Racist? That's questionable.
Questionable? He had to pay a seven-figure fine/settlement for refusing to rent to blacks. Then, after paying that, he had to pay again after refusing to rent to blacks again. When deposed in the case, cheeto said "You know, you don't want to live with them either."
He took out a full page ad calling for the reinstatement of the death penalty in NY after the Central Park Five incident. Then, when DNA evidence exonerated the five, he continued to claim they were guilty.
All blacks being removed from his floor at Trump's Castle in Atlantic City when he would visit.
His comments about Native Americans during the casino hearings.
His claims that "both sides" were responsible in Charlottesville for displaying bigotry and hatred. One side was a group of white supremacists. The other side was a diverse group of all races and ideologies.
Referring to African immigrants as being from "shithole" countries while asking why we can't have more immigrants from Norway.
Commenting that all nations with a black leader are third-world if you look at those countries today.
Using the "N" word according to colleagues close to him.
We could go on-and-on with examples.
But that doesn't change the fact that you're wrong about claiming his latest words are xenophobic. They aren't. He doesn't care what country those women are from. He doesn't care if they were all born in America. What he cares about is that they all have dark skin, so he can make any sort of claim and get his fellow deplorables to continue their support of him. His comments aren't based on his true belief that those women are all from other countries - he doesn't give a shit. His comment is based on the color of their skin.