Speaking of Farrakhan and the fact that many blacks feel that with the current administration there has been an upsurge in white nationalism. This is what the Nation of Islam advocates:
Black nationalism and racial separatism and condemn Americans of European descent as immoral “devils.”
So as much as they want to continue with the idea that whites are all racist in the end tell me what does the teaching of the Nation of Islam say about blacks that hold to that line of thinking.
What happened during the early part of the 1800's happened and now 157 years later they are still moaning and groaning about history - might be amazing what would transpire if they would obtain an education , become employed , obey the law and attempt to act like normal people vs being in too many cases under educated , unemployed , law breakers and loud and obnoxious and acting like fools far too often No one is going to take a group like that seriously and again this is the American Black I am talking about not the blacks from elsewhere in the world.