Bruce Jenner


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 4, 2007
So how will the "tolerant" left react to Bruce coming out of the republican closet? Will they accept him as a transgender or shun him as a republican? My guess is on the latter.
This is another step toward communism. Maybe it'll be all right. Don't have to work, don't have to care, and can still live a lifestyle barely above a homeless bum just like now.

I say this because TV is going to be unwatchable if this stuff keeps up. I can't sit here eating with all this man turning into woman stuff, sex pill commercials, Kotex, gays in football and basketball.

If I can't eat a peaceful meal without this stuff, I'd be better off cutting the cord and just living in my car. Stop at McDonald's and eat in the parking lot while I listen to Hank Williams music.
If I can't eat a peaceful meal without this stuff, I'd be better off cutting the cord and just living in my car. Stop at McDonald's and eat in the parking lot while I listen to Hank Williams music.
When did you give up Wendy's?
I still go, just not last night. Just wasn't its turn in the rotation. Thinking about Hardee's this evening. Even though it's in a high crime area, their $2.29 double cheeseburger is just too good to miss out on. I've lived a decent life anyhow, so it's worth the risk.

$2.29. That's progress there. Almost 8 years into this deal, I can finally spend $2.29 on a burger without feeling bad.
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I just want to watch national news coverage of the apocalyptic volcano eruption in Chile and the deadly earthquake in Nepal!

Why did Bruce Jenner have to turn into a woman this weekend?
It was pretty hilarious watching the tolerant Left completely change their tune from, "How brave!" to "What an idiotic monster!" in about 300 nanoseconds.
I blame this all on Ryan Seacrest, & his quest to become the new Dick Clark. Him, and the mindless masses who keep E! network going. The Kardashians/Jenners are just gonna keep on giving until people quit paying them attention.
It was pretty hilarious watching the tolerant Left completely change their tune from, "How brave!" to "What an idiotic monster!" in about 300 nanoseconds.
Just look at how the left treated the gay hoteliers in New York for hosting Ted Cruz. They forced an aids fundraiser to be cancelled all because they don't like Cruz. Screw aids you talked with a republican.
For the record though, more power to Bruce Jenner - only thing he should be criticized for is connecting with Krazy Kris for so long.
I thought you got a new deal within the past year.

Well, they removed the "not a real" from my title and I got a raise out of finally passing that test. Four tries to pass that thing. It's really a joke, but I never cared enough to study much for anything.

Still do exactly the same work (thank goodness) and still just watch the money on my computer screen while I wonder who will end up bilking me out of it in the end.
This is where it is. Anywhere else would want someone with this much experience to have supervisory duties in addition to what I do. I have absolutely no interest in that.

"But it pays more." Whoopty doo, unless I start acting stupid I can't even spend what I get now. It's a good thing I didn't know that when I was 16. I would have been a lifer at Kroger. May have ended up happier, but it's too late to change it now.
Who cares what Bruce Jenner does with his life? One of the things that made this country so awesome in the first place was the whole "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" thing. Here, you're supposed to be able to (in theory, at least) live the life you want, so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.
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Who cares what Bruce Jenner does with his life? One of the things that made this country so awesome in the first place was the whole "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" thing. Here, you're supposed to be able to (in theory, at least) live the life you want, so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.

Yes and it helped men were men and there was not political correctness. Don't mistake political correctness for what made this country great.

Bruce Jenner is a disgusting freak and it is not admirable. Men should not want to be women.
Yes and it helped men were men and there was not political correctness. Don't mistake political correctness for what made this country great.

Bruce Jenner is a disgusting freak and it is not admirable. Men should not want to be women.
You wish you had a nice set of tits for a day, don't lie.
Yes and it helped men were men and there was not political correctness. Don't mistake political correctness for what made this country great.

Bruce Jenner is a disgusting freak and it is not admirable. Men should not want to be women.

He doesn't hurt me. Doesn't hurt you either, Arch. Unless you had a Bruce Jenner poster on your wall as a kid and ate a whole lot of Wheaties. Then you're probably a little hurt and embarrassed lol.

Maybe you even had the floppy haircut.

Ever hear of J. Edgar Hoover?
Yep, but Hoover and the folks didn't go around flaunting their exploits. Today it is celebrated. In their time it was shameful.
Yep, but Hoover and the folks didn't go around flaunting their exploits. Today it is celebrated. In their time it was shameful.

Flaunting it? You're a fvcking moron. The guy has recently contemplated suicide because of it and has done everything he could to hide it from obsessive paparazzi. He hid it from wives and children for decades. Only now, in the later stages of his life, has he worked up the courage to be who he feels most comfortable being.

How the fvck has he flaunted anything?
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Flaunting it? You're a fvcking moron. The guy has recently contemplated suicide because of it and has done everything he could to hide it from obsessive paparazzi. He hid it from wives and children for decades. Only now, in the later stages of his life, has he worked up the courage to be who he feels most comfortable being.

How the fvck has he flaunted anything?

So you are making excuses for his weird a**? Didn't he just run over somebody and kill them? And, poor Bruce. How long was he on the damn show with his family and everyone prying it to it? He liked that attention didn't he?

All this is a weirdo wanting an attention grab. Courage? Is he your hero? He is waste of resources.
I'm not sure that being talked about on a message board either infringes on his life or denies him his constitutional rights HRHF. Im not sure I see your point. Is someone trying to prevent him from doing this? If not, people who deviate from the norm are going to be talked about. Always have and always will. But the same constitution that protects his right to do what he's doing protects the rights of those who criticize his decisions.
So you are making excuses for his weird a**? Didn't he just run over somebody and kill them? And, poor Bruce. How long was he on the damn show with his family and everyone prying it to it? He liked that attention didn't he?

All this is a weirdo wanting an attention grab. Courage? Is he your hero? He is waste of resources.

I'm not making excuses for him because there is nothing to make an excuse for.

What does a car accident three months ago have to do with anything? He was driving under the speed limit, his haul was well under state law, and the police confirmed he wasn't texting or on the phone.

You are such a close-minded bigot that you are trying to find any reason to hate the guy.

You saying this is an attention grab is as dumb as you saying he is flaunting anything he has spent decades hiding it all the way up until a week ago when he would painstakingly hide himself and try to avoid cameras around town. His new house is even way out in the hills to avoid attention and paparazzi, which hasn't been successful.

His feelings don't fit into your white-bred out of date opinions so you search for any way that you can to dislike him.
Rifle your last couple of sentences sound very similar to how the gay mafia treat those against gay marriage. The fact is both sides would benefit from talking with and trying to understand the other side
I'm not sure that being talked about on a message board either infringes on his life or denies him his constitutional rights HRHF. Im not sure I see your point. Is someone trying to prevent him from doing this? If not, people who deviate from the norm are going to be talked about. Always have and always will. But the same constitution that protects his right to do what he's doing protects the rights of those who criticize his decisions.

Forgive me, GK. I'll just keep my opinions to myself going forward. Jesus ****ing Christ on a cracker, you're like the GD Pullman Square hall monitor.
What? For disagreeing with you? You were basically stating that this country use to be about "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness". I thought that reference didn't hit the mark because Jenner was denied nothing. I expressed that opinion know....message boards and all. Your reaction is baffling. Hall monitor? That's ridiculous.
Rifle your last couple of sentences sound very similar to how the gay mafia treat those against gay marriage. The fact is both sides would benefit from talking with and trying to understand the other side

When a guy has shown nothing but old-fashioned beliefs on various topics, has attempted to state that Jenner is "flaunting" this, and has tried arguing the car accident, it leads to one conclusion: a white-bred, bigoted guy trying to find any reason, even if they don't make sense, to be against the guy.
I'm not making excuses for him because there is nothing to make an excuse for.

What does a car accident three months ago have to do with anything? He was driving under the speed limit, his haul was well under state law, and the police confirmed he wasn't texting or on the phone.

You are such a close-minded bigot that you are trying to find any reason to hate the guy.

You saying this is an attention grab is as dumb as you saying he is flaunting anything he has spent decades hiding it all the way up until a week ago when he would painstakingly hide himself and try to avoid cameras around town. His new house is even way out in the hills to avoid attention and paparazzi, which hasn't been successful.

His feelings don't fit into your white-bred out of date opinions so you search for any way that you can to dislike him.

You are right. How can a man trying to be a woman and not understanding it nor liking it(it is so damn odd and doesn't happen very often) be out of date? Honestly?

Do you feel for every cause? Or for every circus freak? Bruce Jenner is a weirdo. He can do what he wants to do. But, I am not going to be politically correct about it.
When a guy has shown nothing but old-fashioned beliefs on various topics, has attempted to state that Jenner is "flaunting" this, and has tried arguing the car accident, it leads to one conclusion: a white-bred, bigoted guy trying to find any reason, even if they don't make sense, to be against the guy.

Old fashioned beliefs? Look at the weirdo, going on national tv starving for attention. Look at me, I am woman! Ok, weirdo go be a woman.

Most people think he is a weirdo. I think he is a weirdo and all those folks are like the Kardashians or these reality shows. They thrive on that stuff.

I don't have to accept it nor like it.
You are right. How can a man trying to be a woman and not understanding it nor liking it(it is so damn odd and doesn't happen very often) be out of date? Honestly?

so, being against somebody who is transgender isnt "out of date," but being a homophobe and admitted racist, as you have repeatedly shown, is.
so, being against somebody who is transgender isnt "out of date," but being a homophobe and admitted racist, as you have repeatedly shown, is.

You don't give a crap about that stuff anymore than I do. You are just trying to make yourself feel better.
What would they put on TV if there was no controversy over this? Something worse probably. Nudists. Fat, nasty ones. Lobbying to make it legal everywhere. Naked fat people shedding in McDonald's as you wait for your order.

Someone has to push back against all this, and I don't have the fire anymore for it. What do I care? I'm just going to hole up and watch baseball anyway.

Fight the good fight, dinosaurs. Keep that hair out of my McDouble as long as you can.
What they need to come up with is a special cable channel to place all of this crap. They could call it something like Fag TV. Put all of the homo's, lesbos, and freaks on that station, and let them have at it. They can also put a ticker at the foot, so that the professional sports leagues can announce the latest fag to come out of the shadows. I don't care if Robert wants to play with Don's pecker. I just want the option of not having to see it. I figure they probably have stations like this already out there in queer land.
What they need to come up with is a special cable channel to place all of this crap. They could call it something like Fag TV. Put all of the homo's, lesbos, and freaks on that station, and let them have at it. They can also put a ticker at the foot, so that the professional sports leagues can announce the latest fag to come out of the shadows. I don't care if Robert wants to play with Don's pecker. I just want the option of not having to see it. I figure they probably have stations like this already out there in queer land.

This from a guy who admitted he would cower out of sight in a Build a Bear store. Something tells me he secretly watches many hours of Bravo Network too.....;)
The real problem is we weren't even meant to watch TV. TV is for Hollywood culture and its fans. We got roped in, but it's still not really our turf. We're supposed to turn it off and go chop a chicken's head off for supper, but we got bought off.

The laziness of city living lured us all from what we were supposed to be. Oh well, ordering a McChicken is too easy and cheap to give up.
Who cares what the hell he wants to be? How does this have any impact on your life (or anyone else you have any sort of connection with)?

I have every right to make fun of him. He can do what he wants, but I can laugh.

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