Bring back the masks covidiots.

You're a lying idiot.

You are a deflector of biblical proportions and wart on this very forum. Go worship at the Alter of Fauci.

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, a Democrat, declared in a new interview that the COVID-19 emergency is "over" and that he won’t be implementing another statewide mask mandate in response to the spread of the omicron variant, explaining that if people aren’t vaccinated at this point it’s their "own darn fault" if they get sick.

"Everybody had more than enough opportunity to get vaccinated," Polis told Colorado Public Radio on Friday. "Hopefully it's been at your pharmacy, your grocery store, a bus near you, [or at] big events. At this point, if you haven't been vaccinated, it's really your own darn fault."

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The emergency is over," he said. "You know, public health [officials] don’t get to tell people what to wear; that's just not their job. Public health [officials] would say to always wear a mask because it decreases flu and decreases [other airborne illnesses]. But that's not something that you require; you don't tell people what to wear. You don't tell people to wear a jacket when they go out in winter and force them to [wear it]. If they get frostbite, it's their own darn fault.

"If you haven't been vaccinated, that's your choice. I respect that. But it's your fault when you're in the hospital with COVID," he added.
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Saw a few more people at the mall wearing them this evening. People like them.

I really do appreciate it though that they have left me alone on it. I wish nobody could wear one, but apparently 90 some percent of everyone can do it. I'm kind of jealous. It's another thing I suck at in the world. Suck at mask wearing.

I tried to wear it back in the summer to be cool, hip, with it and stuff like that. Couldn't hack it. Still, I like pop music. With my being fat and not wearing a mask though, Doja Cat and Ariana Grande are mad that I listen to them.
You are a deflector of biblical proportions and wart on this very forum. Go worship at the Alter of Fauci.
You're a liar, idiot, trumptard, and oath breaker. You're so stupid that you don't realize you bring it on yourself. You are on this forum every day and every day you say stupid stuff, lie, and insult the intelligence of those who have it. Go worship your orange jesus.
You're a liar, idiot, trumptard, and oath breaker. You're so stupid that you don't realize you bring it on yourself. You are on this forum every day and every day you say stupid stuff, lie, and insult the intelligence of those who have it. Go worship your orange jesus.
I wouldn't consider someone who regularly types "your" in places that it's supposed to be "you're " as being intelligent.
You're a liar, idiot, trumptard, and oath breaker. You're so stupid that you don't realize you bring it on yourself. You are on this forum every day and every day you say stupid stuff, lie, and insult the intelligence of those who have it. Go worship your orange jesus.
How about that Democrat Governor from Colorado
The next thing is ball vices. That's all I can think of that would be worse than these masks.

It's already against the law to be a man anyway. So the next thing is to say that balls are offensive to everybody so now you have to squeeze them with probably the same material these masks are made out of.

Only thing good about that would be that I could always be nauseous enough to vomit out whatever I'm stupid enough to try to eat.
That's the way it should be and he and I agree. No mask mandate. Shot is out there if you want it. If not, that is your choice.
That's not all you were arguing, moron. You and phlegmwad were stating the mask is useless. The Colorado governor does NOT agree with you on that.
The mask is very useful, but not for what they say.

I would prefer to use Colon Clenz, Ex Lax or maybe some prunes, but if none of those are available the mask does the job. Put it on, scream and tear the damn thing off, a few hours or minutes later it's blowout city.
That's not all you were arguing, moron. You and phlegmwad were stating the mask is useless. The Colorado governor does NOT agree with you on that.
A slingshot is not totally useless in modern warfare. So, i can be the way you are as well. A horse will get to Florida as well.

the governor there knows that is not very helpful and people have had time to make choices.
The colorado gov is smart enough to know that mask mandates have little effect in preventing the spread of the virus. If mask make you "feel" safe, OK. Go ahead and wear them. If you've had the jab, little reason to wear them.
There can be a big difference between "useless" and "little effect".
Maybe the Governor there has the same shit I have where I can't wear one.

He could be one of the 10 percent or less. Probably 1 percent. People who just can't physically deal with having the damn thing on. I'm still freaked out that most people can actually hack it.

Ironic since my whole world now is about hacking up oatmeal cookies and cereal, but one thing at a time.
A slingshot is not totally useless in modern warfare. So, i can be the way you are as well. A horse will get to Florida as well.

the governor there knows that is not very helpful and people have had time to make choices.
You were arguing "totally useless".
You were arguing "totally useless".
you are arguing semantics which is your game. I can take a slingshot into a battle. It might do some good.
Practical? Not really.

The gov of Colorado has it right on this(I am sure he and I would disagree on other topics). Time to move on.
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you are arguing semantics which is your game. I can take a slingshot into a battle. It might do some good.
Practical? Not really.

The gov of Colorado has it right on this(I am sure he and I would disagree on other topics). Time to move on.
No, You are spewing malarkey as usual and was proven wrong....yet again. oath breaker
When you say the mask is useless and the governor refutes that, then the 2 of you don't agree. moron oath breaker.
Then why doesn't the governor implement a policy? He knows it needs to be over. How does that feel? A Democrat using his brain.
I haven't worn a mask for a long time. It's been real good. Even if I have to wear one again someday and want to die over it, at least I got these last few precious months now of not wearing it.

Looking forward now to yet another evening of going to the mall and Kroger without wearing it.
I was forced to wear a mask last Friday when I went to the doctor. Panicked a little, because I didn't think I still had any left over from last December of 2020. Ended up going through the console, glove box, but no mask. Eventually found an old tattered one in the trunk, right by the spare tire. Sat there in the waiting room with the rest of the idiots wearing the dirty mask, while having to endure my own nasty skoal breath. That's the hardest thing about the mask, is having to smell your own horrible breath. I finally got called into a room, and once there, the nurse told me I didn't have to wear it. She was fat and ugly, so there wasn't the normal playing with myself under the gown. It's been a long time since I've seen smoking hot nurses. Used to see them all the time when I was actually able to do anything, but don't see anything good to look at anymore. Even the female nurse practitioner was ugly. I seem to have the same luck Fred Sanford used to have whenever he went in for a checkup.
Damn, I guess I am kind of lucky even though my back still hurts some.

But I had the ablation, the burn, last Friday. I was the only one in the whole place without a mask. Nobody said anything about it. And the nurse there was real small and skinny.

You have to stick your ass up in the air for them to jab your back with this stuff, but whatever. No, it still does nothing for me. Thank goodness, because when I was in my 20s I'd have been in big trouble, but anyway...