government.

Since Elaine Chao became transportation secretary, records show, the agency budget has repeatedly called to cut programs intended to stabilize the financially troubled maritime industry in the United States, moving to cut new funding for federal grants to small commercial shipyards and federal loan guarantees to domestic shipbuilders.

Her agency’s budget has also tried to slash spending for a grant program that helps keep 60 American-flagged ships in service, and has tried to scale back plans to buy new ships that would train Americans as crew members. (In China, Ms. Chao’s family has paid for scholarships and a ship simulator to train Chinese seamen.)

“The Chinese government is massively engaged in maritime expansion as we have walked away from it,” he said in an interview. “There is going to come a crisis, and we are going to call upon the U.S. maritime industry, and it is not going to be around.” Stories&pgtype=Homepage
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Bonds are supposed to be the boring corner of the finance world, but even high-flying stock investors stop and pay attention when they fall into a particular, concerning pattern. It's called an "inverted yield curve," and it happens when yields for short-term U.S. government debt rise above yields for longer-term debt. It's been a relatively reliable predictor for recessions, though not a perfect one, and it's happening again.

A Treasury maturing in three months is yielding 2.35%, more than the 2.25% offered by a Treasury maturing a decade from now. The reverse of that is more typical because investors usually demand higher yields for locking their money away for longer periods of time. This part of the yield curve, the three-month Treasury compared against the 10-year Treasury, has been inverted for about a week. It also had been inverted briefly in late March.

Because the warning signal has a fairly accurate track record. Each of the last seven recessions, stretching back to the 1969-70 downturn, was preceded by the 10-year yield falling below the three-month yield, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. A rule of thumb says an inverted yield curve suggests a recession in about a year.

Before March, the last time a three-month Treasury yielded more than a 10-year Treasury was in late 2006 and early 2007, before the Great Recession made landfall in December 2007.

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George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman who acted asan informal adviserto the United Arab Emirates’ powerful crown prince, was arrested on Monday after he landed at Kennedy International Airport in New York, according to a Justice Department news release. The child pornography charges were unsealed after his arrest.

According to the court documents, Mr. Nader was caught early last year with iPhones containing sexually explicit videos of young boys. Mr. Nader had traveled to the United States to attend a party at Mar-a-Lago celebrating President Trump’s first year in office.


George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman who acted asan informal adviserto the United Arab Emirates’ powerful crown prince, was arrested on Monday after he landed at Kennedy International Airport in New York, according to a Justice Department news release. The child pornography charges were unsealed after his arrest.

According to the court documents, Mr. Nader was caught early last year with iPhones containing sexually explicit videos of young boys. Mr. Nader had traveled to the United States to attend a party at Mar-a-Lago celebrating President Trump’s first year in office.

Nader was a key govt witness for the mueller report. The fbi found the kiddie porn over a year ago still let him keep his passport and leave the country. All so he’d give mueller the “goods”
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How come you trumpsters are posting in dherd's thread?

it's called a drive by. sometimes it's fun to take a quick peak at what the libiots are doing here, and especially king libiot dtard.

it's like going to the zoo...….you walk by and take a look.

now, go back to sleep moron.
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it's called a drive by. sometimes it's fun to take a quick peak at what the libiots are doing here, and especially king libiot dtard.

it's like going to the zoo...….you walk by and take a look.

now, go back to sleep moron.


If you're going to "drive by" on average once per day, you should have to buy a season pass.
How come you trumpsters are posting in dherd's thread?



STAY OFF MY PAGE!!!!!!!!!!
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