Bob Costas on Biden


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
I sat at an outdoor cafe for lunch last week at a table next to Bob Costas. It was about 3 p.m. so nobody else was out there. He asked me where I got my cup of water from (he saw me get up and bring it back myself), so it opened up an opportunity to talk about sports. He told me that he lived up the street and was going to a Mets game this weekend, so I looked up what he was doing these days since he seems to have disappeared.

He hit the nail on the head about Biden in this appearace. Scroll ahead to 6:50 to hear it. Wish I had talked politics with him:

Just post the f'n video. Nobody cares about your stories.
EVERYBODY cares about the stories. That's why I am the Michael Jordan of this board. It's why I am given free pay-board access, why the previous owner used to ask if I would post more on those boards, and why I have so many people who can't help but post about me.

Peoples wallets and purchasing power sure could use four more trump years.
No, thanks. I'll take the five digits in interest I am earning each month under this administration while he also sets positive records for other economic metrics.

Bob Costas admitted on air that he has TDS

Such a dorky, overused acronym. Speaking the truth and being realistic about things isn't "TDS." Costas lives in one of the most exclusive neighborhoods in Southern California. He doesn't need shit from anybody. Those people don't suffer from "TDS."

So Costas hit the nail-on-the-head about Biden. He did the same with Trump and the rest of you deplorables:

Just post the f'n video. Nobody cares about your stories.

He likes to think we do. I watched fart prank videos on YouTube and they're far more interesting than rifle's overly detailed stories.

So much meaningless detail. 🤔
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So now we are just posting random tweets from random people?

He must not know rifle
Remember when you tried impressing the board by claiming you got accepted into UNC-Chapel Hill? Remember when you tried impressing the board by claiming you grew up in the 'hood but got bussed to the wealthy high school?

He likes to think we do. I watched fart prank videos on YouTube and they're far more interesting than rifle's overly detailed stories.

So much meaningless detail. 🤔
Does this mean you will stop responding to every single fvcking post of mine?
I think it was a pretty cool story leading up to your post @riflearm2 thanks for sharing. I didn’t watch the video. But the story was cool
Thanks. I have a campfire in my yard and a couple of others in the park across the street, so I have become an expert on storytelling. I don't know what these morons are talking about.
I watched fart prank videos on YouTube
This explains a lot about you.


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