Anybody want to talk about the Nov 10 agreement between USA and Ukraine?

Cocaine??? Ah, now I understand...


W did cocaine, it can't be all that bad. Do coke, become POTUS.
Got a little busy yesterday and didn't respond....but KY or someone posted a quote from Robert Gates about Biden's bad foreign policy decisions. Greatly respect Gates since it's clear he puts nation over party. He was appointed by W and continued in his role for Obama - serving the nation for presidents of both parties.

Anyway, that post has either been pulled or adjusted and for good reason because any True Trumper wouldn't want to get into a "what Robert Gates said" exchange. Below is Gates' response to the article and comment concerning Biden's foreign policy views.

Regarding your editorial “The Biden Contradiction” (Oct. 30): Since entering public service 54 years ago, I have avoided getting involved in partisan politics. While it is certainly fair to quote my criticisms of Joe Biden’s record on national security, fairness requires me to note for the record that those comments written in 2014 also noted that Mr. Biden was a man of genuine integrity and character. It is also worth noting that I wrote in these very pages that Donald Trump “is stubbornly uninformed about the world and how to lead our country and government, and temperamentally unsuited to lead our men and women in uniform. He is unqualified and unfit to be commander-in-chief” (“Sizing Up the Next Commander-in-Chief,” op-ed, Sept. 17, 2016).

Robert M. Gates
At the current time anyone that expresses concern about Russia's reaction to NATO expansion as being pro-Putin, even to extent of being referenced as "aid and comfort" to the enemy.
You mean Tucker Carlson? The guy functioning in the time-honored Comnie role of "useful idiot" as he consistently regurgitates Putin's talking points? No, he's earned the criticism.

Russia has the largest nuclear arsenal on the planet. Why should it fear a military invasion from Ukraine? Or any of its neighbors for that matter? It's not the military invasion from outside Russian borders that concerns Putin.

Is it any surprise this latest incursion increased NATO's popularity? Finland and Sweden are reportedly discussing it. Even all-neutral-all-the-time Switzerland has condemned Putin's invasion...because it makes zero sense, and there's absolutely no way to justify it - with or without this NATO expansion discussion.
You mean Tucker Carlson? The guy functioning in the time-honored Comnie role of "useful idiot" as he consistently regurgitates Putin's talking points? No, he's earned the criticism.

So now TDS has a dual-purpose meaning?

Trump Derangement Syndrome and...
Tucker Derangement Syndrome???

So now TDS has a dual-purpose meaning?

Trump Derangement Syndrome and???
Tucker Derangement Syndrome...

When your position on the issue sucks ...make accusations.

I don't blame you though...I wouldn't want to defend Carlson either.
When your position on the issue sucks ...make accusations.

I don't blame you though...I wouldn't want to defend Carlson either.
I'm not defending Tucker. Haven't watched him in weeks, but when I have in the past he's usually spot on which drives people like you ape... I haven't mentioned him by name but you immediately throw him into the conversation...

I'll respond accordingly later when I have time. I'll take my positions against yours any day of the week and twice on Sunday...
I'm not defending Tucker. Haven't watched him in weeks, but when I have in the past he's usually spot on which drives people like you ape...
You don't know if I watch Tucker or how I respond to him. Here's a couple of tips:
I don't watch... because I don't care what he has to say.

However, it's been pretty well reported what his position is/was on Putin.
I haven't mentioned him by name but you immediately throw him into the conversation..
Actually, I inquired if you were talking about Carlson since some of the points you made were consistent with his.
I'll respond accordingly later when I have time. I'll take my positions against yours any day of the week and twice on Sunday...
No need to respond...
However, it's been pretty well reported what his position is/was on Putin.

So, you're basing your opinions, which you are stating emphatically as facts, on someone else's take instead of watching and deciding for yourself? That's a really independent and critical thought process you are demonstrating there... You ought to be proud...

Actually, I inquired if you were talking about Carlson since some of the points you made were consistent with his.

Again nice of you to project something on me you don't have first-hand knowledge of...

No need to respond...

Yep, not surprising...

But here is an earlier take of mine on Russia that blew a few liberals' minds on this site. I really think Putin and Ukraine are diversions and there are bigger issues lurking in the background.

So, you're basing your opinions, which you are stating emphatically as facts, on someone else's take instead of watching and deciding for yourself? That's a really independent and critical thought process you are demonstrating there... You ought to be proud...

Again nice of you to project something on me you don't have first-hand knowledge of...

Yep, not surprising...

But here is an earlier take of mine on Russia that blew a few liberals' minds on this site. I really think Putin and Ukraine are diversions and there are bigger issues lurking in the background.

As mentioned in a post a couple of weeks ago, I did check-in to Tucker's show long enough to hear him rant that Biden was driving us to war in Ukraine...bla, bla, bla Biden's war. There are more entertaining forms of fiction.

Some pretty whacked news reports:

Leaked Kremlin war memo instructs Russian state media to feature Fox News host Tucker Carlson 'as much as possible,'

Tucker Carlson goes full blame-America on Russia’s Ukraine invasion

Tucker Carlson On Russian TV Again for Guest Comments Against Ukraine
Got a little busy yesterday and didn't respond....but KY or someone posted a quote from Robert Gates about Biden's bad foreign policy decisions. Greatly respect Gates since it's clear he puts nation over party. He was appointed by W and continued in his role for Obama - serving the nation for presidents of both parties.

Anyway, that post has either been pulled or adjusted and for good reason because any True Trumper wouldn't want to get into a "what Robert Gates said" exchange. Below is Gates' response to the article and comment concerning Biden's foreign policy views.

Regarding your editorial “The Biden Contradiction” (Oct. 30): Since entering public service 54 years ago, I have avoided getting involved in partisan politics. While it is certainly fair to quote my criticisms of Joe Biden’s record on national security, fairness requires me to note for the record that those comments written in 2014 also noted that Mr. Biden was a man of genuine integrity and character. It is also worth noting that I wrote in these very pages that Donald Trump “is stubbornly uninformed about the world and how to lead our country and government, and temperamentally unsuited to lead our men and women in uniform. He is unqualified and unfit to be commander-in-chief” (“Sizing Up the Next Commander-in-Chief,” op-ed, Sept. 17, 2016).

Robert M. Gates
T. D. S.
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Got a little busy yesterday and didn't respond....but KY or someone posted a quote from Robert Gates about Biden's bad foreign policy decisions. Greatly respect Gates since it's clear he puts nation over party. He was appointed by W and continued in his role for Obama - serving the nation for presidents of both parties.

That was actually @wvkeeper(HN) that posted the reference from Gates' 2014 book. I simply asked what has changed during during the 40 years of bad decisions other than a deterioration of Biden's mental faculties.
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reason because any True Trumper wouldn't want to get into a "what Robert Gates said" exchange. Below is Gates' response to the article and comment concerning Biden's foreign policy views.

So, let me get this correct. Robert Gates wrote some pretty disparaging things about Joe Biden in his 2014 book. You reference Gates' response to a September 2016 op-ed to support your defense of Biden.

It seems in spite of your protestations Gates has been pretty consistent in his criticism of Biden's foreign policy positions, even after his 2016 statement.

In 2019 and 2021 Gates reiterates his earlier 2014 statements about Biden and his foreign policy positions.

""I think he’s gotten a lot wrong," Gates responded, before pointing out Biden’s opposition to "every one of Ronald Reagan’s military programs to contest the Soviet Union," the first Gulf War, and even pointed to their differences regarding Afghanistan during the Obama administration.

He said he believes Biden made a mistake in Afghanistan in the way he handled the withdrawal."

So again I ask - what has changed in these past 40 years other than Biden's mental condition? Maybe a further left turn by the DNC and the current WH staff?
So, let me get this correct. Robert Gates wrote some pretty disparaging things about Joe Biden in his 2014 book. You reference Gates' response to a September 2016 op-ed to support your defense of Biden.

It seems in spite of your protestations Gates has been pretty consistent in his criticism of Biden's foreign policy positions, even after his 2016 statement.

In 2019 and 2021 Gates reiterates his earlier 2014 statements about Biden and his foreign policy positions.

""I think he’s gotten a lot wrong," Gates responded, before pointing out Biden’s opposition to "every one of Ronald Reagan’s military programs to contest the Soviet Union," the first Gulf War, and even pointed to their differences regarding Afghanistan during the Obama administration.

He said he believes Biden made a mistake in Afghanistan in the way he handled the withdrawal."

So again I ask - what has changed in these past 40 years other than Biden's mental condition? Maybe a further left turn by the DNC and the current WH staff?
I posted what Gates said. It's clear what he thought. He disagreed with Biden on some things but respects him. It's also clear what he thought about your boy...not so much respect there.

Apparently, Biden possessed enough mental acuity to succeed in both the primary and the general elections.

I don't see this administration headed "left". Manchin made that a dead end.

Some say Biden's too weak. Others said he's a war monger. It can't be both. So far, we've kept our young people out of the line of fire and no one's lobbing nukes. Hopefully, we can stay that course and bring this to a close.
bla, bla, bla Biden's war.

Whose war would the media be saying it is were Trump in the WH? While this war is on Putin (though we, Germany and China, have been subsidizing Russia's $1.5 trillion economy and related war effort through energy puchases) we have not engaged Russia very effectively over the last 30 years.

We had several chances to expand NATO in the past when Russia was in a weaker position to oppose it, however we chose not to. Why? Because Russia wasn't a threat then and I guess we assumed they would never be a strong threat again.

Any compliments thrown Putin's way have generally been related to his strengthening of the Russian Federation. He, like Xi but unlike many if not most of the Western leaders seems to have put his nation's interest first. He, like Xi and many if not most of the Western leaders, have also personally profited from his political position and power.

Now, what is wrong with with what I have just posted and what is "aiding and abetting" the enemy about it?
He disagreed with Biden on some things but respects him. It's also clear what he thought about your boy...not so much respect there.

I think it was more than some things...

""I think he’s gotten a lot wrong," Gates responded, before pointing out Biden’s opposition to "every one of Ronald Reagan’s military programs to contest the Soviet Union," the first Gulf War, and even pointed to their differences regarding Afghanistan during the Obama administration.

As for "my boy", that isn't Trump. Trump evokes such a visceral response from most Democrats and many Republicans that anything said in his defense or to highlight when he has been correct it is almost comical to see the response. I merely will point out things and many here will just go ape over them, with little or no support for their reactions other than "But Trump"...

I don't see this administration headed "left".

Did you not see the Executive Orders from the first few days of the Biden Administration? The world is starting to burn down which has prevented the further turning left.
So far, we've kept our young people out of the line of fire and no one's lobbing nukes. Hopefully, we can stay that course and bring this to a close.

This part I do agree with wholeheartedly.
Whose war would the media be saying it is were Trump in the WH? While this war is on Putin (though we, Germany and China, have been subsidizing Russia's $1.5 trillion economy and related war effort through energy puchases) we have not engaged Russia very effectively over the last 30 years.

We had several chances to expand NATO in the past when Russia was in a weaker position to oppose it, however we chose not to. Why? Because Russia wasn't a threat then and I guess we assumed they would never be a strong threat again.

Any compliments thrown Putin's way have generally been related to his strengthening of the Russian Federation. He, like Xi but unlike many if not most of the Western leaders seems to have put his nation's interest first. He, like Xi and many if not most of the Western leaders, have also personally profited from his political position and power.

Now, what is wrong with with what I have just posted and what is "aiding and abetting" the enemy about it?
As I said, even the neutral Swiss had to come out against Putin. It's Putin's war.

And it wasn't "the media" saying Biden was a war monger. Just a few whack jobs.

Russia has 1/2 our population and a GDP the size of NY state. How many nations has he invaded 3, 4? He's meddled in elections throughout the globe and runs a thugocracy. I believe Putin's behavior is consistent with one wanting to return the the "glory days" of the Soviet Union.
Did you not see the Executive Orders from the first few days of the Biden Administration? The world is starting to burn down which has prevented the further turning left.
Yes...but I think their failure moving certain legislation has tempered much of that... we'll see.
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Chevy, if Trump was in bed with putin then why didn't Putin just invade Ukraine while Trump was in office? If putin was his buddy?
Don't know. Some speculate Putin may have believed Trump was doing a great job sowing dissention both here and in Europe...why upset the apple cart with an invasion?

Hard for me to think Trump would have had much heartburn about if he were president. I think he would aligned more closely with Tucker's position. Hell, Trump still hasn't said much negative about Vlad as far as I know.
It's Putin's war.

And I have said the same too, though with some qualifiers. One of those being Ukraine is a corrupt state. Another is Russia has long said they did not want NATO countries bordering them.

Russia has 1/2 our population and a GDP the size of NY state. How many nations has he invaded 3, 4?

I have said those very things about Russia's population and GDP. I did a quick look at Russian military actions during the time Biden was in office. It looks like 16 including the invasion of Crimea when he was VPOTUS. There was 1 while Trump was POTUS, a relatively obscure African Civil War.

Biden was also in the Senate during the Cold War, Afghanistan, reunification, the collapse, etc. As Gates said he has been on the wrong side of most of this. I don't think a thing has changed. I think his actions and inactions have been a contributing factor in the timing of Putin's actions.
Don't know. Some speculate Putin may have believed Trump was doing a great job sowing dissention both here and in Europe...why upset the apple cart with an invasion?

Hard for me to think Trump would have had much heartburn about if he were president. I think he would aligned more closely with Tucker's position. Hell, Trump still hasn't said much negative about Vlad as far as I know.
Biden watched while the first 70k Russia troops started moving last March. He even held up arm shipments to Ukraine twice.

So yehh Trump would have done nothing.

You now why putin did it now. He started moving troops 90 days into Mush administration. You know why he did it.

He wouldn't have done it when Trump was in.
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Biden watched while the first 70k Russia troops started moving last March. He even held up arm shipments to Ukraine twice.
As I recall, you had no problem with your orange jesus delaying arms to ukraine because zelensky wouldn't investigate biden. You stupid lying oath breaker.
As I recall, you had no problem with your orange jesus delaying arms to ukraine because zelensky wouldn't investigate biden. You stupid lying oath breaker.

Were any of Hunter's monthly payments delayed?
Putin has scared Mush, so once again, we're looking like weaklings on the world stage.

There's a reason why the Mullahs tossed a missile into an American consulate in Iraq. They know hairy legs is all talk.

The world is 'corn-popping' some mush.
So... now Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian asset too... today's Red Scare...take of it what you will..

When you’re defending a bushel of potatoes at all costs, it’s the only play these idiots have.
The irony of course is that these same liars have defended and even championed the existence of communism for decades.
The odds that any comments she’s made will be proven true in 5-6 months??
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There is strong evidence that conservatives are idiots.^^^^ There is a difference between bio labs and bio weapons labs.
There is strong evidence that conservatives are idiots.^^^^ There is a difference between bio labs and bio weapons labs.
Hmmm, so the Wuhan lab was a bio lab that was weaponized by the CCP so it is now a bio weapons lab. Got it!
So the liberals are throwing out another R word since racist has been over-used so much - Russian...

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