Good grief. We're all Americans. Trump, cries "all democrats are left left wing radicals"....and the old guy in KY receiving social security disability and Medicare is thinking, "we don't want any socialists here," while chanting, "send her back!"take it easy snowflake. so, the crowd chant bothers you but that nut congresswoman that hates the US you are fine with?
Dont know why Trump supporters believe they are more American than those who don't align with their political beliefs... At this time, your beliefs require one to believe/trust a ego maniacal, pathological liar. Most Americans have a problem with that. BTW, more Americans voted against Trump in the election, and the majority of Americans give him a negative job approval. Has his job approval rating ever hit 50%? Not to my knowledge.
While I agree with WV-FAN that racist cries are WAY over used; per the behavior exhibited at that rally, the only difference between those wearing a MAGA hat and a Klan hood is the Klan hood is made in America.